kickycan wrote:Cool, Frank. Is that a symbol of your patriotism?
No...but it was the only one I thought I could come home with...without Nancy kicking my ass good and proper.
Funny story:
Last year...I am playing golf. When I play golf...I like to smoke a cigar.
Damn...wouldn't you know lighter won't work.
I spot a twosome coming up the path between two holes...and one of them is smoking a I approach to ask to borrow his lighter.
BACKGROUND: I am dressed, as I often am, with a GIANTS sweatshirt and a GIANTS cap. This guy is dressed head to foot in Philadelphia EAGLES green.
"Hey, can I use your lighter?" I ask...showing my cigar.
"Not a goddam chance," comes the reply almost immediately. "Not wearing all that GIANTS shyt!"
I am staggered. How do I recoup!
"Wait a minute," I say...and I lift up my pants leg to show him the eagle tattoo.
I get my light...and we both have a good laugh.