Me Too

Tue 11 Dec, 2018 11:37 am
It is interesting how this thread has mimicked the progress of the #MeToo movement in general. Able2know is a microcosm.

It started out with an earnest sounding plea with political overtones. It then moved to outrage and insults. Any questioning of the political narrative (from man or women) was attacked. Then the questions got louder, the infighting grew more fierce. Attacks were made, mud was thrown.

And then it became just another form of old political correctness... not important anyone but angry White liberals.

Able2know mimics life.

Tue 11 Dec, 2018 03:43 pm
Able2know mimics life.

Maybe, maybe not. If it indeed does, then folks here will change direction as the real physical world does. If it does not, then it (A2k) can proceed along it's own path, which may or not match up with anything out there.
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Wed 9 Jan, 2019 12:48 pm
Survey Suggests Media Overstates Me Too’s Positive Benefits For Women
By Emily Jashinsky, JANUARY 9, 2019

To say Me Too uprooted the press and Hollywood is probably fair. But the earthquake sensed in newsrooms and boardrooms may be skewing the media's coverage.

It’s been decided. Me Too was a revolution. Verbs like “uprooted” and “swept” and “transformed” are frequently deployed in describing the young movement. A single-sentence declaration in the New York Times this week almost used all three: “The #MeToo movement has swept across television and movie studios, investment banks and factory floors, fundamentally remaking the thinking around gender and harassment.”

That’s the conventional wisdom, at least. New evidence suggests it’s not quite accurate.

To say Me Too uprooted the news media and Hollywood is probably fair, having felled giants of both industries in a remarkably short span of time. But the earthquake journalists and media denizens sensed in newsrooms and boardrooms may be skewing their coverage.

A Hollywood Reporter-Morning Consult survey conducted in late December found “few respondents believed the #MeToo movement had changed their workplace or society at large.” Consider these results, as outlined in THR’s Tuesday write-up:

While one-third (30 percent) of respondents said increased attention to sexual misconduct had fostered a more comfortable work environment, another third (34 percent) believed that the movement had not opened up more opportunities for women. When asked if the problem of sexual assault or harassment had changed in entertainment, finance, politics and government, tech, and society-wide since #MeToo, the largest percentage of respondents repeatedly said these problems had not changed… unequal treatment of men and women was also considered more or less the same than it was pre-#MeToo (46 percent).
While 30 percent believed the movement had fostered a more comfortable work environment, a higher combined percentage said it either created a less comfortable work environment (21 percent) or made no difference at all (24 percent). Fifty-eight percent of respondents said they’d heard “nothing at all” about the Time’s Up movement, although it’s frequently name-dropped by celebrities and has garnered plenty of coverage in major outlets.

More respondents were “very concerned” about women making false sexual harassment or assault claims (55 percent) than were “very concerned” about women experiencing sexual harassment or assault in the workplace, (52 percent) or society doubting claims of sexual harassment or assault (37 percent). To be clear, it’s not as though the sample was full of Sterling Cooper sexists: 42 percent said “unequal treatment of men and women” is a “major problem” in society, with an additional 32 percent saying it was “somewhat of a problem.” (Respondents were 53 percent female and 47 percent male. The margin of error was 2 percent, according to THR.)

If we accept that Me Too really did transform Hollywood and the media, urging the chattering class to describe its impact more precisely as one isolated in large part to their own spheres may seem overly semantic. But note how the sentence excerpted earlier from the Times extends Me Too’s “[fundamental] remaking” from television and movie studios and investment banks to “factory floors,” with the latter likely meant to serve as a symbol for industries outside elite circles. It’s true that when we talk about Me Too in the media, it’s often generalized as a society-wide revolution. If THR’s survey is to believed, that perception is absolutely not widespread.

At its founding, Time’s Up announced a major component of its efforts would involve operating a legal defense fund aimed at helping “less privileged women — like janitors, nurses and workers at farms, factories, restaurants and hotels — protect themselves from sexual misconduct and the fallout from reporting it.” The THR poll suggests the “less privileged” haven’t exactly felt a revolution.

