Jeff Gannon, Jim Guckert, and... Prostitution?

Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 08:19 am
Ah, Coulter. A voice of the sensible right. Rolling Eyes That's going to get you ten Salons and six Ted Ralls.

You sure had to wait a long time for someone to write your opinion, didn't you, McG? It's been weeks now, hasn't it?

Well, at least you now have something to wipe your right cheek with...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 08:28 am
Once again we see the standard operating procedure employed by way too many on these threads. Rather than address what is posted and comment on it, you poke fun at the person posting it. I guess having an adult-like discussion is a bit too much to expect from some people.
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Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 08:29 am
Gannon's only offense is that he may be gay... Wrong.

First, liberals claimed Gannon was a White House plant who received a press pass so that he could ask softball questions... And this hasn't been disproven.

Their proof was that... Gannon had one,(press pass) even though he writes for a website that no one has ever heard of ... Actually, it hadn't even been formed yet. Gannon was in the White House several months prior to Talon News hiring him.

On the op-ed page of the New York Times, Maureen Dowd openly lied about the press pass, saying: "I was rejected for a White House press pass at the start of the Bush administration, but someone with an alias, a tax evasion problem and Internet pictures where he posed like the 'Barberini Faun' is credentialed?"... No proof that it was a lie and the author of this crap doesn't even attempt to provide proof. Just calls her a liar and moves on.

Gannon didn't have a permanent pass; he had only a daily pass. Almost anyone can get a daily pass ... No proof he only had a day pass. others have said they saw a hard pass. Why don't we all show up at the White House and see how many of us get a day pass if they are so easy to get.

Air America radio host and "Nanny" impersonator "Randi Rhodes" goes by a fake name,... Does she have a day pass to the White House briefings?

they can't even get Gannon for incompetence on the job.... I consider plagerism incompetence.

Gannon didn't write about gays. No "hypocrisy" is being exposed.... Yes, he did and I'm pretty sure the articles were referenced here.

McG, if you're gonna support a point of view espoused by someone else you might want to make sure it's factual.
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Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 08:34 am
LOL! I didn't even click the source. Should have figured it was Coulter!

BTW, does she have a press pass? I hear they are really easy to get, but for some reason I've never seen her there.
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Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 08:34 am
CoastalRat wrote:
Once again we see the standard operating procedure employed by way too many on these threads. Rather than address what is posted and comment on it, you poke fun at the person posting it. I guess having an adult-like discussion is a bit too much to expect from some people.

Yeah, that Ann Coulter is a nasty lyin' bitch, ain't she? That's what I was tryin' to say too, Coast...

...but it wasn't fun I was pokin' at her. Cool
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 08:37 am
The heretofore-unknown Jeff Gannon of the heretofore-unknown "Talon News" service was caught red-handed asking friendly questions at a White House press briefing. Now the media is hot on the trail of a gay escort service that Gannon may have run some years ago. Are we supposed to like gay people now, or hate them? Is there a website where I can go to and find out how the Democrats want me to feel about gay people on a moment-to-moment basis?

Laughing Laughing

When I read Coulter, I laugh. It seems that when liberals read Coulter, flames come out of their eyeballs.
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Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 08:37 am
Now that's what I am talking about Squinney. See how easy it is PDiddie? Commenting on the article will win many more points and be taken more seriously than what you wrote. At least in this humble rat's opinion.
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Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 08:44 am
squinney wrote:
Gannon's only offense is that he may be gay... Wrong.

First, liberals claimed Gannon was a White House plant who received a press pass so that he could ask softball questions... And this hasn't been disproven.

Nor has it been proven, merely suggested by some in the press.

Their proof was that... Gannon had one,(press pass) even though he writes for a website that no one has ever heard of ... Actually, it hadn't even been formed yet. Gannon was in the White House several months prior to Talon News hiring him.

Which news service was he working for at the time?

On the op-ed page of the New York Times, Maureen Dowd openly lied about the press pass, saying: "I was rejected for a White House press pass at the start of the Bush administration, but someone with an alias, a tax evasion problem and Internet pictures where he posed like the 'Barberini Faun' is credentialed?"... No proof that it was a lie and the author of this crap doesn't even attempt to provide proof. Just calls her a liar and moves on.

Maureen Dowd was never denied a daily press pass. I have seen no eveidence that Gannon had a permanent press pass.

Gannon didn't have a permanent pass; he had only a daily pass. Almost anyone can get a daily pass ... No proof he only had a day pass. others have said they saw a hard pass. Why don't we all show up at the White House and see how many of us get a day pass if they are so easy to get.

plenty of proof he had a daily press pass, zero proof he had a permanent one.

Air America radio host and "Nanny" impersonator "Randi Rhodes" goes by a fake name,... Does she have a day pass to the White House briefings?

