Estrostep FE....Know Anything About It?

Reply Sat 21 May, 2005 11:24 am
I am glad I found this forum! I will begin taking Estrostep Fe at the end of the month when my period arrives. I have had a history of ovarian cysts and now they have found polyps in my uterus. My MD prescribed me these so that my cysts and polyps wouldn't bother me as much.

I'm pretty scared about all the side effects I've just read all of you have had! My sister's getting married at the end of June and I don't want to go crazy or be completely zonked out during her wedding!

I'm new to BC pills, too. Anything I should know about side effects and what to expect?
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Reply Sat 21 May, 2005 07:57 pm
i just started, monday to be exact....a first day starter. I've had my period for 6 days which is unusual for me. grrrr. and i also feel sooooo extremely bloated. any remedies to help with the bloating?
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Bella Dea
Reply Mon 23 May, 2005 08:35 am
My period in the 4th month was 1 day long. Very Happy

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Bella Dea
Reply Mon 23 May, 2005 08:36 am
mekettle wrote:
i just started, monday to be exact....a first day starter. I've had my period for 6 days which is unusual for me. grrrr. and i also feel sooooo extremely bloated. any remedies to help with the bloating?

Cut the salt and caffeine out during your period and take some Pamprin or other like menstrual med. That should help.
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Reply Wed 25 May, 2005 05:51 pm
I am 18 and have recently started Microgestin Fe 1/20(my first BCP experience), which I understand is another name for Estrostep FE. I'm almost done with the first pack (about to start the inactive iron pills). I've been bleeding (spotting?) for about a week and a half now. This hasn't been light occational bleeding, as I expected spotting to be, but a heavy flow like any normal period (although the blood has seemed different, possibly discribed as thicker at times). I am only in my first month of the pills so I'm attributing this to side effects, but wanted to make sure this was normal and thought you guys could help. Also I would rather not use a second form of birth control (such as condoms) and was wondering how effective experienced users have found this pill to be, and if it is as effective although it is has a lower hormone level (i asked for a pill with lower hormones because of what i had heard about them having fewer side effects, but now have heard things about them not being as effective in actual birth control). Since this is my first experience with the pill I apologize if I sound ignorant on the subject, but would appriciate any help you have to offer.

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Reply Wed 25 May, 2005 07:34 pm
Hello. I have been reading all of these posts and thought I'd reply. I am 24 years old and I have been on Estrostep Fe since I was 16. I have had no problems out of it. I haven't gained any massive weight. I weighed about 120 when I was 16 and now I weigh about 132. So I don't consider that too much since I went through college and have been married for 3 years. The only thing I worry about at times is my period starts usually like clockwork on Tuesday morning and I may stop by Wednesday. The longest I've had a period has been 4 days and they are very light periods. I usually only have to use a pantyliner. I asked my doc if I should be concerned and he said no I should be glad my periods aren't long or painful. So overall I think it's a good pill. I plan on staying on a few more years until I decide to have a child.
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Bella Dea
Reply Thu 26 May, 2005 07:05 am
mona56 wrote:
I am 18 and have recently started Microgestin Fe 1/20(my first BCP experience), which I understand is another name for Estrostep FE. I'm almost done with the first pack (about to start the inactive iron pills). I've been bleeding (spotting?) for about a week and a half now. This hasn't been light occational bleeding, as I expected spotting to be, but a heavy flow like any normal period (although the blood has seemed different, possibly discribed as thicker at times). I am only in my first month of the pills so I'm attributing this to side effects, but wanted to make sure this was normal and thought you guys could help. Also I would rather not use a second form of birth control (such as condoms) and was wondering how effective experienced users have found this pill to be, and if it is as effective although it is has a lower hormone level (i asked for a pill with lower hormones because of what i had heard about them having fewer side effects, but now have heard things about them not being as effective in actual birth control). Since this is my first experience with the pill I apologize if I sound ignorant on the subject, but would appriciate any help you have to offer.


