You seem to be changing your opinion now. I think you are taking this discussion personally.
- I do not believe that this man did any thing wrong. I don't think he had any obligation to give her an apology. I would not have given this gender studies professor an apology, especially after she went over my head to pressure me for one. You and I seem to disagree on this point.
- I believe that what this gender studies professor did was nasty, vindictive and wrong. She went over his head to pressure him to give an apology by publicly shaming him. You seem to be dithering on this point. On some posts you seem to agree that the behavior of this professor was wrong. On other posts you seem to back track and justify it. It would be interesting for you to state clearly your opinion on this one point.
- It is my opinion that feminism in general, and the MeToo movement specifically, often cross a line into ridiculousness. Both feminism and the MeToo movement start in a reasonable place; I support equality in the workplace, and condemn abuses of power. But these stories show examples where people take major offense at minor slights that have nothing to do with equality, or abuse of power. That is why I posted this story which I believe supports my narrative.
You seem to disagree with me on this opinion.
- You seem to take this very personally. My criticisms of feminism, which I have stated clearly with examples, are not personal attacks against you. You shouldn't be in in a discussion that I started specifically to discuss my criticisms of feminism if you don't enjoy it.
There is nothing you have said here that I take personally. I disagree with you on some things, but if I didn't there would be no reason for this discussion.
- I do not accept that there is anything that is beyond criticism. Once an ideology becomes something that can't be questioned, it becomes dangerous. If you question my beliefs... I might disagree with you, but I won't take it personally.