Come on Littlek, we all do eventually. Haven't you? Sometimes it's just fun!
sublime1 wrote:How would your approaches differ if you were at a neighborhood bar as opposed to a nightclub. I have no trouble approaching miss right now at clubs. But the bar is a different animal all together. And i'm sorry to say starting to look for something longer than a weekend relationship.
Integrity, integrity, integrity. (Not to be confused with honesty.
Don't lie, but you don't have to tell everything you know, either.) Same basic principles apply for attraction, but now you need to avoid getting a rep. Choose your shots better. Only hit on girls you're pretty sure you're interested in, but be very friendly with everyone. Regular crowds are horrible sewing circles so make sure they only have nice things to say about you. Keep your trial closes
dual purpose. What I mean by that, is instead of letting your eyes, body language and demeanor betray your intentions like you would at a night club, don't give away your intentions until the last possible moment. Make
friends with the girl you like, perhaps even tell her that's your interest. Let her wonder if you really like her more or not. Not only does this stir up the age old desires of cat & mouse, it protects your reputation (for a while anyway :wink:) from becoming one of a horn dog.
Biggest mistake I see guys make, just like sales people, is still getting hung up on that perfect prospect. If she doesn't like you, moving mountains won't help. Get over it.
Another lesson from sales:
When assessing your technique, pay no attention whatsoever to the hundreds or thousands of turndowns. The only way to truly know if your prospect was even qualified, let alone interested, is if she buys. You don't know if she's married, has a boy friend, has aids, likes girls or anything else about her. She may have reasons to not go out with you that have nothing to do with you, so don't let
her discourage you one iota. Instead, focus on your successes and assess what you did right... and what you think you could have done better in those relationships because that's the only time you know it had anything to do with you and/or your technique. The best salesman on earth can get 100 turndowns in a row. He learns nothing from this.
Copy what works: If you know someone who's advanced at something you want to be good at, put your pride aside and emulate him until you figure out his secrets. Works in everything from sales to chess, so why not the single scene?