Then I suppose the gubmit's really got them alien critters stashed away out there at Area 51 an' it was Grant that killed Custer..
That's why we have time cops... :wink:
timberlandko wrote:Then I suppose the gubmit's really got them alien critters stashed away out there at Area 51 an' it was Grant that killed Custer..
Well, that's just silly.
Everybody knows that 9/11 was planned
by the gubmit at Area 51 an' it was Grant that killed
I think we all know who's really responsible for the murders on 9-11. If we stop imagining all these fantastic theories and just think for a secondÂ… the answer becomes pretty obviousÂ…
The sound of so many whistling in the dark.... on either side of an issue.... certainly is efficient at polarizing people so much that the real truth about anything is safe from discovery.....
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:The sound of so many whistling in the dark.... on either side of an issue.... certainly is efficient at polarizing people so much that the real truth about anything is safe from discovery.....
What is "the real truth" according to you?
ForeverYoung wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:The sound of so many whistling in the dark.... on either side of an issue.... certainly is efficient at polarizing people so much that the real truth about anything is safe from discovery.....
What is "the real truth" according to you?
I don't know...that's why I consider more than what is delivered to me by right OR left wing hysterics...and I certainly don't take what comes out of the White House at face value.....
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:I don't know...that's why I consider more than what is delivered to me by right OR left wing hysterics...and I certainly don't take what comes out of the White House at face value.....
Well, okay. Please allow me to re-phrase: what do you
believe to be the truth of 9/11?
I believe the government turned a blind eye to the signs and murmurs...and then parlayed lemons into lemonade to go to a war of revenge and profit that they would have found an excuse to do eventually anyway.....I do not believe our top leaders..both the ones we're told are our leaders and the Wizards behind the curtain...give one flying f*#k for American citizens, world citizens or anything other than the total harvest of our remaining global resources......and I do not think our leaders are unique in the world......
Thank you, Bear.
That's exactly why I was interested in why there is no "ICONOCLAST" user group here ...... :wink:
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:I believe the government turned a blind eye to the signs and murmurs...and then parlayed lemons into lemonade to go to a war of revenge and profit that they would have found an excuse to do eventually anyway.....I do not believe our top leaders..both the ones we're told are our leaders and the Wizards behind the curtain...give one flying f*#k for American citizens, world citizens or anything other than the total harvest of our remaining global resources......and I do not think our leaders are unique in the world......
Thanx Bi-Polar Bear, for once i agree
ForeverYoung wrote:... I was interested in why there is no "ICONOCLAST" user group here ...... :wink:
We ain't real big on vandals hereabouts, whatever they call themselves :wink:
timberlandko wrote:We ain't real big on vandals hereabouts, whatever they call themselves :wink:
My ignorance is showing again. I don't 'get' that. Please break it down for me.
ForeverYoung wrote: I don't 'get' that. Please break it down for me.
ICONOCLAST : One who destroys images and/or other artifacts
From the Greek "Eikonoklastes",
breaker of icons
The 9/11 Evidence that May Hang George W. Bush
I found this Article, I just wana know what you guys think.
The 9/11 Evidence that May Hang George W. Bush
I have nothing to do with this Article by the way, its
By Cheryl Seal
ForeverYoung wrote:timberlandko wrote:We ain't real big on vandals hereabouts, whatever they call themselves :wink:
My ignorance is showing again. I don't 'get' that. Please break it down for me.

Iconoclast used to mean people (Christians) with a passion for destroying "depictions of false gods" or "forbidden depictions of heavenly things". Such people vandalized museums, old churches, and the holy sites of other religions.
Re: The 9/11 Evidence that May Hang George W. Bush
Rafick wrote: I just wana know what you guys think.
I think P. T. Barnum was a very perceptive guy.
Re: The 9/11 Evidence that May Hang George W. Bush
timberlandko wrote:Rafick wrote: I just wana know what you guys think.
I think P. T. Barnum was a very perceptive guy.
Do you mean P.T.(Exploitation) Barnum, ha ha ha
I think the article is a bunch of suppositions based on falsehoods. Same old thing from someone who hates Bush. Where did info come that led the writer to state that once a president's approval rating hits 45% impeachment soon follows? Oh, I guess she made that one up. And then she follows with the same old tired story that Bush stole the 2000 election. Oh yeah, somehow following the path that will best benefit himself is seen as somehow evil. Give me a break. Everyone here will follow a path in life for which they deem best for the benefit of themselves.
Based on all this, she concludes that Bush would stand aside and let 9/11 happen. Right. Rafick, if this is how you form your opinions, I am understanding you a little better now.