Immigration - Discussing Non-Partisan Solutions

Reply Sun 20 Feb, 2005 04:36 pm
dyslexia wrote:
well yeah fox, if you don't have real numbers, make them up and the bigger the number the better, right? I thought this something only liberals would do. But I'm fair and balanced, you decide.

Are you saying that you think there are not that many illegals in the US, or do you think the # is higher?
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Reply Sun 20 Feb, 2005 04:41 pm
Foxy - that number was mentioned in a program on NBC with Tom Brokaw - just before he retired. Can't find a link, but I remember thinking...."wow".

1,000/day seems a bit conservative considering the length of the border, though.

Wonder if they meant "crossings" - legals, illegals, all who cross in any given month. ?
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Reply Sun 20 Feb, 2005 04:42 pm
well baldimo the only info we have encountered so far has been the INS figures, perhaps you have some other data that we could use. or perhaps lacking any real knowledge you concur with Fox and JW that making up imaginary numbers is the way to go. I can work with that as long as I get to make up my own imaginary numbers as well.
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Reply Sun 20 Feb, 2005 05:04 pm
msolga wrote:
But the "illegals" wouldn't have those jobs if the unemployed were prepared to do them.

that's a common fallacy. not every american is suited for a "professional" occupation. additionally, there are those who's overall life goals are more important than climbing the corporate ladder or whatever.

artists and entertainers spring to mind.

i can tell you from personal experience that when i was younger and actively pursuing a musical career, i took alot of lowend jobs here and there to pay the bills when no gigs where lined up.

scraping out and cleaning the room size evaporators for making powdered milk at a carnation factory in louisville is in my top 3 horrible jobs i did. but i needed cash. it paid badly. but i needed cash. it was unhealthy and my nose, eyes and lungs were clogged up with powdered milk. but i needed cash.

it's not so much that there are no americans willing to do the menial jobs as it is that illegals will work for far less and are generally afaraid to complain.

even if they hook up with a fake social security card and green card in downtown l.a. ( at $25 each ), they still live with the paranoia of el hefe calling la migra.
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Reply Sun 20 Feb, 2005 05:32 pm
You really think they live in fear these days Dtom? My husband and I have a small business providing inspection and auditing services for insurance companies. When we did this some years ago when we first moved back to New Mexico, we would go into a restaurant kitchen with our camera and the folks made a hasty exit as soon as they saw it. They would even avoid us with our clipboards until they were certain we were not INS.

These days they'll pose for the pictures. Nobody is deported anymore it seems.
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Reply Sun 20 Feb, 2005 05:50 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
What several thousand dollars? It is true that there was a time a person needed to have either a firm offer of a job or a respectable sponsor to be admitted legal immigration privileges. But many of these people arrived with absolutely nothing. Conversely, many Mexican nationals have been injured, abused, misused, and/or killed by actions of the coyotes who sometimes charge exhorbitant sums to smuggle somebody illegally into the U.S.

I said several thousand dollars because that's what it cost my husband to get here legally. I'm sure the fees vary depending on the country one is coming from, the type of visa they go for, and whether they need an immigration lawyer (many do, we did). In addition, one has to show that they have significant assets to support themselves. Judging by our own experience, I would say that most Mexicans looking for work here would not be able to come legally except by the lottery. And there is a fee for that too.
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Reply Sun 20 Feb, 2005 05:54 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
You really think they live in fear these days Dtom? My husband and I have a small business providing inspection and auditing services for insurance companies. When we did this some years ago when we first moved back to New Mexico, we would go into a restaurant kitchen with our camera and the folks made a hasty exit as soon as they saw it. They would even avoid us with our clipboards until they were certain we were not INS.

These days they'll pose for the pictures. Nobody is deported anymore it seems.

i've seen the same here in (the formerly) sunny southern california. it just blows my mind that every other country is allowed to maintain their borders, as you would expect, but the u.s. does it and it's discrimination. even mexico deports illegals. but now presidente fox wants to take arizona, or is it your n.m (?), to an international court over a state legislation to secure the borders and return illegals.

and people are actually taking him serious... unreal...
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 21 Feb, 2005 03:49 am
'Minutemen' to Patrol Arizona Border

Volunteer Minutemen, Many Untrained, to Patrol Ariz. Border to Curb Illegal Immigration Crossings

The Associated Press

Feb. 21, 2005 - Intent on securing the vulnerable Arizona border from illegal immigrant crossings, U.S. officials are bracing for what they call a potential new threat this spring: the Minutemen. Nearly 500 volunteers have already joined the Minuteman Project, anointing themselves civilian border patrol agents determined to stop the immigration flow that routinely, and easily, seeps past federal authorities.

