Capital Punishment and the Bible(particularly New Testament)

cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 7 Mar, 2005 08:37 pm
I don't know the bible, but these are from the bible.
Exodus 22:18 -- "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." One reason why millions of innocent women as well as men were tortured and murdered in the name of God.
Deut 25:11-12 Should a wife, in defense of her husband, accidentally grab the privates of the man her husband is fighting with, her hand must be cut off. "Thine eye must show no pity" -- Just one of the many, ridiculous anti-women lines.
Numbers 31:1-18 Jehovah tells Moses and Aaron to go to the Midianites and kill all the men, then take the booty, the women and children back to their encampments, then to kill all the mothers (because they had sex), then to kill all the boys, and finally to take all the virgins as slaves. -- This is the God you want me to honor!?
Leviticus 20:13 Put to death homosexuals....for being homosexuals. Also Romans 1 32 - which was quoted by the God-Hates-Fags minister regarding the murder of Matthew Shepard.
Leviticus 21:16-23 Nobody who is handicapped may come close to the alter of God as they would profane it. Blind, lame, whatever. It's your fault you were born that way, I guess.

Leviticus 24:14-23 Anyone who blasphemes or curses shall be stoned to death by the entire community. How come there aren't more stonings?Numbers 15:32-36 Violate the Sabbath (a.k.a. the 3rd commandment) and the penalty is death by stoning. What a loving god.Deut 13:6-10 If your wife or brother or anyone entices you toward a new religion you must kill him/her without fail..

Deut 17:2-7 Kill everyone who has a religious view different from your own. This gives christians the right to kill all Muslims, Buddhists, Atheists, Jews, and Indians.2-Chronicles 15:13 - "That anyone should not search for Jehovah thy God should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman." Show no mercy.Deut 20:16-17 God commands you to kill lots of people "nothing breathing shall be alive."

Duet 22:23-24 Kill rape victims if they fail to cry out loud enough.

Duet 23:1-2 "No man with crushed testicles shall come into the congregation of Jehovah, nor an illegitimate child."

Joshua 8:24-35 Joshua felt absolutely comfortable after massacring 12,000 people of Ai to carve the Ten Commandments in stone.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Mar, 2005 09:52 pm
headofthefield wrote:
Ok, imposter your comment able the ten commandments is completely off base. The idea about that commandment is clearly explained throught-out the rest of the bible. I recommend reading Leviticus.

Guess I'll walk into the middle of this.......... Why do you say that Cicerone's comment is completely off base. One of the ten commandment does say "Thou shalt not kill".

Why should it need explaining through out the rest of the Bible?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Mar, 2005 10:03 pm
CI, you can't win with these guys, you point out all the stupidity in Leviticus, and they say, "Well Jesus came along and re-wrote the rules on what to do" and then you ask "Why do you want capital punishment?" and they answer "Go read Leviticus !! "
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Mar, 2005 10:40 pm
Have you seen this one Cicerone?

How well we know what a profitable superstition this fable of Christ has been for us........... Pope Leo X (1513-1521)

Why has the church gone to such great lengths to deceive us

• No matter what your beliefs are….
• No matter what you have been told….
• No matter where you live in the world….
• No matter what you have been taught in school….
• No matter what religion or political group you support…

Are you prepared to question your core beliefs?

Occasionally, a book comes along that should be read by everybody in the interest of understanding ourselves through an understanding of history. The Bible Fraud is one such book…

0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2005 04:24 am
God gave man dominon over all the Earth. To subdue it, name it and care for it. Nowhere in Genesis 1-3 does God give dominon of Man over to Man.

In NT, one story sticks out in particular.
Peter draws his sword in defence of Christ. But Jesus says, "put it away, those who draw the sword will die by the sword" (paraphrased). I think Jesus wasn't just speaking to Peter, but to us too... we're martyrs for Christ Jesus, the Kingdom of God that is true life.

If you read historical books, you'll see that in them they speak of Christians as 'cruelly and heavily oppressed' by the Romans, yet their "religion" grew like no other. That's because Christ wasn't just crucified. He was resurrected and lives in heaven now. God has made the foolishness of man into his power. Death cannot stop his Gospel going out, and as history has proven, killing Christians only make the Lord God's witness shine even brighter (Christians follow in the footsteps of Jesus - or at least they're supposed to - and Jesus was crucified for doing nothing wrong).