This isn’t to say such overstatements pose a dire threat to the republic, but they’re important as a) a window into how self-awareness deficits in the media and Hollywood can skew our conversations on important cultural topics, b) a sign the goal of extending Me Too and Time’s Up into environments of less privilege is unfulfilled, at least as far as perception is reality, and c) a symptom of the chasm that exists between the media and its broader audience.

As far as the second point is concerned, we can see how this chasm actually disadvantages Me Too proponents, who may believe the movement has been more effective at accomplishing their goals than it really has. Complaints about the so-called “bubble” are more than a cheap talking point of media-skeptical conservatives.

It’s very possible that sexual inequities are more pronounced in Hollywood and the media than in many other industries, and respondents in THR’s survey felt less impact because they had fewer cultural improvements to make. That’s difficult to say. But if these results are replicated more and more in the coming months, we should be careful about how the history of Me Too is written.

We should also immediately be more careful not to overstate the sweep of Me Too in the media (some investigative reporting on the question would also go a long way). It’s coverage that doesn’t ring true with our audiences that exacerbates media distrust.

Emily Jashinsky is culture editor at The Federalist. You can follow her on Twitter @emilyjashinsky .
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Thu 10 Jan, 2019 02:21 am
Hazing rituals have long been a brutal secret among high school and college sport teams. But in the #MeToo era, can teenage victims shatter the code of silence?

*This story includes some graphic descriptions of sexual assault*

When Allison Brookman arrived at Reed Custer High School to pick up her 14-year-old son Anthony from American football camp, she knew something was wrong.

"You can kind of tell when your kid is hurt or sad," she told the BBC.

"When I pulled up, I saw that same look in his face, that he was hurt."

After some needling from his mother, he admitted he had just been "jumped" by four senior football players.

But it wasn't until she took him to hospital to have his injuries examined that she heard what had really happened - that Anthony had been beaten up and sexually assaulted by members of the team as part of a violent hazing ritual.

"The first guy who slapped me twice and knocked me down, he kicked me in my right side on my ribs," Anthony told CBS in an interview.

"While the fourth one took my shorts off and they pulled my legs up so that he could get his finger to my, you know, body part."

Allison says when they heard this in the hospital examining room, she and her husband were stricken with horror.

"They didn't just beat you up, they tried fondling you?" she recalls asking.

"At that point my son looked at us and said 'don't worry mom, don't worry dad, they didn't get in me.'"

"That was probably the breaking point for both of us."

Now the family is suing the Reed-Custer Community Unit School District 255 in Braidwood, Illinois, claiming it failed to prevent the sexual assault and for allegedly not properly responding to the incident once they became aware.

Superintendent Mark Mitchell defends the schools actions and says the players were punished "according to the terms of the School District's Athletic Code of Conduct." The school is defending the legal action.

Three of the alleged attackers have also been charged as juveniles with aggravated battery. They are not named as they were minors at the time of the incident.

As their case winds through the courts, other eerily-similar incidents have also come to light. In Maryland, four 15-year-old members of the Damascus High School junior varsity football team are accused of raping a younger teammate with a broomstick as part of a hazing ritual, and trying to rape others.

Prosecutors have told in chilling detail how the alleged attackers cornered four freshmen teammates in the locker room.

"It's time," one of them said before they ganged up on the first victim, holding him down and sodomising him with the broom handle.

They are being tried as adults. A fifth suspect is being charged as a juvenile.

And in the Canadian city of Toronto, seven 14- and 15-year-old football players from St Michael's College School are facing charges of gang sex assault related to three separate hazing incidents.

In one incident, a video allegedly showing a teammate being penetrated by a broom was shared online.

These high-profile cases of sexual assault have reignited the call to end hazing in sports. And in the #MeToo era, many former victims are coming out to share their story.

