Not wishing to be the one who throws a wet blanket over the conversation by changing the subject under consideration because doing so is disrespectful to osso who introduced it, it reminded me when I read her apology for the multiple fart posts of the fart machine the teenage daughter of one of the blokes in the snooker room at the club brought home from a joke shop in Blackpool after a day-trip there.
The machine was in two parts and could do as many farts as required assuming the batteries in the remote control hadn't gone flat. (Everybody knows what a dead loss flat batteries are.) The speaker could be placed up to about 50 feet away from the remote and activated at will.
It had three settings: soprano, tenor and bassoon.
This young lady had placed the speaker in this guy's garden shed and when she and her mother and sister and uncle and aunt, in the female line, were gathered around the patio table she found an excuse to get the guy to go in there. At which point she activated the device and only she knew.
Anyway, he brought this thing into the club one night. It was a netball night and the supervisors of the netball used to come into our games room for a drink having infested it due to a bribe the club's committee had taken from the National Lottery. It had been men only since the club was built in the 1920s. The £250,000 grant was on condition that the men only rule was torn up. These ladies, four or five usually, sat at a table at one end of one leg of the L-shaped room and they could not been seen from the leg where the two full-sized snooker tables were located.
So he placed the speaker on the window ledge behind a box of dominoes next to where Brown Owl usually sat to discuss with her chicks how to wrest the key to the gate off the bowling committee. He let them settle in and then he activated bassoon. We all laughed of course and one of us went to the corner to look at them admonishingly.
Oh--those were the days. After that they returned to the ladies room which was really quite comfortable and it was inexplicable why they should ever have thought to leave it for our Spartan conditions in the first place.
The judges might allow women to invade traditional male sanctuaries but we can get you out if we try to.