Oh, back to the topic - knowing all that, and the life of Christ, it makes sense that Christians should not take the life of another human... that works all round, except for when you have wars. But that's another topic altogether Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2005 04:37 am
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2005 04:55 am
Eorl wrote:
it makes sense that Christians should not take the life of another human

We're not talking about christians, we're talking about the USA.

USA claims to be a Christian nation (or government at least).
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2005 04:56 am
Re: Capital Punishment and the Bible(particularly New Testam
Eorl wrote:
it makes sense that Christians should not take the life of another human

We're not talking about christians, we're talking about the USA.

thunder_runner32 wrote:
I used to think that the death penalty was justified...but now I am not so sure. I would like to see what others think about this. I am particularly interested in what Jesus had to say. Thanks! P.S. Please do not just post a bunch of crap or links...I would like real discussion. Smile

0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2005 05:02 am
USA claims to be a Christian nation (or government at least).

It does ?? Since when ??
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2005 05:10 am
Magginkat wrote:
Have you seen this one Cicerone?

How well we know what a profitable superstition this fable of Christ has been for us........... Pope Leo X (1513-1521)

Why has the church gone to such great lengths to deceive us

• No matter what your beliefs are….
• No matter what you have been told….
• No matter where you live in the world….
• No matter what you have been taught in school….
• No matter what religion or political group you support…

Are you prepared to question your core beliefs?

Only a Christian since AUG 00, yes i am. Fire away.

Question for you: "Who do you think Jesus is?" (i'm not even going to bother answering if you've just got some half-arsed answer).

Forget the Church, catholic or otherwise - the question isn't: do you like the catholic/anglican etc. church. it is: "who is Jesus?"

You stated fable. Why fable. A half-arsed answer will have no answer, "just because" they will say. I know, because I did that for 19 years.
"Oh, God, Jesus, wtf are these knobs talking about. Such superstition. Evolution has disproven Christianity, religion just gives ppl false hopes for their loved dead ones, can't these ppl just look around, where is God now? I see death on the streets, ppl starving in the world, terrorism on the rise, as if God is real!"

But they are just opinions, my opinions. Here are some real historical facts:

Jesus lived, Jesus died - 30 A.D. and Jesus rose - 30.3 A.D.
Jesus' 10 apostles died for their faith - 30.3 - 80 A.D.
John, Jesus' apostle, exiled for being a follower of Christ.
Paul, "the apostle to the Gentiles" beheaded for following Christ.
Other followers, Stephen etc. stoned by the crowd for following Christ.

People don't die for a lie, especially not when all they have to do is say that "Christ did not rise from the dead" and their lives would have been spared.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2005 05:10 am
Oh, and when I said "we are not talking about christians, we are talking about the USA", I was wrong which is why I withdrew it. We are actually talking about cap punishment and the bible.

I just think the bible should have nothing to do with the laws of any country.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2005 05:19 am
Eorl wrote:
USA claims to be a Christian nation (or government at least).

It does ?? Since when ??

Since I can remember. Since Christiandom?? Are you serious?

Watch any social activist documentry and you'll see it for yourself.

Moore's Farenheit 9/11, Singer's "The President of Good and Evil" etc.

The controversy of USA invading IRAQ (among many other issues) is that G.Bush is supposed to be "Christian" yet he is actively seeking war. For what? When he was governer of some state (don't remember) that endorsed death penalty, but why did Bush sign off on death penalties when he's Christian? I know i'm just talking about Bush, but don't the nation of America support Bush 'cos he's "outwardly" Christian? And since America is supposed to be Christian country, they support Bush 'cos they want a Christian leader? (i'm not arguing whether Bush IS Christian or not, just what i see on the news from here.)

My international politics is bad, hard enough to keep up with AUS politics, and it's not my forte. But if you watch other news media (not CNN and USA ones - like IRAQ and other media) you'll see them portray USA has Christian, and as far as I know/have heard/seen for myself, I would not say it was far fetched that USA claims to be Christian (more or less), in their morals/standards, whatever.

What do you say USA is? secular? If you ask me (which you are):
I say USA is a country based in Christian roots, but am uplifting them (those roots) and becoming more and more secular, yet they still call themselves Christian. Therefore we have a blurred grey line. Too bad Christianity is a all or nothing ... err ... "religion".
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2005 05:39 am
Eorl wrote:
Oh, and when I said "we are not talking about christians, we are talking about the USA", I was wrong which is why I withdrew it. We are actually talking about cap punishment and the bible.