This was used to demonstrate the fact Gannon is not the only one in the press corp to use a pseudonym, not to show who can get a press pass. Did you miss that part? Read this in connection to what you have written...

"Finally, liberals expressed shock and dismay that Gannon's real name is "James Guckert.""

they can't even get Gannon for incompetence on the job.... I consider plagerism incompetence.

You mean re-printing what was said at a press conference is now considered plagerism? Shocked

Gannon didn't write about gays. No "hypocrisy" is being exposed.... Yes, he did and I'm pretty sure the articles were referenced here.

McG, if you're gonna support a point of view espoused by someone else you might want to make sure it's factual.

Coulter is expressing her opinion. I agree with her. This whole issue has been beat to death by the "conservative" media that the left whines continuously about. It was a non-issue then, it's a non-issue now. the left just won't let it go though...
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Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 08:52 am
McGentrix wrote:

Their proof was that... Gannon had one,(press pass) even though he writes for a website that no one has ever heard of ... Actually, it hadn't even been formed yet. Gannon was in the White House several months prior to Talon News hiring him.

Which news service was he working for at the time?

Do you know something I don't know? I was under the impression that his work at Talon news was his first job as a reporter or journalist. This would mean he was independent before Talon was formed.

On the op-ed page of the New York Times, Maureen Dowd openly lied about the press pass, saying: "I was rejected for a White House press pass at the start of the Bush administration, but someone with an alias, a tax evasion problem and Internet pictures where he posed like the 'Barberini Faun' is credentialed?"... No proof that it was a lie and the author of this crap doesn't even attempt to provide proof. Just calls her a liar and moves on.

Maureen Dowd was never denied a daily press pass. I have seen no eveidence that Gannon had a permanent press pass.

Same tactic as squinney notes. How do you know that Maureen Dowd was never denied a press pass? And there is evidence that Gannon was rejected for a press pass at the Capitol. Why would standards be lower for the White House?


they can't even get Gannon for incompetence on the job.... I consider plagerism incompetence.

You mean re-printing what was said at a press conference is now considered plagerism? Shocked

No, but re-printing what is written by Fox News and other outlets without permission is plagiarism.

Coulter is expressing her opinion. I agree with her. This whole issue has been beat to death by the "conservative" media that the left whines continuously about. It was a non-issue then, it's a non-issue now. the left just won't let it go though...

Imagine for a minute that this happened while Clinton was still president...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 08:58 am

Press Impostor

At the White House, don't duck the real questions
February 23, 2005

How is it that an administration that screened thousands of people for attendance at Bush campaign rallies repeatedly let a fake reporter into the sanctorum of the White House pressroom under a false name? Who was running that background check? How could a president who declares that national security is his prime concern be so ill served for nearly two years by his own security detail?

What is the public to make of the fact that legitimate protesters are kept far away from President George W. Bush while an illegitimate "journalist" who's really working for a Republican propaganda mill is repeatedly allowed into the White House pressroom and regularly called upon by the president and the president's press secretary to ask questions?

Is it possible that the administration's formidable public relations machine was well aware that reporter "Jeff Gannon" of the Talon News Web site was really James Guckert, and that Talon and the Web site GOPUSA have the same owner and often the same pro-Republican content?

Is it possible that an administration that is so careful about scripting events and managing information approved of Guckert being planted in the pressroom to ask softball questions and even to keep an eye on the real reporters working there? Isn't that fair to ask, considering this is the same administration that used its taxpayer-funded, $250-million public relations apparatus to pay columnists to say nice things about its programs?

Once Guckert was exposed, shouldn't the administration, for the sake of security and integrity, have run identity checks on the other members of the White House press corps? Are there any pseudo-reporters planted there from Democratic organizations to ask hard questions?

Based on the Guckert case, can any self-styled journalist from an obscure Web site or blog expect to obtain a daily pass to attend White House press briefings? Given the proliferation of same, is the White House prepared for a stampede of applications? Will all identities be verified? Will reporters from GOP-friendly media receive preferred seating?

Is anyone in the Bush administration asking these questions? Or interested in answering them?


Those are the real questions, not the sidetracking venom the Right is throwing out. Anyone interested in whats good for themselves and their country should be asking these questions, not blindly following their leader and anything their party does.

Like it or not, we are in this together. There's no way you can tell me with a straight face that you honestly believe it's okay for presidents to plant reporters to copy paste the news and be prepared with pansy questions in case the president gets flustered by a real reporter.
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Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 09:08 am
By saying Gannon is a "plant", that implies he was handpicked by the administration, hired by the administration, working for the administration and placed in the press conferences by the administration.

He wasn't a plant.