Hazing is when members of a group deliberately embarrass or harm new or prospective members as part of a rite of passage, or initiation into the group.

"These are powerful forces that we're talking about, wanting to belong and wanting to be a part of a community," says Jay Johnson, an expert on hazing on sports teams who teaches at the University of Manitoba.

Hazing rituals can run the gamut from relatively benign - forcing team members to carry the gear to matches, or chant silly songs on campus - to extreme forms of bullying, including physical and sexual abuse.

It has been most commonly associated with university fraternities and sororities and athletic clubs, but high school groups are not immune. A 2000 survey by Alfred University found that about half of high school students reported participating in activities that qualified as hazing - while only 14% identified as being hazed.

In the US, 44 states have banned hazing.

In Canada, many universities and sport organisations have anti-hazing policies, though no federal law specifically targets the practice. Like in the St Michael's incident, police have often relied on assault laws when laying charges in hazing cases.

In the UK, the Rugby Football Union, the sport's governing body, has said initiations at university clubs are putting people off wanting to continue playing.

It claimed the traditions are partly to blame for an estimated 10,000 school leavers who recently stopped playing.

Most students who have been hazed have trouble realising they were, says Johnson, in part because a lot of the activities may seem harmless and like they were "just being a part of a team".

But hazing can turn sinister, and the practice leads to several deaths a year, often from alcohol intoxication.

Sexualised hazing is also fairly common, says Johnson.

From Texas to Australia, there have been reports of ritual sex assault on school sports teams for years.

A 2017 investigation by the Associated Press found 70 cases of teammate-on-teammate sexual assaults in US public schools between 2012-2017, which it called "the tip of the iceberg".

The cases are shocking both in their violence and their similarity, often featuring some variation of older teammates sodomising victims with anything from a fist, to a Gatorade bottle to the nozzle of a carbon-dioxide tank.

Earlier this year, an organisation called End Rape on Campus released a report saying that orientation week at Australian Universities is called "The Red Zone" by sexual assault support workers due to the combination of assaults, hazing rituals, and excessive alcohol consumption.

Sometimes all it takes is one bad apple to push a team to commit sexual assault, Johnson says.

"All it takes is that one person in power, or at the top of the hierarchy... a veteran player who came in who was a bit on the sadistic side, who pushes that boundary of what it can become," he says.

But hazing rituals usually stem from a toxic team culture, he says.

Traditions are passed down from year-to-year, and today's aggressors were often last year's victims. Often, coaches and other authorities turn a blind eye, Johnson says.

In their lawsuit, the Brookmans blame the school for allowing the hazing to fester on the team until it escalated to their son's assault. They also blame the school for allegedly not protecting their son from bullying after the incident.

Allison says Anthony was harassed every day by fellow students who called him a "rat". Meanwhile, she says, the alleged attackers only received a three-day game suspension.

It was the lack of action, she says, that led the family to sue.

"We just wanted to do our best to let our son see that he was somebody who was worth fighting for," she says.

Anthony now goes to a different school, and is seeing a therapist. The head coach resigned from the team, although he is still a teacher at the school.

Superintendant Mitchell says the student-athletes were disciplined according to school guidelines. He says he is not legally allowed to comment on individual disciplinary cases.

"We intend to vigorously defend these baseless allegations and protect the reputation of our fine School District and its staff," he said in a written statement.

In Toronto, the hazing allegations led to the resignation of school principal Greg Reeves and school president Father Jefferson Thompson.

Several alumni critiqued what they claim was the elite school's culture of "toxic masculinity" and claimed it had a "code of silence", especially once it was revealed that Principal Reeves did not immediately report the video of the alleged sexual assault.

He said that he did so the next day, after first helping the victim to tell his parents, because caring for the victim had been his first priority.

"This is a great school, and the majority of the teachers are great people. Where was the oversight? Like, what's going on with your teams? What is the mentality here? … There's a code of silence at the school," a parent told Postmedia news outlet.

