Reply Tue 26 Mar, 2019 11:10 am
Trump's spokesperson says:
He has done nothing wrong. And when you do nothing wrong you say, ‘Yeah, let’s see it all. Because there’s nothing there.

It's a sound argument that has broad general application except where:
- your legal people threaten legal action if your ******* school transcripts are released to public view
- or where your tax returns are withheld when other senior political figures release theirs
- or when you are ******* porno stars and you move to keep that true information from voters
- or when you have EVERYONE in your Whitehouse sign NDAs
- or when you pay money to all the students who got conned by your Trump University scam but demand all the pertinent information kept from view.

One day you might recognize how far down you are prepared to go to support this sociopath.
Reply Tue 26 Mar, 2019 11:14 am
blatham wrote:

One day you might recognize how far down you are prepared to go to support this sociopath.

I imagine it will be about the same time that the 2020 campaign starts up and he attempts to criticize whatever he sees a character flaws in the democratic candidate, only to be met with something like "Yeah, but is that as bad as cheating on your wife with a porn star while she was taking care of your newborn and then creating a campaign finance violation and risking possible criminal jailtime?"

Or "Yeah, but is that as bad as that time when Trump lied about having business deals in Russia and how his adoration of Putin and changing the language in the party platform while telling the American public that he has nothing to do with any business deals in Russia and all of these strange things he was doing were not being done for personal financial gain....only to find out that the entire time he was saying that, he was lying to your face...and you still support him even after the fact."

Oh, and I'm so glad that we never get to hear a republican president complain about executive overreach again after what Trump has been trying to get away with...with the support of most conservatives.

And any sort of complaint about how much a president golfs or vacations is now done with (as is the complaints about the cost associated).

And any sort of complaint about a president "disrespecting the office" is now gone after Trump.

As is any sort of complain about a president not "being presidential".

All complaints about any previous business dealings are off the table too or making money off being president.

Oh, and it's no ok for staff to use personal email and Whatsapp.

Also it's fine to circumvent the security clearance protocols now too.

And if you want to hire your family to do work for you, that's all ok now too.

They can't even complain about flat out, bold face, obvious lies anymore. Not after defending this guy.
Reply Tue 26 Mar, 2019 11:15 am
One day you might recognize how far down you are prepared to go to support this sociopath.

One day you will realize you are still looking up to see him.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Mar, 2019 11:56 am
BULLSHIT. he raised $6,000,000 in record time. THAT WAS NOT INDIVIDUAL DONORS. No donor list...hmmmm

No presidential campaign either. The quoted contribution rules were from his senatorial campaign against Cruz.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Mar, 2019 03:41 pm
blatham wrote:

Lash wrote:
I reject cults of personality.

I wrote:
Yes, we've noticed that about you.

Lash wrote:
I see you’ve dropped all pretense and now speak openly, using the royal ‘we’.

Nobody on this site who isn't a Trumpism adherent, and I do mean nobody, writes posts (as differentiated from what you actually might think) that are a better example of personality cultist than you.

By "we" above, I meant everybody on this site with the possible exception of
Edgar, understand this to be the case.

The malice you continually express in your posts is always directed towards people on the left (to be fair, let's say 95%). This malice almost never attaches itself to individuals on the right whether we are referring to posters here or political figures in the nation.

I don't trust you. And I'm not going to read you or engage you any further.

This is what happens when a person has boxed himself into a corner.
I am the least personality cultist in these pages. I vote for one person because he closely espouses my views. I don’t agree with everything he says, and I’m comfortable saying so.

Blatham has been infuriated that I don’t agree with every morsel dropped from Bernie’s mouth, and then, out of the other side of his mouth, hilariously accuses me of being a personality cultist.

Politicians work for me; I don’t make excuses for them. When we all adopt that mindset, we’ll stop bickering among ourselves, protecting highly paid politicians from criticism, and they will begin to reflect our will.

Until then, old skool thinking will have us distracting ourselves from what is vitally important while they rob and murder us.

