BS Deb. Examine the chain of events and then tell me again that coming to Still's defense for his disgusting comment can be explained by anything other than partisan loyalty.
First gungasnake wrote:McGentrix wrote:I have noticed that whenever anyone says something negative about France, there is always some hyper-sensitive loon who indignantly pipes up with something like, "It's the greatest country in the world!", or "Why don't you leave the poor French alone!".
I once had one of my German language professors tell us that the French gene pool never really recovered from WW-I, i.e. that the French had been in better shape prior to that than they ever have been afterwards.
This, was offensive to me and was worthy of censure.
Then Magus wrote:...which goes toward supporting the contention that rape and pillage are not neccessarily positive influences upon the breeding stock
This, I don't believe had anything to do with U.S. GIs.
Then Lash wrote:US GIs hardly needed to rape those French floozies.
They had an easier time fighting off the Germies.
This is funny. Her joke implies that French women were so promiscuous and thrilled by the mighty U.S. GIs that they were harder to fight off than the Germans. This, is
not a joke about rape at all.
Then Mr Stillwater wrote:I'm also sure when the Red Army took over Slaviostok and took turns raping your Grandma she would have prefered GI's, they washed regularly at least.
This, is utterly disgusting. Where I come from, men don't say sh!t like this to woman with impunity
let alone have the extra-sensitive types like you rush to their aide. For anyone to read this progression and then single out Lash's comment as the one worthy of censure, they have to be reacting to the author, not the words.