FreeDuck wrote:Then maybe I should have said 'custom designed' stuff. I think my point was pretty obvious -- that previous presidents wore what looks like the same bomber style jacket but that this one looks like he's going for the uniform look, and it's clearly very different from the previous ones.
This is a good point, one I also tried to make without success, and helps explain the indignation of our two conservative friends who took umbrage at my remarks by sniping at me personally, but who have literally hundreds of postings here ridiculing politicians they dislike, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton most prominently.
You can dish it out fellas, but you just can't take it, can you?
Let's go back to the pictures again:

The last of these is actually quite appropriate, taking into consideration not only what he is wearing but who is he is addressing -- the Special Olympics participants. Nor would I have any problem if Bush slipped on a New England Patriots or Detroit Pistons jersey during those championship teams' visits to the White House (which as fas as I can find in terms of photographic evidence he has
not done). He'd still look a little goofy, but he would get even from me the latitude of getting caught up in enjoying himself as a sports fan.
But when you are a President who has sent the nation to war on dubious intelligence, fabricated evidence, and outright lies, then your leeway in playing soldier is, to put it mildly, significantly reduced.
It's instructive at this point to go back and look at the photos that McGentrix linked in of the various Presidents (I won't link back to it; it's just a few clicks back and you can find it easily yourself).
He supplied this as evidence to refute my point that, as a rule, Presidents just don't do this.
He's still wrong.
Now I'm already on record as criticizing the picture of Clinton for his outfit at the ship dedication, so my partisanship (or lack thereof) shouldn't be an issue.
And for those who may not have looked at McG's pictures, there's Reagan, Carter and Bush the Elder walking or standing at leisure wearing bomber jackets, and a picture of John Kennedy on an aircraft carrier (or some other naval vessel).
First, there's the important distinction that all these Presidents served their nation with honor during a time of war. Kennedy and Bush the Elder won medals for valor; Ronald Reagan, due to
difficulties with his eyesight served the Enlisted Reserves in a variety of posts stateside. And to be fair "time of war" is a bit of a stretch for Carter; his Naval Academy appointment put him in the Pacific in 1947, and while he served on several vessels including being part of Adm. Hyman Rickover's pioneering
pioneering program of nuclear-powered submarines, by the time he was discharged in 1953 the weapons firing he had been exposed to had been only as a component of simulated war patrol.
Further, there was never any question surrounding their service to their country, and none of them dressed themselves in a flight suit and landed on an aircraft carrier either.
Bush comes in for deserved criticism, no matter how much McG or cjhsa dislike it -- or me for that matter -- because of these demonstrated attempts to have the glory of honorable service
transferred to him by osmosis.
He didn't earn it when he had the chance, and now he wants it applied to him by fiat.
As I said before: unh-uh.
This is actually the type of person he gets compared to when he puts on these khaki pretend uniforms:
Or this:
Or, sadly but deservedly, this: