Sat 15 Jan, 2005 12:40 am
I have noticed that whenever anyone says something negative about France, there is always some hyper-sensitive loon who indignantly pipes up with something like, "It's the greatest country in the world!", or "Why don't you leave the poor French alone!".
Why so sensitive? It's like you just said something about their mother or something. Is the country perfect in the eyes of these people? I don't get it.
What da dealio?
Re: French hyper-sensitivity
McGentrix wrote:I have noticed that whenever anyone says something negative about the US, there is always some hyper-sensitive loon who indignantly pipes up with something like, "It's the greatest country in the world!", or "Why don't you leave the poor Americans alone!".
Why so sensitive? It's like you just said something about their mother or something. Is the country perfect in the eyes of these people? I don't get it.
What da dealio?
I have to agree with you McG
Edited for s*its and giggles. Don't get pissed at me...
Its some pro-Frenchy world order dealio. They are laying the groundwork for a Frenchified EU take-over of the world--but it won't be won by war--but PC indignity.
yeh but they make some mean toast. I heard an example of some hip hop music done in French. It sounds almost profound.
Re: French hyper-sensitivity
McGentrix wrote:What da dealio?
To me, it's just an odd deviation from the norm in a country that has pushed political correctness to ridiculous extremes. You now refer to blacks as "African Americans", but would presumably be confused if a white immigrant who is actually from Africa referred to himself with that term. People here are not handicapped, they're "physically challenged". Never "unemployed", always "between jobs". Against this background, it does seem strange to me that any public speaker can predictably get roaring applause from American audiences just by mentioning anything French at random, and associating it with any arbitrary thing that denotes cowardliness, treason, or arrogance.
And I suspect that if you have spent any significant time of your life in France, you know exactly why this bothers me.
-- Thomás le frankophile.
Re: French hyper-sensitivity
McGentrix wrote:I have noticed that whenever anyone says something negative about France, there is always some hyper-sensitive loon who indignantly pipes up with something like, "It's the greatest country in the world!", or "Why don't you leave the poor French alone!".
Why so sensitive? It's like you just said something about their mother or something. Is the country perfect in the eyes of these people? I don't get it.
What da dealio?

That is a classic, McG.
I agree...McG is special sauce...
Cliché cheap shots just grow tiresome in repetition, McG.
Actually, have a really important question.
Is that avatar really a wombat, McGentrix?
Re: French hyper-sensitivity
McGentrix wrote:I have noticed that whenever anyone says something negative about France, there is always some hyper-sensitive loon who indignantly pipes up with something like, "It's the greatest country in the world!", or "Why don't you leave the poor French alone!".
I once had one of my German language professors tell us that the French gene pool never really recovered from WW-I, i.e. that the French had been in better shape prior to that than they ever have been afterwards.
...which goes toward supporting the contention that rape and pillage are not neccessarily positive influences upon the breeding stock
US GIs hardly needed to rape those French floozies.
They had an easier time fighting off the Germies.
Why just the French? I noticed that PNG didn't join the Coalition (or Peru, or Lichtenstein) - so why doesn't Rush Limburgh get stuck into them too?
If 'Freedom Fries' and 'Send back the Statue of Liberty' wasn't the sort of hyper-sensitive response to a knock-back I don't know what is!
'Old Europe' - that got me too! 'New Europe' being a group of nations that the US spent 40 years planning to flatten with nukes!!
Lash wrote:US GIs hardly needed to rape those French floozies.
Perhaps they just got them to form a naked pyramid and beat them senseless before sodomizing them with broomsticks? Or is that just fore-play for a US Marine?
You're just a laugh a minute.
I'm sure Australian military types have never done any such...
Lash wrote:I'm sure Australian military types have never done any such...
I'm also sure when the Red Army took over Slaviostok and took turns raping your Grandma she would have prefered GI's, they washed regularly at least.
For the record - Specialist* Graner will now serve a prison sentence for sexually abusing detainees - if you HAVE proof of any French/German military who are currently on trial/in prison for the same offences drop us a line.
*an unfortunate term
At least the torture our servicemen were responsible for wasn't sanctioned by our govt.
Looks like you need to clean up the cesspool at your front door before you worry about mine...
