I think they look well suited for one another..nice looking couple!
I realized it was you, ehBeth, when I did the copy posting thing ... the er URL (?

) words.
Nice to see you both!
Yes, a fine double portrait...
The Oriental System lets me be a Dragon.
Oriental wisdom is really restrictive about love which will endure.
In chinese astro, I'm a monkey. And, if you check into which sub-type, I'm a lonley monkey. I get along great with dragons!
Noddy's a dragon! Yay! I'm a dog, sozlet's a dragon, and most things I've read say that dogs and dragons don't get along which has stuck in the superstitious part of my brain (which I periodically try to squelch, to no avail.)
Hmm, then again that just confirms that I like dragons, not vice versa.
Hubby's a monkey, and is he ever. Regular astrology kinda fits him, Chinese zodiac=monkey is uncanny.
Sensible dogs and sensible dragons have no discord. It's the Yappers and the Flamers that cause problems of mythic proportions.
[Back to those quiz results]
I don't want a Gemini! The two serious loves of my life (I'm married to one of them) are water signs, as was my most intense weird infatuation.
Late as usual, I am. Apparently I am looking for a saggitarius, which will disappoint my capricorn hubby. The good news is I hear panzade is a saggitarius. Shall we do a coin flip to see who gets him? Or maybe we could round robbin.
Looks like you're gonna be busy!
is that why Panzade just ran away from the Scrabble site?
too busy ...
He's just too compatible with too many of us, ehBeth! Tough work, but someone's gotta do it ...
This just in! I had so many messages going my puter froze up...video at 11
Is there a line for Panzade's attentions? I suppose I have to take that damned test re astrological compatibility, pfffffft, pfffffft, twice. I am not a fan of astrology, and less of tickle.com, the sponsor of that test, as for a while I have been trying to monitor the cookies I accept on my computer, how ever silly that may seem. I get tickle.com cookie pop ups and ad popups with my washington post updates, as I asked to see each cookie request. I keep declining... I now despise them/it. I won't even look at the pop-up, schniff. [I only get ad pop ups with newspapers, for some reason, glad not to get more.]
In the meantime, I've given up and am just accepting cookies, grrrr, but I still don't like tickle.com because of that.
Snarling, she wafts off into the ether.
I'm flattered, you're all so gracious and kind. It's an honor to count you among my friends.
here you are!
try to get ya to play scrabble and you're over here, sashaying around the ladies. you are an ole tomcat, aren't you.
Because panzade's a Sag, he's compatible with ehBeth, FreeDuck & me! This makes him very, very desirable! Besides, who could resist that wonderful cat? Not me!
although I have yet to win a scrabble game against these sharkettes, eh beth was kind enough to let me lead til the last play...lol