Who is pushing a positive image of traditional masculinity? That article was a little frustrating. I read it carefully, and I didn't see a positive description or why masculinity should be celebrated.
If you look at the determination of successful men in the past.... Martin Luther King's forceful sermons and his dogged determination. Einstein's brilliance and hours spent working alone on his theories. Muhammad Ali's pride and prowess. These are traditionally masculine traits. Yes, there were women who have shown them too, but these were strong, opinionated, brilliant men acting like men.
There is a strange thing... the pride, the forcefulness expressing opinions, the determination, the aggressiveness... these are the traits that made these men successful.
Instead of instilling these traits in women, we are asking men to give them up. The traits that have made the most successful men invent, and lead, and find justice are now ridiculed.
Fighting for justice takes courage, strong beliefs, aggressiveness and a willingness to push others. Inventing new technology takes self-assuredness (arrogance), willingness to express one's ideas loudly until you are heard, and long hours alone.
Somehow we want women to be successful... yet we aren't willing to take the very traits that have made the patriarchy successful.
There is no real "men's movement" without celebrating the traits that made successful men do amazing things.