Should have this pic on every messhall wall......
Quote:I'm Alabamy bound
They'll be no heebie-jeebies hanging 'round
Just gave the meanest ticket man on earth
All I'm worth to put my tootsies in an upper berth
Just hear the choo-choo sound
I know that soon we're gonna cover the ground
And then I'll holler so the world will know
Here I go
I'm Alabamy
I'm Alabamy bound
I'm gone
Given the ability to recognize and address issues exemplified by some on this thread, I find it a matter of exceedingly little wonder The Democratic Party has achieved for itself the electoral record it has established over the past decade.
This thread doesn't have a whole lot to do with the Democratic Party, unless it was their idea for Bush to wear that jacket.
Perhaps you'd have preferred the term "Bushophobes", FD?
Don't know, depends on who you're describing.
Bushophobes it is then (though I see little functional difference) - referrenced as it applies. If the shoe pinches, why strain to force it on?
Well, Timber, I struggle to understand what the heck you are talking about and I know you will be quick to use that as an example of how dense I am, but let's just assume that you are talking about me. I am not the Democratic Party and don't belong to it. Neither am I afraid of Bush so Bushophobe wouldn't quite cut it.
If you have a quarrel with any of my points regarding Bush's chosen attire, other than condescending to explain to me how all presidents have custom made clothing, feel free. If you want to call me a Bushophobe for being creeped out by his tendency to take the uniform thing to new heights, you can do that, but it doesn't add much to the discussion. And if you weren't talking about me at all, well maybe you could be a little more specific in your posts.
Some folks sure have a thing about shoes, I guess.
Did McG ever manage to provide a link to his information about the source of the jacket?
I'm still curious about that. Not that it would make the outfit look any better or more appropriate, but it might make it more understandable.
I dunno if that link ever did show up, ehBeth. And it IS a silly-lookin' jacket, no argument there. What I just don't get is how anyone might take it for any more of an issue than a fashion blunder. Sure seems to me an odd, and wholly-irrelevant-to-what-matters thing to focus on and criticize. But then, there's much about some folks of some particular persuasions I can't quite get a handle on. I'm sure the confusion is reciprocated.
Well, I do think the origin of the jacket is of some interest, timber.
Every political leader gets the delightful opportunity to be asked to wear all kinds of strange things - feathered hats, space suits, special socks for when they have to take their shoes off in religious places, the list is endless. That is separate from wearing military gear because it makes you feel like a special fella.
If Mr. Bush requested it and thinks it imbues him with some status as a military man, it's a different thing than if a military widow made it for him and asked him to wear it.
timberlandko wrote:Some folks sure have a thing about shoes, I guess.
Shoes, boxes, categories, and stereotypes. I have a problem with all of these when they fit poorly.
Still can't figure out why anyone might think it an issue of any sort that The Commander in Chief might wear an Eisenhower Jacket, regardless its origin.
And I can't figure out why some folks given to negative criticism of things conservative (in the americo-political sense of the word) and/or things Bush-and/or-Republican related seem to take exception to being characterized as such. It does seem to me that some folk's tolerance extends only so far as may be ammenable to their own preferences. Mebbe I'm wrong, but it seems that way to me.
Maybe 'some folks' like to be referred to by name so that they know whether they should defend themselves when 'some other folks' make mischaracterisations of them.
But I do think it's hilarious that you posted a picture of Eisenhower in his military uniform to make the point that Bush in fact is not wearing a military uniform.
What a tempest in a teapot my little jab at ms. bushs' silly jacket made.... I kind of like it.....
I think its funnier'n hell, too BPB. And illustrative.
well then I will call it to a vote? I vote Aye.
Then my vote would be aye-aye, cap'n.