Oh oh...
"Cinnesthesia, the best Zodiac Match for your personality is Gemini
Gemini, the Twins (May 22 to June 21): This adaptable and lively partner is just your type. Initially, a Gemini may catch your eye with an intellectual remark or their flirtatious banter. But as you get to know them, you're more likely to be drawn to your Gemini's creativity and ability to find the fun in any situation. People born under this sign are typically outgoing types who love to spend time with a variety of people. In fact, a Gemini's social butterfly tendencies can make them seem flighty or even a bit erratic at times. However, Geminis are also top-notch thinkers with original ideas. In the bedroom, you'll find the Twins to be equally creative. As a result, they can be very engaging lovers. Overall, Geminis are innovators with an uncanny ability to stay balanced in chaotic situations."
Husband is a Scorpio.
If I remember correctly, Cinnesthesia, the resident Gemini on this board goes by the name of Slappy Doo Hoo.
Better tell your husband the bad news.
I am supposed to be with a Saggitarian.
Don't think I've ever had one as a partner - hmmmmmmmm......
Gus, Slappy wouldn't like me. I'm much too dominating.
That's exactly the kind of woman he likes! Do you have a pair of black leather boots and a whip?
Slappy will be in heaven.
Did I forget to turn off the webcam again?
ehBeth wrote:and I'm littlek's best match

How the hell the did that happen?!?!
Gus, Slappy is one of the other air signs.
Hey, littlek, did you know that Frank Rizzo is in the house?
Who the hell is that guy? Name sounds familiar.
That website is divinely inspired. Every word of it is absolutely true. Do not doubt the oracle.
It said the best Zodiac Match for my personality is Gemini.
My husband is a Gemini.
You'll be divorced within the year, Eva.
I'm really sorry, ehBeth. I hope you find someone more compatible very soon. But please don't send the lad over here. You know how Scorpios are...he'll be looking for revenge, even if it's not my fault.
A pox on you, Gus. And your entire house.
Do not doubt the oracle.
Thanks for the helpful text link, though.
apprently I am matched to a gemini....that is not squinney...who wants to tell her?
Bear, did you know that Frank Rizzo is in the house?