Wake up, ffs.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Mar, 2019 03:48 pm
The memory hole will gobble it all. Remember when budget deficits were unsustainable and the purest indicator of bad governance? Remember when Obama was born in Kenya, was a Muslim who hates America and how he must be hiding something because he wouldn't share his grades?

Etcetera etfuckingcetera
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Mar, 2019 03:50 pm
Quinnipiac poll released today shows support for Medicare for All is dropping from late 2017.

Could be within the margin of error, but also could not be.

Q: Do you think that removing the current health care system and replacing it with a single payer system, in which the federal government would expand Medicare to cover the medical expenses of every American citizen, is a good idea or a bad idea?

Good Idea
3/26/19 - 43%
9/28/17- 46%
8/3/17 - 51%

Bad Idea
3/26/19 - 45%
9/28/17- 41%
8/3/17 - 38%
Reply Tue 26 Mar, 2019 03:56 pm
Wonder if AOC will change her tune about D buddies now that the Green New Deal was defeated 57-0 with more than 40 of those Dem buds abstaining??

Hope she opens her eyes.
Reply Tue 26 Mar, 2019 03:58 pm
Not surprising. Many have gained insurance under the ACA and we can understand the fears that attend uncertainty re a new system. Plus the issue is extremely complicated (as Trump said, "Who knew it would be so complicated". Aside from that, the US is awash in propaganda regarding all of this. That Obama managed to get the ACA done was an amazing feat given an opposition whose motives were to kill it at all costs because they worried about future electoral consequences IF CITIZENS WERE HELPED.
Reply Tue 26 Mar, 2019 04:02 pm
Of course.

My hope in posting these numbers (my goal, I suppose) is to highlight how difficult the process will be and how if progressives want to implement Medicare for All then they should focus on electing Democrats and convincing the democratic voters that Single Payer (no insurance companies) Medicare for All is the best policy in their view.

Stop brow-beating people who don't believe in your policy and start doing the work to convince them.
Reply Tue 26 Mar, 2019 04:10 pm

Stop brow-beating people who don't believe in your policy and start doing the work to convince them.

Stop lying too, not you, Blatham.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Mar, 2019 04:12 pm
Hope she opens her eyes.

She simply says what she is told to say by her handlers.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Mar, 2019 04:29 pm
Yes. I'm with ya
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Mar, 2019 09:07 pm
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Mar, 2019 01:17 am
I suppose the right question to put to a poll would be:

"Do you support medicare for all even though it would allow Godzila to smash dowtown New York, Chicago, LA, Miami and Dalas to smitherine?"
Brand X
Reply Wed 27 Mar, 2019 04:26 am
'Wonder if AOC will change her tune about D buddies now that the Green New Deal was defeated 57-0 with more than 40 of those Dem buds abstaining??

Hope she opens her eyes.'

They had to vote in solidarity otherwise it would have pressured all the 2020 candidates sign onto the GND, but they haven't, and won't. Plus the Dem buds would have to defend GND back in their home districts. So they had to be all in or all out, probably a smart move even though it gave the opposition some fodder.
Reply Wed 27 Mar, 2019 05:02 am
@Brand X,
Of course you're correct....but not even BERNIE signed on for the GND. He's not supposed to be a real politician.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Mar, 2019 07:35 am
Speaking for myself I am more worried about losing my present health care insurance than anything else.
Donald Trump is very committed to taking away your health insurance

The number of people who lack health insurance in Kentucky would rise by 151 percent, according to data from the nonprofit Urban Institute. In Montana, the number of uninsured would rise by 176 percent

Reply Wed 27 Mar, 2019 07:42 am
Now there is a rational fear. They DO want to take it away while lying through their teeth about that, pretending they give the slightest damn what happens to you.
Brand X
Reply Wed 27 Mar, 2019 07:46 am
Joke of day, because they were so good at having an ACA replacement ready in 2016:

"Trump says GOP will be the party of health care,"
0 Replies

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