He was a journalist working for a pro-republican news source. There is no reason to withhold a press pass from a reporter simply because they work for a pro-republican news source any more than a reporter working for an pro-democrat news source. I am sure the administration would like nothing more than to have some actual news people planted in the press conferences to get their message out. But, they only get the people that show up and request them.
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Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 09:19 am
McGentrix wrote:
He was a journalist working for a ...

If Gannon is a jounalist then you're an astronaut. Who are you trying so hard to convince with this insipid repetition of a falsehood (besides yourself)?

There is no reason to withhold a press pass from a reporter simply because they work for a pro-republican news source any more than a reporter working for an pro-democrat news source.

At least we can agree on this.

I am sure the administration would like nothing more than to have some actual news people planted in the press conferences to get their message out.

But since they can't get anyone but active prostitutes to do so for free (we're not counting the side benefits as compensation), then they'll gladly pay Armstrong Williams and Maggie Gallagher and many others to do it for pay.

But, they only get the people that show up and request them.

No, they do not. You obviously haven't been reading anything outside the conservative propaganda, or you would know better than to write something as idiotic as this.

Press passes require background screening, and should take a reasonable amount of time top procure and probably are occasionally turned down. But they shouldn't take six months (as Maureen Dowd was told).
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Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 09:22 am
McGentrix wrote:
By saying Gannon is a "plant", that implies he was handpicked by the administration, hired by the administration, working for the administration and placed in the press conferences by the administration.

Clearly he was denied a press pass at the Capitol. How do you suppose he avoided such scrutiny at the White House?

He wasn't a plant.

He also wasn't a journalist.

He was a journalist working for a pro-republican news source. There is no reason to withhold a press pass from a reporter simply because they work for a pro-republican news source any more than a reporter working for an pro-democrat news source.

McG, nobody is suggesting that he shouldn't have gotten the pass because the news source he worked for was pro-republican. Nobody is complaining that someone from Fox News has a press pass. You are choosing to ignore every other fact. 1) He never worked in journalism until Talon news appeared. 2) Talon news is not a reputable news agency. 3) Gannon got the pass before Talon was established. 4) Gannon has a history of working in the porn industry. (If the day comes when Larry Flint gets a press pass, I'll drop this one.)

We don't let little league players in the World Series, we shouldn't let fake journalists in the White House.
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Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 09:32 am
PDiddie wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
He was a journalist working for a ...

If Gannon is a jounalist then you're an astronaut. Who are you trying so hard to convince with this insipid repetition of a falsehood (besides yourself)?

What is a journalist/reporter? G/G was asking questions, writing up stories, and apparently getting published. What additional rules/qualifications would you suggest be attached to the label/job description? Is there a reporter's license one can obtain after completing a sufficient number of educational requirements? Are there continuing education hours needed? Must one have a master's in Journalism from a nice Liberal Arts college? Where are these rules at? Or are you guys just making them up as you go along?

We discussed this a bit ..... here.
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Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 09:50 am
Tico. If you or I decided tomorrow to become a journalist, don't you think we'd have to start somewhere besides the White House press room?

Maybe he was a journalist in the strictest sense of the word after he obtained access and started reporting, but how did he get there?

Also, when he was given the initial pass he was working for GOPUSA. http://www.editorandpublisher.com/eandp/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1000808705 If GOPUSA is a legitimate news organisation then so is A2K.
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Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 09:52 am
Just thought:

I wonder how many other day pass reporters sent McClellan a card for his wedding.
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Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 09:56 am
FreeDuck wrote:
Tico. If you or I decided tomorrow to become a journalist, don't you think we'd have to start somewhere besides the White House press room?

Maybe he was a journalist in the strictest sense of the word after he obtained access and started reporting, but how did he get there?

Also, when he was given the initial pass he was working for GOPUSA. http://www.editorandpublisher.com/eandp/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1000808705 If GOPUSA is a legitimate news organisation then so is A2K.

Why not see for yourself?

0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 09:58 am
FreeDuck wrote:
Tico. If you or I decided tomorrow to become a journalist, don't you think we'd have to start somewhere besides the White House press room?

Perhaps, but how does that indicate G/G isn't/wasn't a "journalist"?

FreeDuck wrote:
Maybe he was a journalist in the strictest sense of the word after he obtained access and started reporting, but how did he get there?

Is that the burning question that keeps liberals awake at night these days? I don't know the answer, and don't really care. I don't know if there can be a bigger non-issue?
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Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 09:59 am
I did see for myself, McG. If you look closely, all of the "news" stories come from CNSNews. I won't even go into where they come from. It's enough that they don't appear to write their own news stories.
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Reply Thu 24 Feb, 2005 10:04 am
FreeDuck wrote:
I did see for myself, McG. If you look closely, all of the "news" stories come from CNSNews. I won't even go into where they come from. It's enough that they don't appear to write their own news stories.

Intersting. So, when the New York Times uses articles from AP, UPI, Reuters, etc... what does that mean?
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