I just think the bible should have nothing to do with the laws of any country.

Sure, everyone makes mistakes that's why i quoted from the first post of the first page. we are talking about the Bible.

Why do you say that the Bible should have nothing to do with laws of any country? it is because of the Bible that you sit there in your freedom to post on this board. and it is because of the Bible that i sit here in my freedom to post on this board. if you (can be bothered), read some 19th C history. The history of Christiandom, when the world (more or less) was "Christian" and had Christian standards. Less wars, and less problems with society. It is because of Darwinian Evolution and the secularists separating Church from Morals that we live in the sh*t that we do today.

Now I am NOT making an excuse for the crap the Church has done, and even till today I (somewhat) despise the Church for its malpractices, but when I think for a minute, "what would i have done", i would've probably stuffed it up even more.

WWII, and the holocaust - that's what evolution spawns. As Hitler begins his Blitzkrieg, he hands to his commander a copy of Neitzhie's work, why? because that is his worldview, pure Nihilism. Nihilism spawns from evolutionary thinking. Natural selection.
I am here. I have the power of the German country at my disposal. Survival of the fittest. Let us see who is fitter to rule this country. And away we go. Roll those tanks out. No concern for other human life, no concern for anything, not even his own Third Reich. Why? because Natural Selection says it all. "Survival of the Fittest" is his motto. And that is what our world believes. How do you even propose to impose morals into that worldview? It's impossible. 'cos if you say "no you can't kill humans" then you're imposing your authority over his (Hitler or anyone random), and who are you to tell me what to do? we're both human. we both share this space. if it is true that evolution is our god, then it's best if we fight to the death. aka: WWII.

Society: Disfunctional familes, broken homes, homeless childs, abortions, drug addicts, adoption clinics. wtf!!!! gg world!!!
We blame the kids that take drugs, we blame the teachers for not teaching well, and we blame the government for not enough funding. what about good old families? If you take the Bible away, you have no morals. If you do have morals, where do they come from? If your morals are just what you decide, then you and Hitler and I are correct. but that's contradictory in it's very own thinking.
The problem becomes worse when ppl get married. IF you make up your own arbitrary morals and your wife does the same, what do you think will happen? divorce? why even bother getting married?
is anyone surprised anymore that divorce rates are higher today than any other generation?

We (I used to) think that true freedom is freedom(world) without rules.
If you think that, you need to think a little bit harder.
Freedom without rules is anarchy.
And anarchy is not freedom.
You are human and I am human. The guy next door is human and so is the chick. You don't need a Bible to tell you that. Out of those 4 humans I've just mentioned, who has the authority to impose one's arbitrary morals unto another? Without a god, it is impossible. With evolution, it's just a matter of who has the biggest f*$!ing gun (tank).

I could go on for days, but you (presumably) get the point. Morals have no place without at least some concept of a/many god(s).
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thunder runner32
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2005 07:14 am
A little off topic...but dang! Very Happy I'd say that's check and mate!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2005 07:42 am
Biliskner wrote:
Eorl wrote:
it makes sense that Christians should not take the life of another human

We're not talking about christians, we're talking about the USA.

USA claims to be a Christian nation (or government at least).

They could fool me. Christians shouldn't be doing the things this country has done & continues to do. The one word that comes to mind constantly is Hypocrisy.

OH and by the way, if george bu$h is a Christian I am the Virgin Mother.

That man gives a whole new meaning to hypocrisy.

These days if someone approaches me and says they're a Christian or they've been saved, I do everything I can to get the hell away from them
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vol fan06
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2005 08:32 am
nice job biliskner. magginkat are you perfect? Do you do things after you say something against them. I'd have to say you do. so we are all hypocrites. we try not to be but we still are. so dont just say christians are hypocrites because we are all hypocrites. we are not perfect.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2005 09:03 am
Only a Christian since AUG 00, yes i am. Fire away.

Question for you: "Who do you think Jesus is?" (i'm not even going to bother answering if you've just got some half-arsed answer).

Forget the Church, catholic or otherwise - the question isn't: do you like the catholic/anglican etc. church. it is: "who is Jesus?"

