Re: thunder_runner32
Replies to what other people have said so far:
Eorl wrote:The position of Jesus or the bible should not be relevant in any country where church and state are seperate.
That's a good point (legally, anyway). Biblical teachings, or the teachings of any religion, should not be a factor in deciding whether or not certain things are legal. However, this discussion pertains to what the Bible says about Capital Punishment.
theantibuddha wrote:Besides, jails are expensive. Such punishment is inefficient on a societal level. If you're really after suffering as well as death then I suppose you could hang, draw and quarter them. Not only does it cost much less but if you sell tickets it makes great entertainment for the whole family.
Actually, it costs more to put somebody on Death Row then to put them in prison for life. This is the truth because we, the taxpayers, have to pay for all of the legal fees of all the appeals that they go through. Furthermore, people can spend up to 30 years on Death Row because our court system is incredibly backlogged.
And if you get your kicks by watching people getting executed... Well, there were public executions throughout history, I guess... Still...
theantibuddha wrote:(facts and figures, etc.)
It's not my fault if the government isn't cost-effective in how it runs its death penalty.
While the death penalty is not considered Cruel and Unsual for any legal adult (recently declared Cruel and Unusual for juveniles; see
here), the method of killing does have to abide by that Amendment. However, the method itself isn't what is costing a lot of money: It's the term spent on death row (up to 30 years) and all of the appeals that the guilty party makes the death penalty much more expensive than life in prison.
Tenoch wrote:On the other side I get sick to my stomach when I think about having to pay taxes to support this scum for the rest of their lives. They should find ways to make jails self supporting.
Again, it costs us more to have somebody on Death Row than to have somebody in prison for life.
Eorl wrote:Why no cut the arm off a murderer, castrate a rapist..?...sure it's brutal, but nothing is more brutal than complete destruction.
Some countries do that, and their crime rate is as low as 1%. That's a good thing, but they have a lot less rights than we do. In this case, the 8th Amendment would
definitely be violated. I'm not saying that some people don't deserve those punishments. I'm saying that they are not allowed constitutionally.
My opinion on Capital Punishment:
I could never live knowing that I had taken another life, whether he/she deserved it or not. Personally, We do not have the right to take the life of others (neither us nor the government). The crime does not justify the punishment.
The current death penalty system does not work. It's costing the taxpayers way more money then it should, and is in no way a deterrent to crime. One of two things needs to happen:
1) Abolish it entirely (the one I would choose). Have the criminals spend the rest of their days in prison. Some may argue that they have 3 square meals a day, a place to live, and even cable television (in some cases.) I say that having your liberty taken away from you is a big-enough punishment.
2) Change the way it works so that it is more efficient, less expensive, and is a deterrent to crime. I don't know how many appeals a person gets, but I know that it takes years and years to go through them all, and they are always contesting the same thing: "I shouldn't have the death penalty because..." I say that you have one appeal, with one chance to argue why you don't deserve the death penalty. I also say that you only spend as much time on Death Row as you need in order for the appeal to take place. After that, you're done. The death penalty is applied swiftly. If it was applied quickly, it would be a deterrent to crime.
My views on Capital Punishment in relation to the Bible:
In the Old Testament, the Law was basically "An Eye for an Eye." If you took your neighbor's animals, he took yours. If you committed murder, you were stoned to death. However, in the New Testament, Jesus revoked the old laws, and gave us two main laws to follow. At school, thunder_runner32 made an intelligent statement: "Learn from the Old Testament, but live off of the New Testament." This is why I believe that Capital Punishment, from the Bible's point of view, is wrong. Jesus was all about compassion and love, not about pain and punishment.