Reply Sat 9 Mar, 2019 06:08 pm
So let me get this straight: The president of the United States has called neo-Nazis "very fine people";
He has done no such thing. He was clearly referring to the people protesting against the left's anti-south bigotry.

While a private citizen, he . . . kept a book of Adolf Hitler's speeches on his bedside table.
Is there a cite for this?

So my simple point is this: Whether or not you agree with Omar’s remarks, whether or not you were personally offended, anyone who tells you that these nonstop, bipartisan political attacks on her are about fighting anti-Semitism is gaslighting you.
I've looked up the definition of gaslighting several times. I always forget what it means five minutes later.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Mar, 2019 06:18 pm
blatham wrote:

I have never went to college

Throat-clearing sound.

Spell it out for us blatham.
Reply Sat 9 Mar, 2019 06:22 pm
For anyone who did not watch the video on AOC. Here is what it "alledges" and backs up to credible extent. AOC applied for this job. People were looking for star power. The other claim is her campaign manager is the brains behind her.

It claims there is an organized effort to replace establishment Democrats with crazed or paid socialists. AOC was one of three they hired that made it to Congress. They, of course, are backed by Soros.

BTW it also says AOC's manager idolized an Indian guy who thought government should be a mix of Nazism and Communism. Watch the video, get some names.
0 Replies
Brand X
Reply Sat 9 Mar, 2019 07:11 pm
That's a large chunk of the 4 trillion dollar personal debt in the US which is a new record. 7 million of these folks are 3 or more car payments behind, another record.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Mar, 2019 07:20 pm
Iowa poll

Matthew Iglesias has id'd this as key

Even though Biden and Sanders represent opposite ends of the Democratic ideological spectrum, much of their support overlaps.

If Biden decided not to run, 30 percent of those who name him as their first-choice candidate would switch their allegiance to Sanders, whom they named as their second choice. Among those who say Sanders is their first choice, 40 percent say Biden is their second choice.


Voters not seeing ideological “lanes.”
Reply Sat 9 Mar, 2019 07:51 pm
That's very promising for the Democratic Party. I've been thinking the party cannot sustain its rift between its spectrum.
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Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2019 06:15 am
Stand with Ilhan Retweeted

Waleed Shahid
’s critique of “moderates” is spot on.

Moderates are more naive than the visionaries if they think tinkering around the edges will solve systemic problems in our democracy and economy.

It’s time to rewrite the social contract, not manage decline.
Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2019 07:30 am
It’s time to rewrite the social contract, not manage decline.

The two aren't mutually exclusive.
Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2019 07:35 am
Rewriting the social contract may avoid the decline. Doing nothing ensures its downward progress.
Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2019 09:15 am
Thank you for the information.

I showed my granddaughter your post. She has never heard of FAFSA. (She was also embarrassed by my question, "Oh my gosh, mamaw.")
Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2019 09:32 am
I would recommend that your granddaughter go to community college for her first two years as well. There really isn’t a more cost effective option out there. Even with great high school grades, why spend $50,000 when you can spend $12,000 for the same classes?
Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2019 09:49 am
I agree.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2019 10:02 am
Guidance Counselors inform rising Juniors about this, related scholarships, and they have meetings for parents/guardians to offer more information and assistance, if needed.
Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2019 10:11 am
She is a sophomore but thank you. She has already had (still is I reckon) some college classes.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2019 10:25 am
I think I could get behind “free community college”, but only if a degree or certification is earned. I do fundamentally believe that people, especially young people, need financial skin in the game for most things. People don’t treat gifts nearly as well as things they’ve paid for.

So here’s how I see it, students sign on for student loans for community college which get forgiven 100% if they receive a 2 year degree within 4 years. After that, they are converted to regular loans that must be paid back if a degree/certificate isn’t earned.

Some states have done this for years.

Even that said, I think I’d want to have this be a 15 year test program to see if numbers improve.
Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2019 11:13 am
I would support this with the addition of lowered interest rates.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2019 11:27 am
longer period to complete it, and scam colleges like the huge for-profit betsy-devos-approved chain which just folded, leaving tens of thousands of students in the lurch with huge debt, excluded from the program.
Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2019 11:45 am
as has been shown, your 20 year period (I notice you're no longer calling them cycles, since they aren't clyclic,, and you were wrong) has no predictive value, . particularly since the majority of the country is heatirly sick of the uber right wing period of the last two years, and since half the country says they definitely won't vote for trump in 2020 anyd only about a third say they will. Your prediction has no basis in fact.
Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2019 12:00 pm
You were the person calling them cycles, not me. I only called them cycles when I was replying to posts where you called them cycles. If the term cycles is wrong, then it is you who was wrong to use that term.

And no, so far my prediction has been spot on.

Check back with me after election day 3032 and let's see if the Republicans have not just won the White House for the fifth time in a row.

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