ehBeth ~ Where is the lad? Haven't seen him for ages.
i'm a taurus, looking for aries. squinney is aries, you are looking for a taurus....maybe we can all get along!
I'm a cancer looking for a sorpio. This match should be made in heaven.
I know my match with an aries was made in hell.
how funny.
my match is a gemini..
Mr Wolf is a gemini. ;-)
I knew he was perfect.
I'm a Scorpio, my first husband was a Scorpio, we were not matched at all!!!
My 2nd husband was a Leo, OMG, we were absolute disaster!
I don't know if it means anything or not, but if the chemistry is not there, it's never a match.
ok - so i told the lad about the results. he agreed that the theme song quiz is simply the end of things.
i'll let him know tomorrow that CJane's looking for a Scorpio. He'll like her. He already knows how to say Oma and Opa and Zucker, Bitte. :wink:
and I'm still looking for a Sagitarian.
These astro connections are crazy!
well, they're not really astro connections cuz they don't ask what your sign is
ooooooooooooooohhhhh, but they know your history (which includes your birthdate) if you're a member..... don't they?
So I go to and don't want to bother signing up for the Zodiac thing, so I click on the "Fun Tests" tab and ACTUALLY MISREAD (honestly!) the "What's Your Super Bowl Moment?" quiz as "What's Your Super Bowel Movement?"
From this I guess I don't have to take the quiz that tells me whether I'm a Dating Do or Don't.
Well, it's hardly my fault....if you check out the photo of the guy next to the quiz, it's hard to tell whether he's just had a Super Bowl Moment or a Super Bowel Movement.
Hey, is this one of those things that I think is screamingly funny that nobody else thinks is funny at all? Happens to me a lot.
BorisKitten, I think you're having an ehBeth "I shoulda put my glasses on" moment.
Boriskitty, I've gotten a coupla chuckles out of your mis-reading.
My sister and I used to take our glasses off and try to read text in books. Even the most dull textbooks became So Interesting without glasses!
Boriskitty, that's the way my hearing is all the time. I hear the funniest stuff which couldn't possibly be what was actually said. The funny side of having bad hearing.
BorisKitten wrote:
From this I guess I don't have to take the quiz that tells me whether I'm a Dating Do or Don't.

Perhaps you're a dating doo-doo :wink:
That was funny....not
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thought it was funny! And yeah, I probably am a dating doo-doo...Teehee!
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:apprently I am matched to a gemini....
No, Bear, you may NOT have my husband. Keep looking.
gustavratzenhofer wrote:Kill any skunks lately?
Haven't seen one in months. I suspect I now have a reputation among the local skunk community, and they are afraid to come near. Suits me just fine. still got your right testicle, or did the chupacabra come back and eat that one, too?