Jeff Gannon, Jim Guckert, and... Prostitution?

Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 10:06 am
Ticomaya wrote:
What is a journalist/reporter? G/G was asking questions, writing up stories, and apparently getting published. What additional rules/qualifications would you suggest be attached to the label/job description? Is there a reporter's license one can obtain after completing a sufficient number of educational requirements? Are there continuing education hours needed? Must one have a master's in Journalism from a nice Liberal Arts college? Where are these rules at? Or are you guys just making them up as you go along?

Rolling Eyes There's just no arguing with deliberate obtuseness.

He was asking questions but he wasn't writing stories (copying WH press releases, as has been shown in this thread, can be called a lot of things but journalism isn't one of them) and the only place he was getting published was Talon News, which, as has also been repeatedly demonstrated, is not by any characterization of the word a 'legitimate' news organization.

Talon News is, as of yesterday, offline.

Ticomaya, these 'rules' are "at" the institutions that do the hiring. And yes, formal education is a prerequisite, as it is for the law, medicine, and almost every other professional discipline. No 'licenses' are needed (despite the weighty imprimatur conveyed upon Jimmy/Jeff by Morton Blackwell's $50, two-day "Leadership" training).

This is a joke, right? You're not really as thick as some others regarding this matter, are you?

Youi're only pretending to be dumb, yes?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 10:08 am
Huh, I was just to ask you the same question PDiddie...
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Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 10:10 am
And then there are those for which pretense is an imponderable...
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Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 10:11 am
Ticomaya wrote:
FreeDuck wrote:
Tico. If you or I decided tomorrow to become a journalist, don't you think we'd have to start somewhere besides the White House press room?

Perhaps, but how does that indicate G/G isn't/wasn't a "journalist"?

If I put you in the cab of a semi-truck and handed you the keys, would that make you a truck driver? Playing the role of a journalist doesn't make you a journalist. He had no formal education in journalism and no experience in journalism. What makes him a journalist in your opinion?

FreeDuck wrote:
Maybe he was a journalist in the strictest sense of the word after he obtained access and started reporting, but how did he get there?

Is that the burning question that keeps liberals awake at night these days? I don't know the answer, and don't really care. I don't know if there can be a bigger non-issue?

You wouldn't be concerned if someone who had no previous journalism credentials, who worked for a site that could hardly be called a legitimate news source which had ties to the Democratic party (or MoveOn or George Soros) somehow inexplicably obtained a White House press pass (after being rejected for a press pass at the Capitol) and was frequently called on by Bill Clinton in order to ask soft ball questions like "how can you stand working with those fascist Republicans?" And we're not even talking about the history in the porn industry yet? Can you imagine how offended Republicans would be if an ex-porn-dude somehow converted himself into a White House reporter seemingly overnight on Clinton's watch?

I think it reeks of inside favors at the very least and that it compromises the integrity of all news media.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 10:14 am
So, you are now justifying the deomcratic over-reaction based on the "They do it too!!" defense?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 10:16 am
McGentrix wrote:
FreeDuck wrote:
I did see for myself, McG. If you look closely, all of the "news" stories come from CNSNews. I won't even go into where they come from. It's enough that they don't appear to write their own news stories.

Intersting. So, when the New York Times uses articles from AP, UPI, Reuters, etc... what does that mean?

It means they get their news from different sources. If all of their news articles came from the wires, they'd be a news feed. If all of their news articles came from another news outlet which itself was of questionable legitimacy, they'd be GOPUSA. Would you consider www.liberalnews.com a legitimate news organisation?
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Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 10:20 am
On the op-ed page of the New York Times, Maureen Dowd openly lied about the press pass, saying: "I was rejected for a White House press pass at the start of the Bush administration, but someone with an alias, a tax evasion problem and Internet pictures where he posed like the 'Barberini Faun' is credentialed?"...

No proof that it was a lie and the author of this crap doesn't even attempt to provide proof. Just calls her a liar and moves on.

Maureen Dowd was never denied a daily press pass. I have seen no eveidence that Gannon had a permanent press pass.

Editor & Publisher
He (Scott McLellan) also said that Maurren Dowd's column in The New York Times did not tell the whole story about her credentialing woes, pointing that she was refering to a "hard" pass while Gannon only received day passes. He said he has now asked his staff to get the process going for her again to get a hard pass.

Not sure what the "not tell the whole story" means. Rolling Eyes

Mclellan clearly says Dowd was denied a hard pass, that she had one at some point in the past, and that though she doesn't have a day pass or hard pass at this time, he has instructed his staff to get her one.

