We shall play Walter's CD at our Welcome Home party! (Note to self:
Must call Sophie about party arrangements.) I could use a copy of that
dictionary myself, Walter!

Perhaps we'll just keep it behind the bar.
John Burroughs,
fin de siecle, aha......he would fit in quite nicely
around the Wine Cellar, wouldn't he!
Francis, let's ship a couple of cases of the Chateau Margaux to Jacques,
and a couple of the Salon as well. On second thought, double that order
for the Salon. Can't have too much champagne.
Now, I'm off to look for a gift for Sophie. She's been such a darling,
minding the Cellar's affairs while we've been toodling around Paris.
Psst...don't tell them I said so, but I suspect that she and Jacques just
might be a little more than business associates by now. They've been
alone in the Cellar for so long...who could resist?! We will have to keep
our eyes on those two.