Quote:Medicare for All is at the top of discussion when 2016 candidates said “It will never happen here.”
You almost make it sound as if the
discussion weren't supposed to happen — it
has happened and will continue. But we still don't have MforA. That will need to be addressed, subsequent to discussion, in legislation. Which must be passed by both houses and upheld in the courts because you
know lawsuits will be filed.
Quote:The people clearly have more power because of the decision to reject the status quo.
People love to exercise the power of "NO!" but rejection of the status quo calls for a system to replace it. The country is currently closely divided between two competing types of "rejectionism" — and they are very different. I'm having a difficult time seeing what sort of consensus will emerge.
Quote:A few more elections like this and corrupt politicians won’t waste their time and money trying to be elected.
I don't know how you sustain such hope and optimism!