Yet, Jeff had a pass without being a reporter. There is video of his presence in the briefing room dated November 2002.
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Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 10:20 am
McGentrix wrote:
So, you are now justifying the deomcratic over-reaction based on the "They do it too!!" defense?


The JG affair would stink to high heaven no matter who was president. It's your under-reaction that would change if it were the other party.
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Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 10:21 am
Freeduck, today was the first time I visited gopusa.com. They have news from various sources, though they do seem to get their headlines from cnsnews.com. That's their decision. I doubt gopusa.com makes it into my daily rotation of news sources I visit.

However, that does not diminish what they are. They set up the Talon nes agency in an effort to have reporters on staff. They had original news peices. I have no idea what counts as a reputable news source anymore... remember Jason Blair?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 10:23 am
They do not pretend to be non-partisan...

GOPUSA Mission Statement

The mission of GOPUSA is to spread the conservative message throughout America.

GOPUSA strives to educate, enlighten, and engage conservatives through a host of features and services including news, online discussions, commentary, activism, outreach, and information.

Through a host of products and services, GOPUSA is committed to providing conservatives with news, information, commentary, education, activism, and community both online and in person.

We strive to be the first source Republicans and conservatives turn to for news and information, both at the state and national levels.

All content, products, and services delivered by GOPUSA reflect our dedication to professionalism, quality, and innovation.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 10:25 am
FreeDuck wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
FreeDuck wrote:
Tico. If you or I decided tomorrow to become a journalist, don't you think we'd have to start somewhere besides the White House press room?

Perhaps, but how does that indicate G/G isn't/wasn't a "journalist"?

If I put you in the cab of a semi-truck and handed you the keys, would that make you a truck driver? Playing the role of a journalist doesn't make you a journalist. He had no formal education in journalism and no experience in journalism. What makes him a journalist in your opinion?

There are licensing rules concerning who can be a truck driver. To answer your question, I would not be a truck driver because I don't hold a CDL. If I held a CDL, I suppose I would be a truck driver, and a professional truck driver if I was getting paid for it. I don't suppose you would argue I was not a "real" professional truck driver because the company I worked for was only in business for a few months, and wasn't highly regarded in the trucking industry?

Please advise what distinguishes those you feel are "playing the role of a journalist" from those you feel are "real" journalists. I supposed based on the standard it appears you are trying to enunciate, a reporter isn't a "real" journalist when they get their first job, because they don't have any experience.

Again, please show me where it says you must have "formal education in journalism" in order to be a reporter.

I've already stated what makes him a reporter IMO: he was asking questions, writing copy, and getting published.

FreeDuck wrote:
You wouldn't be concerned if someone who had no previous journalism credentials, who worked for a site that could hardly be called a legitimate news source which had ties to the Democratic party (or MoveOn or George Soros) somehow inexplicably obtained a White House press pass (after being rejected for a press pass at the Capitol) and was frequently called on by Bill Clinton in order to ask soft ball questions like "how can you stand working with those fascist Republicans?"

I can't imagine I would.

FreeDuck wrote:
And we're not even talking about the history in the porn industry yet? Can you imagine how offended Republicans would be if an ex-porn-dude somehow converted himself into a White House reporter seemingly overnight on Clinton's watch?

I wouldn't be "offended." I can't speak for everyone.
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Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 10:25 am
FreeDuck wrote:
I think it reeks of inside favors at the very least and that it compromises the integrity of all news media.

And there's something we can use to get back on topic.

It would have been nice if the Guckert/Gannon embarrassment had resulted in genuine soul-searching among the press about why this outrageous shill had gone undetected by everyone except a few bloggers even as he sat several feet away from reporters who are presumably the best and brightest of their profession. It could still happen. Maybe it will.

But don't bet on it.

The greater the power wielded by an individual or an institution, the greater the responsibility they bear and the higher the stakes become. Our corporate media wields a considerable amount of power and responsibility. They are supposed to use that power as a check on other powerful institutions. They are supposed to keep government and corporations honest, and get the truth to their readers and viewers.

They have shirked that responsibility.

By abandoning the pursuit of truth in favor of a form of stenography, of "he said/she said" journalism, they have allowed lies to go unchallenged and the power of the press to be transformed into a propaganda vehicle for the Bush administration and its corporate contributors.

I don't believe the individuals who make up our mainstream media are involved in a conscious conspiracy with the Bush administration, in which the influence wielded by the Religious Right and the implications of a faux reporter representing a propaganda mouthpiece masquerading as a"news organization" being allowed into White House press conferences are deep dark secrets to be deliberately concealed along with the identity of Deep Throat and who killed JFK.

