Yes. I presume Trump or his cronies have friends or financial investment in Nestle. They seem to be the company which most aggressively pushes formula feeding in the third world, to far greater detriment to infants than formula feeding is in first world countries, because many mothers in the third world do not have access to uncontaminated water, so the formula can literally kill babies.
Also, the formula costs a lot so they may not be able to afford to make it at full strength, so babies are not fed enough.
This bullying by the US will likely allow formula companies to continue to lie and push formula feeding as better than breast to third world mothers. They did this in countries like the US and Australia in the fifties, by the way. As well as making multinationals even more rich, it kills and stunts the health of many babies of poor families.
Of course, not everyone can breast feed, or feed enough by breast, for a variety of reasons and formulas are great in that situation.
Let's make America great again.
At least Nestle is beginning to have meaningful punishments imposed on it for its appalling practices, but I am sure many other companies are also profiting from this appalling behaviour.