Thank you. I also accept the sincerity of your views on these matters.
The irony of history is evident in the complete absence of any "bottom up" focus in the reality ( as opposed to rhetoric) of authoritarian Socialism, or any of its principal elements. It, like the political prescriptions of both Sanders and Warren, involves removing direct control of economic behavior from the hands of those directly involved in producing, selling, and buying goods and services, and transferring it to bureaucrats who presume to know better what's really good for the unwashed masses that they presume to guide and control.
This prescription, whether applied in full measure as in the Former Soviet Empire, or merely partially as in the pre 1980 Labor governments of the UK and other Western European powers, or the post colonial governments of African nations yielded only poor economic performance, shoddy infrastructure and services and mild poverty for all - except the ruling class of bureaucrats.