Australian Crimes against Humanity
Published by Kathy Tyndale
11th June 2002
Tear gas. Handcuffs. Water cannons. Strait jackets. Mind bending addictive drugs. Isolation and other mental and physical torture
Normally if I were to start an article off like this the reader would think they are about to read something about the Holocaust....wrong. What I am about to tell you is happening in a so-called "civilized" country........Australia.
Australian policy dictates that all asylum seekers who land on its shores "illegally" i.e. without identification are to be held in mandatory detention. These people are then at the mercy of the Department of Immigration as to what their fate will be. Under Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states: "Everyone has the right to seek and enjoy in other countries freedom from persecution", these people have every right to seek asylum and are not "illegal" or "criminals". Mr Ruddock, Australia's Federal Immigration Minister, continually quotes from Australia's Migration Act. Wake up Mr Ruddock, these people are not migrants, they are asylum seekers.
The majority of the detention centres in Australia are in remote places. Visiting is virtually impossible and the detainees feel they have been "hidden" from the world. Contrary to what Mr Ruddock states, the recent visit from the United Nations to the detention centres lifted their spirits with the hope that they may be able to help them.
Headed by Justice Louis Joinet, the United Nations working group that visited these centres has stated that the conditions are the worst they have ever seen.
Help from the United Nations remains to be seen as the Government of Australia has stated that they will not bow to pressure from this international body. The very body that they have gained a seat on yet do not intend to abide by. Mr Downer had this to say in regard to the UN visit to Australian detention centres; "We do not run off to the United Nations asking how Australia should be run," the Foreign Minister, Mr Downer, told Parliament. "Whatever the rights and wrongs of these issues, we will decide them for ourselves, not have bureaucrats in Geneva decide them for us."
The torture these people go through is deplorable. There are cases where people have been held in these hostile conditions for over 3 years. Detainees are constantly subjected to racial taunts. Children have been bashed by guards and there have been cases of sexual abuse. A child belonging to one of the many families in detention, comprising of a single mother with 3 mentally challenged children, was sexually abused by another detainee. This family remains in the very detention centre where the abuse took place. There was another case where a 13 year old boy was bashed by ACM guards.
The government states that these people are free to leave Australia to go back to their country of origin at anytime. What the government is actually saying is that these people are free to go back and on many occasions face death in their country of origin. Recently, 3 men were sent back to Iran and then disappeared at the Tehran airport. Their families never saw them and do not know their fate. Just days ago an Iranian man was deported via ship set to sail to Iran. This man is a key witness for a court case in Australia, he has been sent back to face certain death.
Detainees suffer from mental torture on a daily basis. They are continually harassed to sign voluntary deportation documents. They are not told how long they will be held in detention for. Even a murderer getting 25 years in prison knows his release date! Because of this mental anguish the attempted suicide rate is high. Instead of addressing the problem detainees are filled up on drugs, becoming dependent and unable to cope without them. There has also been a report that a detainee was held in a straitjacket as a form of restraint.
Food in detention centres is of sub-standard quality. I have read a first hand account of a Nurse from one of the detention centres becoming ill after two weeks of eating the same food as the detainees. This same person witnessed a woman having to beg for a bar of soap!
Decisions made by the Refugee Review are not consistent. Asylum seekers with similar cases do not always have similar decisions. There are many families that have been split with some given Temporary Protection Visa's while their family members remain in detention.
As if all of this abuse is not enough, if the detainees dare to protest about the way they are treated they are subjected to tear-gas and water cannons as a form of control. When they are transported anywhere, they are always handcuffed and left alone in the back of secured vans. One of the detainees I spoke to said "Too bad if there was an accident, I guess we would burn to death in the back of the van" This same detainee told me of medication being used in the centre that is out of date.
How do I know all of this? I am an Australian citizen and I have visited one of our detention centres. The images I saw there will stay with me for many years to come. I am also involved in helping a detainee that has been held for over three years as well as assisting where I can with other cases. If you would like to learn more of what I do or to lend your support, please contact me. If you are an Australian and you are reading this, you too share responsibility for the crimes that our Government perpetrates against humanity. The more pressure we can put on the Australian Government, the better. Thousands of innocent peoples lives hang in the balance.
This has to stop. It is about time the Australian Government was held accountable for the crimes they are committing against humanity. The harsh policies that have been created against these people do not deter asylum seekers from landing on our shores. In fact, I have just read in the news today, there is another boat load of asylum seekers on the way here now. God help them!!