They plan to patrol a 40-mile stretch of the southeast Arizona border throughout April when the tide of immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border peaks.

"I felt the only way to get something done was to do it yourself," said Jim Gilchrist, a retired accountant and decorated Vietnam War veteran who is helping recruit Minutemen across the country.

"We've been repeatedly accused of being people who are taking the law into our own hands," said Gilchrist, 56, of Aliso Viejo, Calif. "That is an outright bogus statement. We are going down there to assist law enforcement."

Officials concede the 370-mile Arizona border is the most porous stretch on the U.S.-Mexico line. Moreover, recent intelligence show that al-Qaida terrorists are likely to enter the country through the Mexico border, James Loy, the deputy secretary of the Homeland Security Department, said last week.

"Several al-Qaida leaders believe operatives can pay their way into the country through Mexico, and also believe illegal entry is more advantageous than legal entry for operational security reasons," Loy said in written testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Of the 1.1 million illegal immigrants caught by the U.S. Border Patrol last year, 52 percent crossed into the country at the Arizona border. The agency increased the number of agents in the Tucson sector, which has its largest staff, from 1,700 to 2,100 over the last 18 months.

But that number is going to grow to try to plug the remaining holes, said Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Robert C. Bonner. About 10,000 federal agents now patrol the 2,000-mile southern border, he said.

Officials fear the Minuteman patrols could cause more trouble than they prevent. At least some of the volunteers plan to arm themselves during the 24-hour desert patrols. Many are untrained and have little or no experience in confronting illegal border crossings.

"Any time there are firearms and you're out in the middle of no-man's land in difficult terrain, it's a dangerous setting," said Bonner, whose agency is keeping a close eye on the Minutemen plans.

"The Border Patrol does this every day, and they are qualified and very well-trained to handle the situation," he said. "Ordinary Americans are not. So there's a danger that not just illegal migrants might get hurt, but that American citizens might get hurt in this situation."

Civilian patrols are nothing new along the southern border, where crossing the international line is sometimes as easy as stepping over a few rusty strands of barbed wire. But they usually are limited to small, informal groups, leaving organizers to believe the Minuteman Project is the largest of its kind on the southern border.

It may also prove to be a magnet for what Glenn Spencer, president of the private American Border Patrol, described as camouflage-wearing, weapons-toting hard-liners who might get a little carried away with their assignments.

"How are they going to keep the nutcases out of there? They can't control that," said Spencer, whose 40-volunteer group, based in Hereford, Ariz., has used unmanned aerial vehicles and other high-tech equipment to track and report the number of border crossings for more than two years.

"There's a storm gathering here on the border, and there are conditions ripe for some difficulty," he said.

The border agents agree.

The Minutemen "clearly have every reason to be upset with the federal government for abandoning them," said National Border Patrol Council president T.J. Bonner, no relation to the commissioner.

But "if anything goes wrong, God forbid, someone does injure an agent, this government is going to be turning both barrels on them and come after them with a vengeance," he said.

Gilchrist said the Minutemen are under strict orders to merely identify and follow illegal border crossers and alert federal agents. They should not interact with the immigrants except to offer food, water or medical care. If there's a couple of "bad apples" who turn up in the group, Gilchrist said, they will face prosecution if they step outside the law.

Something dramatic needed to be done to curb the years of crime, property damage and trash dumping caused by the border crossings, Gilchrist said.

"Things are out of control" he said. "And they've been out of control for decades."
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Mr Stillwater
Reply Mon 21 Feb, 2005 03:59 am
Moreover, recent intelligence show that al-Qaida terrorists are likely to enter the country through the Mexico border, James Loy, the deputy secretary of the Homeland Security Department, said last week.

No, they will arrive will authentic Saudi passports.