I believe the Talking Heads on your favorite channel are ordinary people who know that if they don't look puzzled and ask, "What religious right influence?" or "What betrayal of American trust?" they are faced with the prospect of admitting how bad things are and where their own responsibility lies.

And then explaining to us what they are going to do about it.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 10:28 am
PDiddie wrote:
Ticomaya, these 'rules' are "at" the institutions that do the hiring. And yes, formal education is a prerequisite, as it is for the law, medicine, and almost every other professional discipline. No 'licenses' are needed (despite the weighty imprimatur conveyed upon Jimmy/Jeff by Morton Blackwell's $50, two-day "Leadership" training).

Then pray tell what are the "rules" at Talon? Where is it stated ANYWHERE that formal education is a prerequisite to be a journalist, as it is for law, medicine, and other professions?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 10:33 am
Ticomaya wrote:
Then pray tell what are the "rules" at Talon? Where is it stated ANYWHERE that formal education is a prerequisite to be a journalist, as it is for law, medicine, and other professions?

Do your own research if this puzzles you so.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 10:33 am
McGentrix wrote:
Freeduck, today was the first time I visited gopusa.com. They have news from various sources, though they do seem to get their headlines from cnsnews.com. That's their decision. I doubt gopusa.com makes it into my daily rotation of news sources I visit.

Exactly. So why wouldn't it make into your daily rotation of news sources if it is considered legitimate. Again, do you think liberalnews.com is a legitimate news source?

However, that does not diminish what they are. They set up the Talon nes agency in an effort to have reporters on staff. They had original news peices. I have no idea what counts as a reputable news source anymore... remember Jason Blair?

Those original news pieces on Talon news are the ones being cited as plagiarized or copies of press releases. Yes. I remember Jason Blair. He wasn't a journalist either, but he did happen to get a job at a legitimate news agency. Like Gannon, he was given credentials he didn't deserve. If you remember, when that scandal hit folks were calling for heads and investigations and decrying racial preferences which it was believed was how he got to such a position in the first place. What kind of preferences do you suppose Mr. Gannon got?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 10:37 am
have to say (well I don't "have to") but this whole Jeff/Jim stuff is really pretty silly no matter what side of the aisle you sit on.
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Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 10:37 am
Tico wrote:
I've already stated what makes him a reporter IMO: he was asking questions, writing copy, and getting published.

He was plagiarizing stories, copying press releases as news, and getting published by a web site that clearly wasn't checking to make sure that he didn't do that. That, in my opinion, is what makes him not a journalist.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 10:50 am
Hey, look! Talon News is down.

Because I know some of you may be confused by the strangely nonsensical gibberish they've put up there, here's their message, with my interlineal translation:

The recent public focus on Talon News, while much of it malicious, has indeed brought some constructive elements to the surface.

See, when we put this site up, we really didn't expect anyone was gonna look at it, so we didn't really spend that much time designing it. But some of our hate mail had great suggestions for how to spruce things up. Thanks, Revolutionary Army of Liberal Death Bloggers! You're gonna love our new look!

It has also brought many kind messages of support, and for that we are extremely grateful.

We'd especially like to give a shout out to our biggest fans: Jerry Gilbert, Jon Gomer, Jay Gunther, Jorge Gambon, Joe Green, Jupiter Gremlin, and Juckert Games. You guys are the best!

In order to better serve those readers across the country who enjoy Talon News content and look forward to receiving it each day, we feel compelled to reevaluate operations in order to provide the highest quality, most professional product possible.

We are currently consulting with our lawyers about how much of this stuff is liable to end up subpoenaed, and whether we could be arrested for 'accidentally' setting fire to our server.

Thus, Talon News will be offline while we redesign the web site,

Now that our cover is blown, there's not much point in producing new 'content.'

perform a top-to-bottom review of staff and volunteer contributors,

Tops, please get in touch with the bottoms as soon as possible to schedule your review. Collections, please remember not to take the negatives with you when you are soliciting your 'volunteer contributions.'

and address future operational procedures.

We are currently trying to decide whether to hightail it for Tijuana or Uttar Pradesh. Please vote in our online poll.

We look forward to bringing an even better product to our readers in the future.

We hope the next over-the-hill rent boy we hire to be our mole in the media is a little more on the ball.

C ya,

The Plaid Adder

0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 10:52 am
Imagine that. A "reputable" news organization like Talon News has shut down in order to "re-design" their site. Their ENTIRE site?

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Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 10:54 am
PDiddie wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Then pray tell what are the "rules" at Talon? Where is it stated ANYWHERE that formal education is a prerequisite to be a journalist, as it is for law, medicine, and other professions?

Do your own research if this puzzles you so.

Laughing That's answer enough for me.
0 Replies

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