Biden, as with most of the spate of candidates, is likely a trojan horse. With dozens of candidates to choose from, they pool the delegates to select the mainstream candidate they feel did the best in the primaries.
You seem to have and maintain notions about an evil core at the center of the Dem party. I don't believe that is so, in the manner you seem to see it. That said, I do believe that both parties are far too dependent up wealthy corporate influences. In fact, I believe this is so in most western nations simply as a consequence of the power wielded by such corporate interests. I think it, or something just like it, is the fundamental battle in any human society - those who wish to control others and those who wish to
not be controlled.
But I'm hoping that you'll consider how your present position works in aid of the really bad guys. I've always liked Bernie but he's not the only white hat in town. (Also, I really want a woman to break through and achieve the presidency).