The Brookman's story, and the sexual assault cases in Maryland and Toronto, have come to light during an era of public reckoning about sexual violence.

From Hollywood to the Supreme Court, victims have come forward to describe how powerful institutions silenced them to protect their attackers.

Johnson says he believes the attention that is being paid to Anthony's case, and the sexual assault charges laid in Maryland and in Toronto, show that people are beginning to think differently about hazing.

"I actually have hope that this might sort of be the flashpoint, for opening up the floodgates, similar to what happened to the #MeToo movement," Johnson says.

"That more people might start to come forward and feel empowered to share their stories."

There are signs that is starting to happen. In Toronto, prominent NHL players have revealed they were victims of sexual hazing while playing in junior ice hockey leagues, as have some alumni of St Michael's.

Ultimately, that is why Anthony agreed to tell his story on the nightly news.

"You see a lot of hazing on TV, but that's all it is, it's the news reporter maybe talking with the other news reporter and a picture of the school," Allison recalls her son telling her.

"Nobody ever steps forward, I want people to actually see my face and see what people did to me."

Thu 10 Jan, 2019 07:32 pm
I just posted this elsewhere, but it belongs here also

LAST WEEK, MY experience, and that of some of my female co-workers, became the focus of a New York Times story on the sexual harassment and sexism that took place in the 2016 Bernie Sanders campaign. I told my story to bring attention to the sexist environment that is unfortunately endemic to most workspaces, including political campaigns. However, I was disheartened to discover that the takeaway by many pundits was not that sexism and harassment is pervasive, but that Sanders was somehow uniquely culpable. I was also struck by some of the messages and tweets calling into question the character of the women who spoke out.

As was the case throughout the 2016 campaign season, my personal experiences as a woman of color were sublimated to serve an establishment media narrative that pretends the progressive movement is all white, all male, and runs counter to the interests of women and people of color.

But my story should not be taken to confirm the “Bernie bro” mythology. It should be taken to confirm the pervasiveness of sexism in professional life and distill the hard truths that all campaigns should learn from.

It’s not as if the Sanders campaign alone is nursing the last vestiges of sexism and sexual harassment in the political sphere. Both were reportedly features of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign. During her first run at the White House, Clinton’s campaign chose to retain a senior adviser who reportedly harassed a young woman repeatedly rather than fire him. And just last month, an aide for Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., resigned after it was reported that he settled a sexual harassment lawsuit for $400,000.

Politics reflect society’s general problem with sexism, sexual harassment, and sexual assault.
Politics reflect society’s general problem with sexism, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. As a whole, our country does not believe, respect, or even like women as much as men. Our president has bragged about sexually assaulting women and made countless demeaning comments about their physical appearances. Two out of 9 Supreme Court justices have been accused of sexual misconduct. One in 3 women have experienced some form sexual violence. A nonprofit administered an online survey last January and found that 81 percent of women have experienced some form of sexual harassment. The numbers and stakes are even higher for women of color and transgender women.

It’s not surprising, then, that these systemic problems infect political campaigns — especially since those calling the shots are mostly male, white, and disconnected from the working class. In my experience, women hired as strategists or managers are frequently treated like assistants and translators. Men often pass off our ideas as their own and “put us in our place” if we are too assertive.

It’s the classic double-bind: We are not smart enough or too smart; not attractive enough or too attractive; not dressed appropriately or dressed too nicely; not poor enough or too poor; not confident enough or too arrogant; not likable or too female. To be a woman in politics is to be held to an unattainable standard of perfection. To be a woman of color is even harder. When we see women like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez overcome the odds against her, set these expectations on fire, and score impressive accomplishments like getting the media and Democratic leadership to take a Green New Deal seriously, we should rejoice. But even she’s not immune.

AFTER THE NEW York Times story, I was hoping to see a more productive discussion about the insidiousness of sexual harassment and sexism in politics. In sharing my experiences, I was hoping to highlight this issue for all future campaigns and celebrate the power of women organizers who worked together and successfully got the attention of Sanders and his team. But that’s not what happened.

