I am sure that billionaires like Bloomberg and Trump know the problems of the average u s citizen. Would anyone who believes this be interested in some ocean front property in Flordia.
No, but I'm up for ocean front property in Arizona.
Bloomberg is something of an oddity. He did many good things for NYC and a few not so good.
Kept the city fiscally responsible during his three terms, had approximately 1million trees planted. created actual bike lanes, many which are fully safe and not car or truck accessible.
Anyways, a big possibility of Bloomberg making noise about running, might be to push through some sense into the stack of candidates running. Get them to unite. One story has it that it's a not so subtle message to Biden.
Time will tell.
A big difference between them is Bloomberg wealth is real and not made up of stolen the way Trump alleged wealth is/has been.
They are throwing in every stripe of candidate in an attempt to make certain the convention sees a second ballot, where they can select their preferred nominee.
Too your point edgar, the super delegate ballots are, by rule, held until the 2 ballot this year. These Democratic Party superdelegates (who make up slightly under 15% of all convention delegates) include elected officials and party activists and officials. Democratic superdelegates are free to support any candidate for the presidential nomination.
Exactly my point. They couldn't nominate Howdy Doody, but there are plenty of candidates available that could be chosen from.
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Bloomberg will not contest first four states in Democratic nominating process. "If we run, we are confident we can win in states voting on Super Tuesday and beyond, where we will start on an even footing,” says Bloomberg adviser Howard Wolfson.
@Brand X,
So, this white billionaire is confident to win South Carolina.
Wonder how much James Clyburn costs. Wonder why poor and oppressed black voters by the thousands vote as he says.
Details coming soon.
Arijan Ramku 🌹
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A recap:
• @LulaOficial freed from jail, @BernieSanders & @jeremycorbyn send support, Lula endorses Bernie
• @chesaboudin leads in SF's DA race
• @cmkshama leads in Seattle city council
• Bernie & @AOC host largest rally in Iowa
Overall, a pretty good Friday for the Left.
He didn't have any noticeable impact in 2018. Black voters reason very well, thank you very much.
Will enjoy that little asshole Bloomberg explaining his pictures golfing with Trump and Clinton, but much more so, with Ghislane Maxwell, pedo procurer to the stars.
You know what’s actually disruptive,
@HillaryClinton? Millions of Americans not being able to afford lifesaving medications, not being able to afford to call an ambulance when needed or losing life savings when diagnosed w/ cancer.
A wealth tax isn’t disruptive. Guillotines are.
Quote Tweet
Justice Democrats
· 23h
Hillary Clinton called the wealth taxes proposed by Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren "unworkable" and said they would be "incredibly disruptive" if enforced.
Quote:Bloomberg TicToc
"Tell your parents not to get their opinions on Facebook," says
Also, tell your children and your friends. And yourselves.
And let us celebrate the refusal to go absolutist
Quote:Peter Daou
· 1h
I respect the choice of @BlackWomxnFor to back #Warren, just as I respect reps AOC, Tlaib, and Omar for endorsing #Bernie. We have to acknowledge that these decisions are being made with principle and deliberation.
blatham wrote:
And let us celebrate the refusal to go absolutist
Quote:Peter Daou
· 1h
I respect the choice of @BlackWomxnFor to back #Warren, just as I respect reps AOC, Tlaib, and Omar for endorsing #Bernie. We have to acknowledge that these decisions are being made with principle and deliberation.
Got to also recognize when you are being played.
Explain yourself, please.