McGentrix wrote:Joe Republican wrote:Is this what christianity is about? Levelling Mecca, bombing the Middle East and ridding the world of muslims? Look at some of your posts and replace the word Muslim with Jew. Now you can see why there are comparisons between Hitler and Bush.
I do not believe I have ever heard or read Bush suggesting, hinting, implying, saying, writting that Muslims should be wiped out. Only a complete idiot would compare Bush with Hitler.
Re-read my post. I was quoting gunga, not Bush.
As for a complete idiot comparing Bush to Hitler? Only a complete idiot would fail to look at history, fail look at the downfalls of civilization, and continue along the same path.
Quote:Another poster said "This could never happen in this country because of separation of powers". Well, I beg to differ. Our founding fathers set up the constitution in order to promote the minority viewpoint. That is why we have three branches of government. They believed that the only correct decisions were made when all of the constituents were heard. Well, now our separation of powers is gone. Our country is controlled by the radical right, who uses tactics boarding on treason, to force all others to agree with them. I can come up with numerous facts for the above, but it's how we are operating right now.
The people of the US elect their representatives. That Republicans, not the radical right, control the majority in the House and Senate as well as the presidency is telling. They do not trust Democrats or the left. Rightly so as they have a history of appeasement and cowardice.
Sorry, but I beg to differ. The Republicans controll nothing, the radical right controlls everything. Bush, Lott, Delay et all. all radical right and they show no forms of traditional republicanism. They controll the government, not the republicans.
Quote:I would like to see your numerous facts for your claims above.
Lets see.
1. Valerie Plame
2. Lying to congress about the cost of the health bill
3. Creating a ficticious threat to invade a country under false pretenses
4. Putting the lives of Bin Laden's family ahead of the security of our country
5. Election Fraud (Read some of the blackwell report)
Each and every item listed above is completely devoid of democracy. Just off the top of my head.
Quote:Why do you think there were so many cabinet people leaving? Because they want all "yes" men around them. They want to squelch out any dissenting opinion to their actions and policies. They use force and threats, even within their own party (Arlin Spector), to force their radical agenda.
So, why did so many cabinet members leave at the end of Clinton's first term? Reagan's? You don't suppose it could be because they have other things they'd like to do or that they feel they can no longer be effective, or they do not like the direction the administration is heading, or they's like to get back to the private sector or 100 other reason's, do you? I think you may have a case of mental constipation on this point.
Look at the number of people who left, their positions (Ashcroft not counting) and ask the question. Each person who left a cabinet position had a differing opinion on one aspect of the Bush Administration.
You still ignore the crux of the question. Bush eliminating any dissenting opinion. It's the kind of action that leads to failure. Watching how he runs this country, it's no wonder why he has failed so miserably as a business man. He lacks the knowledge and foresight to accept costructive criticism, and will stick to a single beleif, no matter how wrong, until the end. He doesn't have the mental capacity to observe, ask questions, formulate an opinion and act. Instead his thought process is formulate an opinion, gather evidence that supports your opinion, discredit any dissentors and act. It's the quickest path to destruction. History shows us that, just look at the past for other examples. Napolean, Hitler, Rome et all.
Quote:I think it is safe to say that the balance our founding fathers put in the constitution are gone. Those in power will do nothing to stop at keeping it, including rigging elections. They are the Anti-americans and history will show this. It's just amazing to me that so many others believe in this radical un-American form of government.
I think it is equally safe to say you are just plain wrong. Wordy, but wrong.
If you think I am wrong, that is just your opinion. You are a neo-conservative, so I would expect your opinion to be along the Bushivecks. I would expect nothing less.
Sorry, but only time will tell, and by looking at past history, actions which caused the fall of other governments/armies, I know I'm right.