We actually need a very low dose to prevent pregnancy. Low doses are just as effective. Not to worry.

As for no condom, are you in a committed realtionship? Long term? If not, I wouldn't suggest not using a condom for two reasons. 1) The pill is effective but not 100% all of the time. Pleanty of people get pregnant while on the pill because of misuse or antibiotics. 2) STD's. Need I say more?
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Reply Thu 26 May, 2005 04:14 pm
We actually need a very low dose to prevent pregnancy. Low doses are just as effective. Not to worry.

As for no condom, are you in a committed realtionship? Long term? If not, I wouldn't suggest not using a condom for two reasons. 1) The pill is effective but not 100% all of the time. Pleanty of people get pregnant while on the pill because of misuse or antibiotics. 2) STD's. Need I say more?

Thank you so much for your reply. I am actually in a very committed relationship, and know that I will only be with one partner. We have only been sexually intimate with each other and I know I don't have to worry about STD's (sorry I did not mention that in my previous question, since it is an obvious reason to need condoms). It is only the fact that, as you said, it is not 100% effective that worries me. I am fairly paranoid about this, but am very good with taking my pills, within about two minutes of the same time every night, so I figured I'd be ok. But I suppose condoms are still a good idea for that 1% chance...

I would still greatly appriciate an answer to my question about the bleeding. Its been about two weeks now, and a fairly steady flow the entire time. I don't believe that is normal, but considering I am just finishing the first pack it might be just the side effects and my body adjusting. Should I stick it out, or is this not supposed to be happening? Its not painful, but does make me feel a bit uncomfortable (sort of a strange feeling in my stomach) and is obviously irritating. Please if anyone has advice I'd love to hear it.

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Reply Tue 31 May, 2005 01:02 am
Okay Ladies, I'm on my first week of taking Estro, and one of the main reasons I went on it was to help clear up my cystic acne (Yasmin cleared it up but the headaches were awful). Ortho tricyclen actually made my acne worse! It isn't clearing up and I think it may be getting worse...has anyone had any good luck with this? What about bad? Should I stick it out? HELP! I hate looking at this face in the mirror
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Reply Wed 1 Jun, 2005 07:05 am
Response to Mona and some other random questions
I just wanted to let you know that I too had about 10 days of breakthrough bleeding during my first month on estrostep-although mine was the second half of the second week and the entire third week right up to when my period started. The good news is the second month it was only 3 days at the end of the third week right before my period started but still annoying. My Doctor said to definitely give the break through bleeding a few months to work itself out.

I was hoping to get some thoughts from other people on the bloating issues mentioned...has anyone seen improvement in the bloating after the first couple months. The third week and into my period are the worst for the bloating, I was waiting for one of my kids to ask me if I was having a baby when they saw me changing clothes-how sad is that?
Definitely an elastic pants kind of week ! javascript:emoticon('Rolling Eyes')

Overall does there seem to be alot of agreement about the worst of the side effects improving after a few months? I just finished my second month and I am so tempted to give up, but I feel like the third month could possibly be a turning point-a girl can dream can't she?

Rolling Eyes
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Reply Wed 1 Jun, 2005 09:36 pm
need some reassurance....
my doc just gave me a sample pack of estrostep today, cuz i have cysts, and ive been bleeding 6 days, and im not supposed to be bleeding yet. my main concern is nausea.. i hate being nauseas, and ive never taken any bc... whatta u think about me starting this pill??? Confused
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Bella Dea
Reply Thu 2 Jun, 2005 06:50 am
I think you wil have this problem with most any pill considering your body is not accustom to any sort of hormone.
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Reply Tue 7 Jun, 2005 08:57 am
Hi all, just found this thread, like others, by googling Estrostep. I had been off the pill for about a year (before that took Levlen or Trilevlen). I've now been taking Estrostep for about a week & a half, and have had some of the same symptoms as others -- most notably weight gain & bloating. I also have been feeling down. But thanks to the board, I'm convinced I should wait a few months to see how I feel. I must say I felt great while I was off the pill, and have just gone back on for peace of mind regarding unexpected pregnancy. So I'm hoping Estrostep will provide the birth control without too many side effects.
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Reply Thu 9 Jun, 2005 10:41 pm
I've taken Estrostep for almost a week now, and I'm noticing these side effects:

water retention
pimples showing up on my body where they would never be

The latter has me going kinda batty because it's so weird. I thought these pills were supposed to prevent such occurances. Has anyone ever had that happen??