For one, the corporate media unfairly focused on Sanders — casting the harassment that happened within his campaign much differently than similar cases with other campaigns — implicating his personal ethics in a way that they’ve declined to do with other politicians.

Sanders recently apologized and acknowledged that his 2016 campaign could have handled sexual harassment and sexism claims better, and in his 2018 re-election campaign, he reportedly instituted sharper protocols like better hiring, training, and designating an independent firm that staff could utilize to report sexism and harassment. But new allegations of sexual harassment in his 2016 campaign have since surfaced, indicating the depth of the problem was likely deeper than most knew. Now, Sanders should take the rare step of setting up an independent investigation into the 2016 allegations.

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At the same time, I was deeply disappointed by the feedback I received from some on the left. Both myself and other women who spoke on the record about our experiences on Sanders’s campaign received messages and tweets from Sanders supporters accusing us of lying and wanting to purposefully attack the Vermont senator. I was told to “enjoy my 15 minutes of fame” and was mocked while the sexual harassment I endured was normalized. Neoliberals and corporate media are unfair to Sanders and his supporters because our movement threatens their supremacy. But to dismiss our claims as mere bias is at best disingenuous and at worst cruel.

By blindly attacking anyone who raises valid concerns about sexism because it’s “not a good look” for the senator, they are actually making him look worse. Ironically, in their defense of Sanders’s campaign, these individuals are behaving as if acknowledging the presence of sexism and sexual harassment in his campaign is akin to calling Sanders a sexist — the implication that the establishment media seems keen to draw.

Accusations of sexual misconduct during a political campaign should not be weaponized to serve a political agenda. Nor should claims be ignored to protect a beloved candidate — doing so only adds to the cycle of shame and punishment that makes sexism so hard to tackle.

Sexism will persist if women are discouraged from openly talking about our experiences. I sincerely hope that neither fear of political exploitation nor personal attacks discourage other women from speaking out against sexism or any abuse they’ve suffered.
0 Replies
Fri 11 Jan, 2019 07:35 am
Along the same lines:

Mother alleges hazing at sorority in lawsuit over daughter's suicide
A mother is suing both the chapter and individual students who were members.
By Meghan Keneally, Jan 10, 2019

The mother of a college basketball player who committed suicide is now suing one of the school's sororities, saying that alleged hazing contributed to her daughter's depression.

Jordan Hankins was a 19-year-old sophomore at Northwestern University when she was found dead in her dorm room in January 2017.

Her mother, Felicia Hankins, is suing Alpha Kappa Alpha and two of their chapters -- Gamma Chi, which is an undergraduate chapter, and Delta Chi Omega, which is the graduate chapter, both at Northwestern -- as well as nine individuals who are in the leadership of those chapters or now-former students who were in the chapters at the time of Jordan Hankins' death.

The lawsuit does not go into detailed explanations of the alleged abuse but claims Jordan Hankins was "subjected to hazing, including physical and mental harm."

"While post-initiation pledging, Jordan Hankins was subjected to physical abuse including paddling, verbal abuse, mental abuse, financial exploitation, sleep deprivation, items being thrown and dumped on her, and other forms of hazing intended to humiliate and demean her," the suit states.

Alpha Kappa Alpha was suspended from Northwestern's campus in May 2017, but specific details about the reason for the suspension were not disclosed. It may be allowed to return to campus in the fall, but it "must meet several criteria for that to happen," a Northwestern spokesperson told ABC News.

Northwestern is not named as a party in the lawsuit, which was filed in the Eastern Division of the Northern District of Illinois on Tuesday, but a school spokesperson confirmed in a statement that the sorority "has been and continues to be suspended from the University."

"Northwestern remains deeply saddened by the death of Jordan Hankins two years ago, and we continue to send our kindest thoughts and condolences to her friends and family," the spokesman's statement said, before acknowledging the suit and noting they will not be commenting further because the matter is in litigation.

