Not to launch a discussion on global warming, just making an analogy:
Quote:Bush cool on climate deal
in the interview, Bush was cautious, and environmental experts said rather than risk an open rift, the eight leading nations had decided on an accord offering the barest minimum on planetary warming.
"If this looks like Kyoto, the answer is 'no'. The Kyoto treaty would have wrecked our economy," Bush said [..]
While Blair has made headway on Africa, he has been stymied on climate change by the United States, the world's biggest polluter, which has been grudging in even accepting the world is warming and has not signed up to the Kyoto Protocol.
All the other G8 powers -- Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Russia -- have signed up to the protocol to cut emissions of carbon dioxide, which came into force in February.
No, no no. Thats all you'll ever hear from Bush's Republicans.
Blair, Chirac, Putin, for once united in cause, have helped draft elaborate plans to counter global warming. A complex global pact was made at Kyoto. Everybody's trying to work on it. They're coming up with ideas, making solutions, PLANS.
But all the Bush administration can come up with is NO. Its reason for living is to say No to everything the rest of the world is trying to do about it.
Blair is looking
forward to the problems we are going to face in fourty years. That our children are going to face. It is our RESPONSIBILITY to act now to safeguard the security of our children.
What is Bush doing except for denying there is a problem? Except for ducking difficult decisions? Whats the Republicans' message here, except "no" and "lets not do anything"?
All they do is talk, talk talk. And all they say is we should wait until we're absolutely
sure there is a problem. And in the meantime, we should just be doing nothing at all. Yeah, until it might be too late.
Theirs is the philosophy of the STOP sign, the agenda of the roadblock. Obstructing is all they can do.
What is THEIR idea? Why doesn't Bush offer solutions instead of only ever shooting down Blair's and the EU's ideas?
If they had a plan about it, we'd know about it, cause if there's anyone who could publicise what they WANT to publicise, it's the Bushies.
But we don't hear about it, because there's nothing
there. Because they don't have a message.
See how easy this is?