I remember arguing with members here that the country was ready for a black president. So many on these pages said I was wrong.
‘If we were ready for a black president, we’d have one’ was the argument. I’m feeling the same thing now about MedicareForAll. We’ve made moves toward it, Obamacare tippled at it... Bernie’s push has forced the other Dem candidates to at least claim they’ll do something about it, though sensible people know they’re just talking.
But, it is time. A constellation of events has aligned. This is our time.
I made another convert today. Oddly at school. I never talk politics at school, but she brought it up. LOL!! And then a Trumper teacher walked in and I thought they were going to lock up.
Anyway, she mentioned excitement about Warren’s campaign and before I could check myself, I said, “But, you’re a lefty!”
She and I were on exactly the same page about the wonders of the Bern. She’s from CT and had met him, lives him, etc—but ‘didn’t think the country ‘was ready.’
I think I might’ve shamed her a bit. Didn’t mean to. We had a little talk about lefties hanging together and being true to what we know is right. She promised to vote Bern in the primary.
She came back in wild eyed because a trumper who’d walked in on our conversation and left immediately approached her and pressed a conversation—that she tried to back off from—and cited ‘fake news’ every time she tried to cite her specific arguments with Trump.
It was a little LIVE today.
I’m glad I emboldened/ cajoled her to vote her conscience. She came back in my room three times today, asking and talking about Bern, Warren and policy.
😳🤢So sorry to know how many Trumpies are on my hall.