The FBI repeatedly has warned that Al Qaeda (search) frequently uses fraudulent or forged passports to allow operatives to move around the world, including a series of blank Saudi Arabian passports that were obtained before several imaging features were added to make them harder to alter.
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Reply Mon 21 Feb, 2005 08:19 am
We should get some Israeli advisors to help us build a wall...
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 21 Feb, 2005 08:37 am
McGentrix wrote:
We should get some Israeli advisors to help us build a wall...

A lot of (East-) Germans are without work. Additionally, some are quite skilled with weapons.
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Reply Mon 21 Feb, 2005 09:01 am
East Germans? They still have those?
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Reply Mon 21 Feb, 2005 09:42 am
Dys wrote
well baldimo the only info we have encountered so far has been the INS figures, perhaps you have some other data that we could use. or perhaps lacking any real knowledge you concur with Fox and JW that making up imaginary numbers is the way to go. I can work with that as long as I get to make up my own imaginary numbers as well

Well I posted a source listing INS numbers I cited and JW has reported a program in which she heard the numbers she mentioned. Where is your source to back up your imaginary numbers?
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Reply Mon 21 Feb, 2005 10:23 am
JW posted this:
I can't think of another country that has a comparable problem. The Border Patrol has recently estimated that approximately 1,000,000 cross our borders, illegally, per month.

Yes, per month.

which I challanged, then JW responded that it was from something she saw on a program that she can't exactly remember. So again, I have to say, stating "facts" that "the border patrol" and the number "1,000,000" and then afirming the statement with "Yes, per month". This leaves me with the contention that presented information that is both unconfirmed and wrong can only lead to the conclusing that one has no regard for factual reality and is determined to "make her case" regardless of truth. what say you Foxfyre? Is fiction to make your case just as good, if not better than truth? Lookin gback I find this interesting quote from you Foxfyre
Those of the opposition given to reasoned thought and logic, those who look past the code phrases to look for the truth, those who can acknowledge and appreciate the good as well as criticize the bad are to be respected and admired.
The rest, I think, are sheep.
03/07/04 perhaps now you have changed your mind regarding "reasoned thought and logic" as well as "look for truth" and find those earlier thoughts lacking.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 21 Feb, 2005 10:32 am
Just wanted to past and copy the above infos.

Thanks for putting it in such nice words, dys.

And, dys, fox obviously sees this

JustWonders wrote:
Foxy - that number was mentioned in a program on NBC with Tom Brokaw - just before he retired. Can't find a link, but I remember thinking...."wow".

1,000/day seems a bit conservative considering the length of the border, though.

Wonder if they meant "crossings" - legals, illegals, all who cross in any given month. ?

to be a source for "1,000,000 illegal immigrants per month".

I'll remember this.
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Reply Mon 21 Feb, 2005 10:38 am
What say I Dys? I say JW is not given to making up facts. It's damn hard to post what you hear on the television or radio. I posted my numbers, which you conveniently ignored after accusing me of making up numbers.

It is possible that JW remembers what was said differently than what it was. But where is your documentation as you (and apparently Walter) accuse her of making up the numbers?
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 21 Feb, 2005 10:50 am
Foxfyre wrote:
But where is your documentation as you (and apparently Walter) accuse her of making up the numbers?

I've answered directly to the original post by JW

Walter Hinteler wrote:

This was in the media published on February 13,2005, quoted here from this Source

0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Feb, 2005 10:53 am
And tell me Walter, how does that prove that what I posted is incorrect? Or what JW didn't hear what she said she heard? I think you owe her (and me) an apology. I won't even ask Dys to apologize for a mean spirited attack on another member as he isn't given to apologies.
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Reply Mon 21 Feb, 2005 10:54 am
your figures presented where not meaningfully differnt than mine Foxfyre, my argument was with the strong statement of "FACT' that JW offered of 1 million. btw JW did NOT qualify her statement of 1 million, she stated it as a noted fact from THE BORDER PATROL. which it is not. credibility is a bummer when it gets in the way of your agenda.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Feb, 2005 10:58 am
She subsequently gave her source. You cannot say she didn't hear what she said she heard. I suspect she may have heard it wrong, but neither of us can confirm that. I would have had no problem if you had just said she must have heard it wrong because the numbers don't add up to what we can document. I said as much. I did not accuse her of making up numbers.

You didn't qualify your statement when you accused her (and me) either.
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