blatham wrote:
Yeah. It's a sadness for me that so many folks are unprepared to confront the complexities of such an endeavor. Passion is a grand thing except where it is melded with unrealistic certainties.
I was recently listening to an interview with David Milch. He said that reason is about 17th on the list of human attributes and that he'd be quite content if it was ranked much lower.
The explicit and implicit presumptions here that the reasoning ability of "the people" is limited ( and therefore in need of the self appointed "vanguards" who would lead them to an illusory peace and security) are reminiscent of the writings of early Marxists and as well as those of the early activists who brought so much mass murder, destruction and mismanagement of the former Soviet empire, Maoist China and to the first post colonial generation of "socialist" ( = autocratic tyranny) governments in Africa. In view of the ghastly history of these failed systems throughout the 20th century it is truly remarkable to see this stupidity repeated again.
Individual freedom is in fact a sometimes rare occurrence in history, but the Western world has evolved to provide generally high levels of this precious thing.
I believe one of the central lessons of human history is that it is the self-appointed "elites" who suppose that they alone know what is good for everyone else ( prominent examples include Tamerlane, Oliver Cromwell, Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, the various petty dictators of the Former Soviet Satellites in Easter Europe, from Ulbricht of the GDR to Ceausescu of Romania) who have done the greatest harm to humanity.
Ordinary people (including the supposed proletarians needing the guidance of such self appointed elites) are in fact quite good at determining what is really in their self interest. The architects of Obamacare, prominently including profs. Jonathan Gruber and Ezekiel Emanuel turned out to be arrogant idiots with a rather low regard for the intelligence and actual interests of the people whose freedom they were planning to replace with the sophomoric pile of unworkable stupidities known as Obamacare. The last thing we need is efforts to restore and "improve " it.
The simple fact is that in a government run single payer system the doctors and hospitals work for the government, not their patients, and the bureaucrats in charge tend to destroy research & innovation and, because they are generally not accountable to the people they "serve", ration care as they see fit - the key precursor to the stagnation ( in the best systems) and corruption and tyranny ( in the others) that almost inevitably results.