This is just too ******* priceless. Sean Hannity on today's upcoming testimony from Michael Cohen...
Quote: Let's preview what is about to go down tomorrow in our nation's swamp.
Cohen was Trump's personal lawyer doing likely criminal and certainly corrupt things for Trump.
Cohen was Hannity's personal lawyer.
But "the swamp" isn't Trump or Hannity or even Cohen. It is the FBI, Mueller and Dems.
This really does bring into focus the use of "swamp" we've seen from the right. Though Trump promised in his campaign that he'd have no truck with lobbyists and "consultants"
Quote:“I’m going to … expand the definition of lobbyists,” Trump said on Oct. 18, 2016. “So that we close all the loopholes that former government officials use by labeling themselves as consultants and advisers when we all know that really what they are is lobbyists.”
Of course, he did something like the exact opposite, placing ex-lobbyists (and others with serious conflicts of interest that can and have feathered their own nests - Trump and family being the most obvious case in point) throughout the senior ranks of his government. So, what does "swamp" mean in rightwing land?
"Things we don't like" is the actual working definition. The mainstream media = swamp (not right wing media, of course). The government agencies investigating Trump = swamp (Kenneth Starr, a brave man standing for justice in the face of constant personal attacks). Etc
The abuse of language here has two goals. One, to denigrate (in the most unreasonable and deceitful ways) anything that the modern right deems an impediment or danger to their political power. Second, and this is probably more important, the forwarding of the on-going narrative that "government is bad". As Bill Kristol laid out explicitly in his memo to Republicans on how to attack Hillarycare, if the bill was passed then citizens would become re-aquainted with the great good that government can do for those citizens and as a consequence, Republican electoral future would be badly damaged perhaps for a very long while.