Has there ever been a major event in this country that hasn't inspired a series of clever conspiracy theories? I doubt it. The first I was around to hear about was the JFK shooting, and that's still a hot topic. Well, maybe lukewarm by now.
There's a book, maybe it's still in print by, I believe Richard Hofstader, "The Paranoid Style in American Politics". It's a style that's still in vogue!
would it truly surp[rise you if you learned irrefutably that 9/11 was an inside job? Not do you believe it now, but would you be surprised to learn it?
There always have been and always will be folks who figure they know better than folks who actually are in the loop and know what they're talkin' about.
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:would it truly surp[rise you if you learned irrefutably that 9/11 was an inside job? Not do you believe it now, but would you be surprised to learn it?
I'm certainly willing to accept that possibility, yes...
timberlandko wrote:There always have been and always will be folks who figure they know better than folks who actually are in the loop and know what they're talkin' about.
but the people inside the loop have only one real priority...staying inside the loop with as little interfence as possible from those pesky citizens outside the loop.....not that I'm saying I believe this conspiracy theory...but the insiders have done little to win my trust....
I hear ya, BP - though I note that frequently the most strident of doubters are those irritated by what's goin' on and/or those doin' it - whatever is goin' on, whoever is involved with the goin's on.
If they don't like it, or its explanation, or its principals, or if satisfying answers are unclear or absent, its gotta be an evil conspiracy. Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, monster-under-the-bed, aliens-are-here, things-that-go-bump-in-the-night stuff, if you ask me.
timberlandko wrote:I hear ya, BP - though I note that frequently the most strident of doubters are those irritated by what's goin' on and/or those doin' it - whatever is goin' on, whoever is involved with the goin's on.
If they don't like it, or its explanation, or its principals, its gotta be an evil conspiracy. Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, monster-under-the-bed, aliens-are-here stuff, if you ask me.
my opinion, which will be no surprise to you...is that the monster has come out from under the bed and jumped right in....and is stealing our share of the damn covers.....
Dammit, I hate when someone tags a quote off a post of mine while I'm revisin' the damned thing - folks do that on purpose just to embarrass me - I'm convinced there's a network out there dedicated to doin' that
Phoenix32890 wrote:Martians............that's the only plausible explanation. Orson Welles tried to warn us years ago, but no one took it seriously!
It's the anal probes that make it an "inside" job.
timberlandko wrote:Actually, if you must know, the whole deal was engineered by folks with a grudge against the investment firm Marsh and McLennan. The other WTC tower, the Pennsylvania crash, the Pentagon strike, the whole terrorism angle, and the attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq are nothing more nor less than parts of the incredibly well-thought-out and effective coverup conspiracy. But havin' told ya this, I really gotta kill ya all now. Nothin' personal, mind ya - just business. Hope you'll unnerstand.
Please step away from the furniture.
Oh, right, as if the Pentagon was ever really hit! Abbie Hoffman rose from his grave (the 1st or 2nd coming, depending on your Judeo-Christian beliefs) and levitated the building. Meanwhile, all passengers on the plane were slid into another dimension where they have lived happily ever after.
We now return you to your regularly-scheduled paranoia.

cnn poll shows 90% think 911 is a cover-up
Just wondering if you guys knew about this ?
cnn poll shows 90% think 911 is a cover-up
The military conducts exercises simulating hijacked airliners used as weapons to crash into targets causing mass casualties. One target is the WTC. Another is the Pentagon. Yet after 9/11, over and over the White House and security officials say they're shocked that terrorists hijacked airliners and crashed them into landmark buildings.
I like when Indymedia is shown to be full of kooks. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
Re: cnn poll shows 90% think 911 is a cover-up
Rafick wrote:Just wondering if you guys knew about this ?
cnn poll shows 90% think 911 is a cover-up
The military conducts exercises simulating hijacked airliners used as weapons to crash into targets causing mass casualties. One target is the WTC. Another is the Pentagon. Yet after 9/11, over and over the White House and security officials say they're shocked that terrorists hijacked airliners and crashed them into landmark buildings.
this doesn't add up...if 90% of people think there's a cover up...then 90% of the people are left wing, America hating, pinko liberal gay loving Saddam sympathizing bastards....and that means Kerry should have won in a landslide.....
By the way all the CNN links are removed they even went to a great lengths to romove the google cache, luckely i found a snapshot..
G o o g l e's cache is the snapshot that we took of the page as we crawled the web.
The page may have changed since that time.
Well, that may be a wee overstatement, but there is a kernel of truth. If 90% of people think there was a cover-up how was Bush re-elected?
(Of course, that's a question I've been puzzling over, anyhow...)
Re: cnn poll shows 90% think 911 is a cover-up
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:Rafick wrote:Just wondering if you guys knew about this ?
cnn poll shows 90% think 911 is a cover-up
The military conducts exercises simulating hijacked airliners used as weapons to crash into targets causing mass casualties. One target is the WTC. Another is the Pentagon. Yet after 9/11, over and over the White House and security officials say they're shocked that terrorists hijacked airliners and crashed them into landmark buildings.
this doesn't add up...if 90% of people think there's a cover up...then 90% of the people are left wing, America hating, pinko liberal gay loving Saddam sympathizing bastards....and that means Kerry should have won in a landslide.....

Makes you think right...
take a look at this:
Documentary - Bush STOLE THE ELECTION (Banned BBC Documentary).avi
download and watch the Documentry
World Trade Center 7 Imploded by Silverstein, FDNY and Others
In a stunning and belated development concerning the attacks of 9/11 Larry Silverstein(jew), the controller of the destroyed WTC complex, stated plainly in a PBS documentary that he and the FDNY decided jointly to demolish the Solomon Bros. building, or WTC 7, late in the afternoon of Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001.
watch the videos:
Well, if nothin' else, there can be little doubt about Rafick's credentials.