I am so thankful for your responses. I know I tend to hold onto "stuff" and it takes me time to get over. I am trying to rationalize and explore my feelings and let it go. Many times it's so easy to say then do.
I doubt she knows, even though it is possible.
Yes, I am frustrated... it was all preventable...
It wasn't possible to talk when 'the revelation' happened, and we haven't talked since. As I mentioned previously, it all happened at my work place. I knew he would be coming and he knew that there was almost 100% possibility that his case would be assigned to me. We saw each other couple of days prior to this and I have explained to him in great details what to expect in terms of his case, step by step what the procedures were. He told me that he would be coming with his daughter and "my friend". He always alluded to "my friend" as him or he. It sounded a very weird that his friend would like to come but I thought " I don't know him (the friend) and I shouldn't judge their friendship."
You can imagine my surprise when "his friend" walked in.... it wasn't a guy as I thought, it was a lady. I treated the situation professionally as I would with any other client.
He didn't even had the courage to introduce her properly. Speaking to my coworker (I wasn't present at the time) he said "this is my daughter and my lady friend"
You might say he wanted to come out clean and that's why he came with her.
It would've been much easier on me and especially on him had he told me that he last time we saw each other. I would've even arrange do not be on his case or not even at work that day. Very confusing....
It was very obvious on his face and his behavior that 'the revelation' was taking a huge toll on him.....maybe he was fearing that I would make a scene..........all preventable had he had the courage to tell me prior to this meeting.
I think the feeling is more of being betrayed than feeling of being dumped...
I wasn't expecting a committed relationship....I wasn't ready, obviously he wasn't either. Then, longer I got to know him, more and more I realized that even though we were getting to be good friends, we couldn't be more.
I didn't waste my time on him, I was and still am living my life. There is nothing I would've done differently hadn't I known him.
You are right, I feel like I want to force him to explain, but I don't want to do anything I would regret later. I was very angry at first, thank god it didn't last long. Yes, I'm somewhat hurt too. Listening to his explanation will not be a problem at all. I don't feel the need to argue, no mater what he says, I just want to hear it. Needless to say that I probably will not trust much of what he says anyway. If we get to talk, I know that I can have normal conversation. I do not have any expectations.
Punkey, I appreciate your responses and you all your support very much.
I was thinking to ask him to explain and ask him if he was going to tell her or he wants me to do that.
"But expect just to find out that he is a needy, horny coward who can't commit to anyone."
You are right on that one too. The neediness had crossed my mind many times and within the last week I've found out that the rest of your sentence is very true too. I won't be surprised if he admits to keeping his lifestyle because of convenience for him. Really, nothing would surprise me.