No. This will never go away.
Imbalance of a womans hormones create havock on our bodies and we ARE always tired because we are not in balance. It is just one of the little crappy side effects of b/c pills.
One thing I mentioned to Bella in a PM that I should say here in the thread is that my daughter ( now 1yr ) was a pill baby. I bounce in my wieght constantly . And most of it is out of my control ( medical reasons) But, there are Doc's who will tell you that the new pills wont be less effective because of a new ' standard' . Bullsh!t . My baby is a NEW baby on a NEW standard pill.
One of the things that helps to combat the tiredness of B/C pills is B-12.
The hormones in our bodies , and in the b/c pills effect Melatonin absorption and Seratonin production.
Seratonin is the hormone that effects mood. Too little depression, Too much bi-polar manic behavior. ( basically you are EXTREMELY happy, then EXTREMELY tired, then EXTREMELY pissed, then EXTREMELY happy again) Those mood swings are incredibally hard to manage and people usually can not live a normal life with that.
Melatonin is the hormone that brings about sleep, keeps us asleep and works to reduce all other hormones that would interrupt our sleep.
When Melatonin isnt able to be regulated and absorbed in normal ways, it stays in larger amounts in our brains through out the day. Signs - tired , weepy, confused, distracted, no energy.
If there isnt enough Seratonin to ' turn off ' Melatonin , Depression, anxiety , anger, loss of interest.
Between the two there has to be a good balance. B-12 is a natrual seratonin booster and it also helps to regulate other hormones in the brain . It diminishes Melatonin when taken in the morning and allows Seratonin to naturally ' combat' Melatonin in a easy way that doesnt JOLT you awake like caffiene.
Taking a small amount of Melatonin at night ( purchased at drug stores ) also helps to combat the tiredness during the day. It naturally enduces sleep and helps to regulate sleep so that you are not left tried 24-7. The quality of sleep you have with a little Melatonin is better as well.