Bbbut....this is SO MUCH!!!
I hardly know where to begin!
"Excuse me, Miss Eva, but there is the little matter of the back wages you owe us."
Oh! Of course, Jacques! I couldn't forget you and Sophie! You've been so diligent around here, keeping the place up while I'm off gallivanting. You're absolutely right. I should pay you first. <peeling off several thousand for each> And here's a little something extra, just for your loyalty. <peeling off a few more>
"That is very generous of you, Miss Eva. Now, if you please, I would suggest we pay the chocolate supplier and the wine merchant. We haven't been able to pay those accounts in full for some time, and they've been most patient."
You're right of course, Jacques. <hands him a bundle of 100s> Take this and pay them off at once. And send them a little something extra by way of thanks. Yes, that's right, a nice bottle of champagne for the chocolatier and a tray of truffles for the wine merchant. I'll handwrite a thank-you note to go with each.
"Ahem. And one last commitment, Miss Eva."
What would that be, Jacques? Isn't everything taken care of now?
"Well, ma'am, I hate to seem ungrateful, but you have promised Sophie and myself some vacation time. We've been here for six months without a break."
NO!!! <embarrassed> Have you really?! How unforgiveable of me! I am so sorry! Well! I'll fix that right now. Pack your bags, you two. I'm sending you to a friend's villa on Lake Como for two weeks.
"But, Miss Eva! How will you manage around here without us?!"
Sophie, Sophie, don't you worry. We will pour our own drinks, and I'll have a caterer bring in food. <light bulb goes on over head> I know! I'll ask StrayCat if she can send over some of her chef's creations from time to time. Osso is right. There are advantages to having friends in the business. Now, you two go on...and don't worry!
<Sophie unties her apron, Jacques puts his suit coat back on, and the two of them saunter toward the door, arm in arm>
<giggles> I just KNEW the two of them had something going on! Now they'll have some time to find out if it's serious. Ah, Lake Como. What a perfect spot for romance. That reminds me...I must call my friends there and tell them Jacques and Sophie are coming. <rushes off...turns at door> Oh, and please, yourselves to the bar!