ABC News' requests for comment from Alpha Kappa Alpha were not immediately returned.

Felicia Hankins' attorney Brandon Vaughn released a statement on the family's behalf, calling it "critical" to hold the sorority and those responsible "accountable."

"Jordan Hankins was at the prime of her life and seeking to join an organization she believed was dedicated to sisterhood and personal and professional development. Instead, as a condition of her membership, it is alleged she was subjected to severe physical and mental abuse by members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority," the statement reads. "Despite repeated warnings that the hazing was triggering Hankins’ anxiety and depression, we allege that AKA failed to take action to stop the abuse, resulting in Hankins taking her own life."

The suit states that “Jordan Hankins communicated to members of AKA sorority, including individually named defendants, that the hazing was triggering her PTSD, causing severe anxiety and depression and that she was having suicidal thoughts.”

0 Replies
Fri 11 Jan, 2019 11:36 am
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Sun 13 Jan, 2019 12:44 pm
Disgusting. Disgrace.

His name is Jacob Walter Anderson. "He nearly choked her to death [forcing his penis down her throat]. He raped her violently. He left her passed out in her own vomit -- the rape exam confirmed rape."

"If the 24-year-old successfully completes three years of deferred probation and pays a $400 fine, his criminal record will be wiped clean of the charge, and he won't have to register as a sex offender, CNN affiliate KWKT said."

Make him famous. The internet never forgets.
Sun 13 Jan, 2019 03:29 pm
0 Replies
Sun 13 Jan, 2019 09:01 pm

time again
Sun 13 Jan, 2019 09:05 pm

Two years ago, on January 21, 2017, people of all backgrounds--women and men and gender nonconforming people, young and old, of diverse faiths, differently abled, immigrants and indigenous--came together, 5 million strong, on all seven continents of the world.

On January 19, 2019, we march again. The theme for the 2019 Women's Marches around the world is ENDING VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that 1 in 3 women worldwide has experienced either physical or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime.

I'd prefer an ending violence theme but starting with this - I'll take it, especially with the MMIW issue.
0 Replies
Tue 15 Jan, 2019 05:00 pm
I watched a couple of Farrah Fawcett films last night. I had seen the Burning Bed before, but not Extremities. A man sexually assaults her two times before she turns the table and she ties him up. I missed the beginning. When I came in, she was digging him a grave in the flower bed. High drama and worth seeing.
0 Replies
Wed 16 Jan, 2019 08:09 am
I Got Death Threats For Writing A Bad Review Of ‘Aquaman’

On the joys of being a female movie critic. (Oh, and Aquaman was at best a disappointment.)
Wed 16 Jan, 2019 11:16 am
engineer wrote:

I Got Death Threats For Writing A Bad Review Of ‘Aquaman’

On the joys of being a female movie critic. (Oh, and Aquaman was at best a disappointment.)

Women get fewer death threats online then men do. I assume this applies to movie critics.

The gender stereotypes make it a bigger deal when women are threatened. Men are significantly more likely to be killed too...
Wed 16 Jan, 2019 06:18 pm
I am watching it for Jason Momoa. Yes, please!
0 Replies
Thu 17 Jan, 2019 01:04 am
As soon as I read engineers' post, I knew it would be a half a nanosecond before you showed up.
0 Replies
Thu 17 Jan, 2019 01:41 am
The interim president of Michigan State University has resigned after he said victims of a major sex abuse scandal were "enjoying" the attention.

John Engler, who was appointed a year ago, said gymnasts who were abused by ex-team doctor Larry Nassar were "hanging on" to the scandal.

He made the remarks in an interview with the Detroit News last week and was roundly criticised.

Nassar has been sentenced to more than 300 years for molesting young gymnasts.

The former Olympic doctor was convicted last year on hundreds of counts of abuse at USA Gymnastics and Michigan State University.

