Here's my problems with you gunga, and most of christianity. You profess to be devoutly religious, yet you spew out some of the most vile and hate filled articles and opinions on this board. You also lack a sense of logic and hold a lot of your opinions to "faith". You believe in creationism instead of evolution, which is fine, but It shows your lack of knowledge for the scientific method, and your acuteness when posed other views. Maybe it's underlying questions you have in your own faith which come across as hate filled, radical posts. I don't know, but you definitely show a lack of knowledge concerning other dissenting views and beliefs.
Is this what christianity is about? Levelling Mecca, bombing the Middle East and ridding the world of muslims? Look at some of your posts and replace the word Muslim with Jew. Now you can see why there are comparisons between Hitler and Bush.
As for the other posters, one said Hitler was not christian. Well, tell that to all of the Germans he professed christianity to. You should read Mein Kampf before you start saying things like "Hitler was not christian". It isn't what Hitler's inner beliefs were, but his presentation of his beliefs to his people is what really matters. Here is a quick list of some of his speeches from the original article.
As for the article, and the original topic of the thread, it poses many good questions and parallels between Hitler and Bush. It also shows how Hitler came to use christianity to rally his people. He believed in an intermingling of church and state (sound familiar) and use "god" in many of his speeches.
Another poster said "This could never happen in this country because of separation of powers". Well, I beg to differ. Our founding fathers set up the constitution in order to promote the minority viewpoint. That is why we have three branches of government. They believed that the only correct decisions were made when all of the constituents were heard. Well, now our separation of powers is gone. Our country is controlled by the radical right, who uses tactics boarding on treason, to force all others to agree with them. I can come up with numerous facts for the above, but it's how we are operating right now.
Why do you think there were so many cabinet people leaving? Because they want all "yes" men around them. They want to squelch out any dissenting opinion to their actions and policies. They use force and threats, even within their own party (Arlin Spector), to force their radical agenda.
I think it is safe to say that the balance our founding fathers put in the constitution are gone. Those in power will do nothing to stop at keeping it, including rigging elections. They are the Anti-americans and history will show this. It's just amazing to me that so many others believe in this radical un-American form of government.