Lash wrote:I was talking about the treatment of blacks by the Democrat party for decades.
They are not placed in positions of authority within the DNC, they aren't treated as the important--almost VITAL demographic they are by the party leadership--they are taken for granted.
Two of the only three blacks that were ever popularly elected to the US Senate were Democrats.
The last two.
(The only black that was ever elected to the Senate for the Republicans was Edward Brooke, in Massachusetts, back in 1966.)
The only black governor ever popularly elected was a Democrat.
The first black presidential candidate in the primaries - and the only one ever to attract significant white support - was a Democrat.
Yes, the Bush admin did a good job as the first ever US government to appoint blacks to such high-profile positions (Powell, Rice - even if Powell was mostly ignored).
I would expect the Dems to equal or outdo Bush's record the next time they get into power - exactly because of their proven track record in the last half of the 20th century of being consistently ahead of the Republicans in appointing Afro-Americans to political office (see above). I'm sure Obama will get a Rice-type high-profile post, for example. And I'd predict Salazar and/or Richardson will be high-profile Hispanics.
Perhaps Barack will even be the candidate ... Obama vs Rice, now that should give the racists a scare. (Dont think thats gonna happen tho, alas ...)
Lash wrote:American blacks have had it drilled so deeply in their heads that Republicans want to eat their children--the Democrats have no fear blacks will leave them. So, they go to black churches for a couple of months every four years, sing "We will Overcome", and bag the black vote...
And more evidence of how Lash - and other conservatives with her - view the Afro-American population with much the alienation and condescension that Dean shows when talking about 'Southerners with a Confederate flag on their pick-up'. Incomprehension dominates: how can 88% - I mean,
eighty-eight percent - of blacks prefer the other side? How is it possible?
Now a smart politician would take that cue to think, what have we been doing wrong - what is it in our rhetorics, programme, profile that still scares them off even when our actual policies would, we believe at least, make things better for them?
Thats what a smart politician would do. But then there are the true believers. They just dont understand. They look at the estranged demographic as if they're wholly alien, their behavior unexplainable, or at least not possibly driven by reason or choice. I mean, how can those Southern working-class folk not vote for us Dems, if we offer them better working conditions, a decent minimum wage, health insurance? Could it be because of our all too secular rhetorics, our Massachusetts candidates, the utter lack of empathy we showcase with their cultural priorities? Nah, of course not. It must be that they're just sheep, who are all too easily "bagged" by those clever manipulative Karl Rove stooges. Hah! All Bush needs to do is wave the American flag and recite some bits from the Bible, and those Southerners are already taken in, the gullible sods!
Thats how Republicans - as Lash, here - look at Afro-Americans. 88% of them vote Dem? Time after time? Even if we put Mr. Powell in such a nice figurehead position? Could it be because if you look at the Republican Convention in NYC, 90% of the delegates are white? Could it be because we rail against affirmative action when a clear majority of blacks still deem it necessary? Could it be because the justice system we govern over is still twice as likely to convict a Black for the same crime, and on average convicts a Black to one and a half or twice as heavy a punishment for the same crime? Could it be because our politicians and supporters nevertheless keep saying that racism isnt really an issue anymore, and if Afro-Americans dont make it its all their own fault? Could it be because we put someone like Alan Keyes up in a Senate race, when he makes most blacks curl their toes? Could it be ...
Nah. It must just be that those gullible black folk are taken in so easy. You know, all the Dem stooge needs to do is sing "We Shall Overcome" in a Black church, and beeh-hheeeh, there they flock to the candidate. They are so easily persuaded that the Republican "will eat their children", you know, those blacks!
That must be it.
revel wrote:Like Nimh said, the Black American are not as a group stupid people and I think if things were like you said, they would have caught on a long time ago.
No, Revel - if they havent caught on with what people like Lash know to be the truth, it must be because they are just stupid enough people to let themselves be bagged by the Dems that easily. Must be. Those poor misguided masses.
But no: its the
Dems who treat blacks with racist condescension. Gotta remember that.