Thu 3 Mar, 2005 11:13 pm
In general, of course.
It seems to be a popular myth that a healthy sex life makes you a happy, well-adjusted individual, able to cope with whatever life throws at you with a smile.
That's bullshit. I'm not getting any right now, and I'm so cheerful I could just ****.
What do you think?
I don't think that sex has much to do with it. I think married or paired couples are happier, by a slim margin, because they have a partnership. They have someone to lean on when times are tough, someone to help with the bills when money is scarce and someone to take the trash out every other time.
I think sex makes people healthier. My theory is that you need to use it or lose it - sort of. I think that regular sex keeps the body healthy. Not just healthy, muscle-wise, I think it helps to regulate hormones too. Just my opinion.
It has been my experience that screwing has nothing to do with hapiness. If it did, all married and paired couples would be happy and the divorce rate would be much lower.
I agree. We all know I haven't had any for a long long time, but I've never been happier :-D
Happiness is something you're born with.
Sex is just the icing on the cake
Montana wrote:I agree. We all know I haven't had any for a long long time, but I've never been happier :-D
Just think how happier we would be though.
Yeah, I know it wouldn't make me unhappy to get some every now and again ;-) In fact, I could really use some right about now, sigh!
I know if I got laid every night by a different hottie, I'd be even happier. But I'm happy either way, I can't afford that, and I won't bang escorts.
Grass is always greener, when looking at it, relationship-wise. When I have a girlfriend, I miss being single. When I'm single, there's things I miss about having a girlfriend(like sex all the time...and the beatings).
Depends on the realtionship. Nothing is better than being in a great relattionship, but nothing is worse than being stuck in a bad one. I would much rather be a sexless single than living with horny inconsiderate loser.
I think that people who are having sex tend to be happier because orgasm releases chemicals that make us feel relaxed and happy.
Which is probably why casual sex is so accpetable. It's like a fix.
I want to hump like a bunny every day AND have a quality relationship with meaningful conversation at the same time. What could be better than total emotional and sexual fulfillment in a relationship? Maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic. (or is that HELPLESS romantic??) At this point it doesn't matter because I don't use the calendar to keep track of when the last time I has sex I just count the number of New Year's celebrations that I've been through since the last time I got laid. It's been 8 New Years celebrations so far....
Good day!
If I get past my present relationship doldrums, I'm thinking about trying to figure out how to negotiate a zipless encounter (see Erica Jong circa 1973). I seem to be wired so that, if I'm lucky enough to get lucky, I descend straight into a crazy dysfunctional relationship. Or, on the other extreme, I seem to detour straight into the "friend zone" - that sterile, sexless place where one's identity (and cojones) seems to fade into insignificance.
In my mind, I picture a place where I can go out with someone, and maybe have sex with them without it causing too much complication or unpleasantness on either part.
Many good points.
It seems the the people we can easily have sex with arnt the people we want to have a long relationship with which is a really annoying unbalance(if there is such a word)
Im f***ing miserable at the moment.I hate my job,have no boyfriend and my life is quite empty(but I do appreciate what i do have like family, friends, a roof over my head etc).
I would say that people who have sex are happier.
It just generally makes them feel like an attractive human being first and foremost then the orgasm chemicals come into play, along with the having someone to treat and think about etc
It's also very good for the immune system.
Christ, I wish I was ill.
That attitude isn't going to get you laid, missy!
What if you are screwing, but it doesn;t do much for you at all... does that count?? happiness is what u make it
Zane-Naughty Material Girl, I must be spanked.
Your right, i dont think a good sneeze right at the crucial moment is going to do me any favours.
Crazie-Im jealous of people who can just screw for the hell of it and it annoys me immensly if they dont enjoy it.Whats the point!!??
MG- It makes my boyfriend happy and gets him too shut up... but it just doesn't last long enough