farmerman wrote:A I said several timws , I was an NRA member and I had been with my Dad and had my son a member also. We quit kind of in disgust when it completely changed its "market plan" from sporting, hunting, as well as protection, and became the self annointed " protectors of our gun rights"
Leftists find civil liberties disgusting. That's one reason why people vote for Mr. Trump.
farmerman wrote:actually , this was another way of merely saying "TAKING ON A MANTLE OF CIVIL RIGHTS WE CAN SELL EVEN MORE GUNS". So as the lickspittle of the gun industry (a fact that the NRA never ever denied),
Come now. That's just silly. The gun industry has never objected to civil liberties violations.
The gun industry doesn't care if guns are unconstitutionally restricted, because they make just as much profit selling guns either way.
farmerman wrote:the NRA has rounded up and sold their marketing plan of deceit
No deceit. They say that they protect our civil liberties, and that is exactly what they do.
farmerman wrote:and youve unquestioningly bought-in to their methods and have blindly supported
As a gun rights activist, I am quite well acquainted with the actions and motives of gun rights activists. I'm not blind to anything.
That's why I am so easily able to dismiss delusional nonsense like that stuff about acting on behalf of gun manufacturers.
farmerman wrote:how they stand in the way of reasonable gun regulations.
There is nothing reasonable about you violating people's civil liberties for fun.
farmerman wrote:You seem to confuse "Shall not be infringed" with banishment and youre wrong headed.
Defending civil liberties is neither wrongheaded nor the result of confusion.
It does, however, raise the ire of those who wanted to have some fun violating people's civil liberties.
farmerman wrote:I really hope they go down in flames
People who want to violate civil liberties for fun always wish for the demise of groups that defend civil liberties.
farmerman wrote:and organizations not associated ith NRA BS will go back to sports and safety in the field and as carry rules.
Only leftists think that civil liberties are BS. Americans actually like having civil liberties.
If an organization is
already not associated with defending civil liberties though, why would they need to "go back" to that?
It is generally not necessary to go back to a place if you are already at that place.
farmerman wrote:Our local gun target range "gun club" hs disassociated itself with the NRA and has gotten resounding support from members. They've linked up with two other organizations that are associated with gun-safety and Conservation
"Leftist gun owners who want to see people deprived of their guns" would make an interesting psychological study.
I bet the root of the phenomena is a deep denial that makes these leftists think that they are special and will be exempted from the gun bans that they want to impose on everyone else.
Newsflash: the gun banners will come for your guns at the same time that they come for everyone else's.
farmerman wrote:not the fear-mongering
Your demand to violate people's civil liberties, and your anger at being prevented from violating people's civil liberties, show very clearly that there is no fearmongering. It's all very real.
farmerman wrote:of the fascist NRA
Characterizing the NRA as fascist is just silly.
Fascists oppose civil liberties.
You oppose civil liberties.
The NRA supports civil liberties.
Fascists characterize the violation of civil liberties as reasonable.
You characterize the violation of civil liberties as reasonable.
The NRA characterizes the violation of civil liberties as a horrible atrocity.