The only time life can be considered a joy George is the one time I would get ostracised for if I went into it in detail.
If you think that a patio near Amalfi overlooking the sea, with that spread before me, can hold a candle to it I think there must be something wrong with you such as flat-out, unmitigated, incorrigible, unrepentant misogyny disguised under a snowstorm of phony flatteries intended to ingratiate yourself with women whose wits have been rendered null and void.
I can afford to do a patio near Amalfi overlooking the sea, with that spread before me, as often as it is possible given the limits of my digestion and boredom threshold.
If you were better read you would know that Spendius was given a pedigree consisting of a Greek rhetorician and a Campanian prostitute in the period before Naples became posh and learned to receive intellectuals fresh off long sea journeys with taste and decorum.