Steve (as 41oo) wrote:I confess I have developed a particular disdain for organised religion in recent years. I used to think overly religious people were simply deluded. Now its clear there are two types of religious people, the deluded and the dangerously deluded. The tsunami that hit in the Indian ocean was not an act of God. But the attacks of 9/11 were. It seriously depresses me when I find people looking for answers to modern day problems by searching a book written 1900 or 1400 years ago. Those texts, the bible and the koran, between them must be responsible for more human misery than any other book in existance. They should be safely put away in university libraries to be studied only by qualified historians and social anthropologists. Close the bible and the koran and open your mind. If God hadn't wanted you to think, he wouldn't have given you a brain. And if anyone is offended by this, well I haven't finished. Monotheism must be the single worst idea of all time. Judaism is racist, Islam is repressive and Christianity is a nonsense. Out of the three if I'm forced to make a choice (and it seems people these days are increasingly forced to make a choice) then I'd go for nonsense and Christianity. From my childhood I learned one thing about the New Testament...that its central message was "Love one another". Thats all you need to know. Out of nonsense comes sense.
Evolution is death. One word: "Holocaust".
I used to hate (though without much passion) people who quoted anything out of context and used it for their agendas, whatever they might be. Now I welcome them, and especially so when they quote Bible verses out of context. Having said that, here is the context of your beloved Bible verse:
"Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: "`Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' [Deut. 6:5] This is the first and greatest commandment.
And the second is like it: `Love your neighbour as yourself.' [Lev. 19:18] All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."" -- Matthew 22:34-40
You say Christianity is nonsense. Fine, you're entitled to your opinion. But you will see that 'love one another' is not the primary concern. So, I ask you then, in the context of your "sense rising from nonsense":
"What is your definition of Love, and why do you bother Loving anyone but yourself (which i have presumed that you do indeed Love yourself)?"
Please explain and expound for the rest of us who so blindly believe nonsense - that we may emerge from our non-sensical logic like single-celled amoebas emerging from the great and holy primordial soup that is god-like in its life giving energy, remembering that order does not exist in this cold and murky soup, but rather chaos reigns, like one who believes that kicking a bunch of random bricks for at least 50 million years will result in an infinitely complex, perfect, and earthquake-proof two story house, fully equipped with kitchen, bedroom suite, dining room, 5.1 surround sound lounge room, 100" Plasma TV with HDTV, polished tile floors, full sized glass windows that stretch the perimeter of the house and a water feature for the front garden equipped with one small, but cute-ish gnome.