I'll keep using them, but it's a little freaky to go through changes in your body that no one can really explain to you.
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Bella Dea
Reply Fri 10 Jun, 2005 07:00 am
I went through the first 3 months with NO side effects and then in the 4th month, I started getting headaches and being so tired and cranky...then that went away in the 6th month. I think it's probably just an adjustment period. I was freaked out too because al of a sudden, I went from no side effects to several. Birth control helps regulate your body but it works differently every month because you have different things going on all the time. Your body is reacting to outside stuff and that changes the way the hormones effect you. Understand? If you start to experience things that are really unpleasant call your doctor. But I'd give this at least 6 months before you decide it isn't for you.
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Reply Sat 11 Jun, 2005 07:49 am
I'm new to this forum and so glad that I found it. I've been on Estrostep since around last October. Unlike a lot of you, I didn't need it for the birth control part. My periods were irregular and heavy, so my doc had me try this. I decided to do a search on Estrostep because of certain things. First of all, I no longer have periods. This started probably about 4 months ago or so. The first few months, I would have breakthrough bleeding and just spotting during my period. My other concern was that my breasts are very sore and feel "full" just like they were when I was pregnant. I knew that I wasn't because my husband had a vasectomy and went a head and took a pregnancy test only at the urging of my doc. Anyway, I knew no one who was on this, and I started getting worried because of mainly not having periods and also because recently I started getting headaches. I can't really say, though, that it would be from this pill because I work at home and am at my computer a lot, so sometimes I think that causes headaches also. I have an appointment with my doc in a couple of weeks to discuss this pill. Oh, the other thing is that when I went on Estrostep, I was also taking Paxil because of my moods and stress. I went off Paxil a few months ago, because my doc said that I might not need both. As far as the weight gain, I have had weight gain but I've gained about 25 pounds or so in the last 2 years and probably only about 10 of that has been since starting Estrostep. I wasn't overweight before.

I'm really glad that I found this forum because it sounds like a lot of you are experiencing some of the same symptoms. I'll check back frequently. Oh, I forgot to mention that when starting the Estrostep, I hadn't been on the pill for about 4 years and then it was only for a few months after giving birth.
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Reply Sat 11 Jun, 2005 02:24 pm
i've been on estrostep for 4 months. the breakthrough bleeding has been insane. the 1st month i bled for 20 days. month 4 i had 10 days of breakthrough bleeding & then my period for 3 days. each month i would start bleeding on day 8 of my pills...very annoying!! my dr switched me to ovcon-35...i start tomorrow. hope it gets better!
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Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2005 10:44 am
I am a lot better now. The tiredness has worn off; when I feel tired, I also take B-12, as with other posts in previous pages. The water retention has given way to an increased metabolism, which is great, but still, everything is salty and I feel I am thirsty all the time. That's not a huge issue because I can deal and it seems a healthy thing. The little pimples on my torso/ lower torso have been healing, so that's been better. I'm feeling more normal! Thanks for reassuring me!
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shiyacic aleksandar
Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2005 12:05 pm
When one seek God wholeheartidly,all physicalal and energetic strenghts awaken and improve.
Be dependant upon the Divine not upon chemistry or industry. Very Happy
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Bella Dea
Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2005 12:10 pm
shiyacic aleksandar wrote:
When one seek God wholeheartidly,all physicalal and energetic strenghts awaken and improve.
Be dependant upon the Divine not upon chemistry or industry. Very Happy

You obviously don't have bad periods. Some of us didn't get the memo when God was handing out easy, painless periods.
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