You stated fable. Why fable. A half-arsed answer will have no answer, "just because" they will say. I know, because I did that for 19 years.
"Oh, God, Jesus, wtf are these knobs talking about. Such superstition. Evolution has disproven Christianity, religion just gives ppl false hopes for their loved dead ones, can't these ppl just look around, where is God now? I see death on the streets, ppl starving in the world, terrorism on the rise, as if God is real!"

But they are just opinions, my opinions. Here are some real historical facts:

Jesus lived, Jesus died - 30 A.D. and Jesus rose - 30.3 A.D.
Jesus' 10 apostles died for their faith - 30.3 - 80 A.D.
John, Jesus' apostle, exiled for being a follower of Christ.
Paul, "the apostle to the Gentiles" beheaded for following Christ.
Other followers, Stephen etc. stoned by the crowd for following Christ.

People don't die for a lie, especially not when all they have to do is say that "Christ did not rise from the dead" and their lives would have been spared.[/quote]

Say HUH? I had to read that ramble two or three times to figure out that you were talking about "Paul, Stephen, etc". You start the sentence in the present tense and then switch to past tense.

Even so tell that to the 1500+ dead U.S. military members & over 100,000 dead Iraqis. Or does this declaration not apply to them?

You ask me who do "I think" Jesus is and then advise me not to give you a half arsed answer because if I do you will not answer. Big deal... did you see anything posted here that says I give a hoot who answers and who does not? I have a feeling that any answer I give you will be half arsed in YOUR opinion.

I think Jesus was a religious type that pops up from time to time, just like the current versions although he couldn't possibly be as nasty, slimmy, & greedy as, say, Bennie Hill, Jerry Falwell, or Jimmy Swaggert.

Now go ahead and give me your half arsed response!

You say, "Here are some real historical facts: Jesus lived, Jesus died - 30 A.D. and Jesus rose - 30.3 A.D."

Historical? I'll give you the Jesus lived, Jesus died bit but Jesus rose? Prove it! Show me the history book that says beyond any doubt this Jesus person rose from the dead. You can't. The Bible is not a history book and it was written by common men to forward their beliefs. It has been translated thousands of times and has thousands of conflicts of in the many stories told. Your "historical" (hysterical?) 'facts' are based on blind faith....... faith that the people who wrote it weren't imbibing of the Poppies that grew abundantly in that area for one thing.

Additionally, just about everything found in "Christian" writings can be found in Greek, Norse, etc., mythology based on "stories" & events thousands of yrs before Jesus was born. Explain that one! No I am not going to take the time to research & read all that information just to prove a point to you. You can climb up to Mr. Olympus and try to disprove my comments if you desire.

I've tried to read all your responses but you bounce all over the ball park, ranting and raving until I got to your last post which left me wondering if you are a Christian or a brazen atheist? It doesn't matter to me one way or the other. Just my two cents!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2005 09:13 am
vol_fan06 wrote:
nice job biliskner. magginkat are you perfect? Do you do things after you say something against them. I'd have to say you do. so we are all hypocrites. we try not to be but we still are. so dont just say christians are hypocrites because we are all hypocrites. we are not perfect.

What the Sam Hill do you mean with "Do you do things after you say something against them."

Do what things? Say what against "them"? Who are "them"?

Did you see anything, anywhere that said I thought I was perfect? You make even less sense than Biliksner. You can say whatever you please. That does not make it true. NOWHERE in any post of mine did I say just Christians are hypocrites. However, since you brought up the subject I will say that those in positions of leadership in this country, who call themselves Christians are not only hypocrites but liars and that includes the TV preachers, george bu$h and an assortment of others.

Learn to read sir/madam and quit trying to twist my words.

Now I am beginning to see why the Bible is such a scrambled mess.
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thunder runner32
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2005 09:40 am
Actually the bible has been proven to be a very accurate history book, time and time again. I am sure that you have learned something from a history book, did you criticize it with the same intensity as you do the bible?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Mar, 2005 09:59 am
thunder_runner32 wrote:
Actually the bible has been proven to be a very accurate history book, time and time again. I am sure that you have learned something from a history book, did you criticize it with the same intensity as you do the bible?

As a matter of fact I have probably criticized History books with more intensity, especially in the last few yrs of my kids high school education when I found those expensive text books to be severely lacking.

That the Bible is a "very accurate" history book, is a matter of opinion.
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