FreeDuck wrote:I think it reeks of inside favors at the very least and that it compromises the integrity of all news media.
And there's something we can use to get back on topic.
It would have been nice if the Guckert/Gannon embarrassment had resulted in genuine soul-searching among the press about why this outrageous shill had gone undetected by everyone except a few bloggers even as he sat several feet away from reporters who are presumably the best and brightest of their profession. It could still happen. Maybe it will.
But don't bet on it.
The greater the power wielded by an individual or an institution, the greater the responsibility they bear and the higher the stakes become. Our corporate media wields a considerable amount of power and responsibility. They are supposed to use that power as a check on other powerful institutions. They are supposed to keep government and corporations honest, and get the truth to their readers and viewers.
They have shirked that responsibility.
By abandoning the pursuit of truth in favor of a form of stenography, of "he said/she said" journalism, they have allowed lies to go unchallenged and the power of the press to be transformed into a propaganda vehicle for the Bush administration and its corporate contributors.
I don't believe the individuals who make up our mainstream media are involved in a conscious conspiracy with the Bush administration, in which the influence wielded by the Religious Right and the implications of a faux reporter representing a propaganda mouthpiece masquerading as a"news organization" being allowed into White House press conferences are deep dark secrets to be deliberately concealed along with the identity of Deep Throat and who killed JFK.
I believe the Talking Heads on your favorite channel are ordinary people who know that if they
don't look puzzled and ask, "What religious right influence?" or "What betrayal of American trust?" they are faced with the prospect of admitting how bad things are and where their own responsibility lies.
And then explaining to us what they are going to do about it.