The head of USA Gymnastics and the president of Michigan State University both resigned in the wake of the scandal.

"There are a lot of people who are touched by this, survivors who haven't been in the spotlight," Mr Engler said in the interview with the Detroit News.

"In some ways they have been able to deal with this better than the ones who've been in the spotlight who are still enjoying that moment at times, you know, the awards and recognition," he added.

The former state governor delivered his resignation letter to the university's Board of Trustees on Wednesday night.

He said that several members of the board had asked him to resign.

"When I arrived I found a university in crisis," he wrote. "Disclosures of sexual abuse by... Larry Nassar had made MSU a troubled institution."

"The bottom line is that MSU is a dramatically better, stronger institution than a year ago," he added.

Last year, the university agreed to pay $500m (£371m) in compensation to the athletes who were abused by Nassar.

According to the lawyers, $425m will be paid to the claimants, and another $75m would be set aside for any future allegations against Nassar, 54, and the university

0 Replies
Sat 19 Jan, 2019 03:25 am
From Spain.

A man convicted of killing his wife is now believed to have murdered his defence lawyer, with whom he had been having an affair, before taking his own life on Friday.

Jose Javier Salvador Calvo, 50, jumped from a bridge in the eastern town of Teruel when police confronted him.

The case has shocked Spain, prompting debate about domestic violence laws.

Reacting to the deaths, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez vowed to continue tackling violence against women.

His tweet is seen as a retort to Vox, a far-right party influential in the southern region of Andalusia that wants to halt legal aid for women beaten by men, saying it unfairly favours the woman.

0 Replies
Mon 21 Jan, 2019 04:08 am
YouTube star Hbomberguy has raised a whopping $200,000 (£155,000) for Mermaids, a charity supporting transgender children and teenagers ‘to spite’ Father Ted creator Graham Linehan. When Mermaids was awarded a fund from the National Lottery, Graham urged people to oppose it, describing the charity as pushing an ‘extreme ideological agenda.’ Enter Hbomberguy – real name Harry Brewis. The YouTube star, who has a following of more than 300,000, followed in the steps of Dr Lupo and took to Twitch. Because how else would you raise money other than playing Donkey Kong?

The stream has been continuing for upwards of 40 hours and Harry and his fans have raised more than $200,000 (£155,000) for the charity. In a video, the streamer explained: ‘I chose to support [Mermaids] because as a person living in Britain, I find the media discussion around this issue to be woefully misinformed, and I’d like to do my bit to help support the people who do the hard work of contributing to people’s thinking on an issue.’

The YouTuber added: ‘I chose Mermaids specifically, because when they were designated some funding via the National Lottery, Graham Linehan, a comedy writer who did some work on a good show 20 years ago, a very normal man who is very angry about trans people all day nowadays, went on Mumsnet and told them to email the National Lottery en masse.

Well done, Graham… now, tons of people know about Mermaids, and support them just to spite you!’ Ouch. Mermaids thanked the YouTube star, writing on Twitter: ‘Thank you to everyone who has donated and supported this amazing spontaneous event Watch @Hbomberguy online now as he tries to finish Donkey Kong 64 and raise TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS for trans kids!’

It comes after fellow Twitch star Dr Lupo raised $1.3 million (£1 million) for a children’s hospital – largely with a huge Fortnite stream. The 31-year-old – real name Benjamin Lupo – hosted a 24 hour Fortnite stream, titled #BuildAgainstCancer, which allowed fans to control his gameplay. Who says the internet can’t be used for good?

https://metro.co.uk/2019/01/20/youtube-star-hbomberguy-raises-200000-for-trans-charity-mermaids-in-twitch-stream-to-spite-father-ted-creator-graham-linehan-8367283/<br />

0 Replies
Tue 22 Jan, 2019 01:54 am
I found the idea that anyone could be ‘disappointed’ by Aquaman puzzling... To me it sounds like being disappointed with your last Kentucky Fried Chicken.

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