Confused about religion

Reply Wed 5 Jan, 2005 08:13 am
Are you not aware sire that we can't get it together without hypocrisy.Christians don't follow Christ's teachings.If they did there wouldn't be any Christians except maybe some mad sect living in a cave.Mr Bush is a Christian isn't he?And Mr Blair.It is a bit tough to take I know but nations just don't work without hypocrisy.Especially the "democratic" nations.It is a bit of a cross being a politician.I'm sure they would all love to be as sweet and reasonable as we are on this thread but if they were you can forget everything you know and love.

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Reply Wed 5 Jan, 2005 08:14 am
He said that, yes. It goes to show that even the best among us can lose sight of the perspective once in a while. Jesus said many things. He said that we should not eat meat, but at one time he himself did eat meat. We do not know the circumstances, so how can we judge his actions? His teachings are what's important. To be a christian, does that mean to follow the word of christ, or does it mean to imitate his life?

If you are to follow his words you have to follow all his words, not just the ones that are convenient. If to be a christian is to imitate Christ, then why don't all of you die to save the rest of the world? That is what Jesus did according to your own religion.
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Reply Wed 5 Jan, 2005 08:23 am
If I died to save the world it wouldn't save the world.It would be an empty gesture.

Anyway-what does save the world mean?The world will continue on it's merry way whatever you or I do.

I'll admit that an argument can be put which said that if all Christians suicided to save the world the world might be a better place.The hegemony of Islam might,only for argument's sake I mean,might be improved in some mysterious way.

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Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 5 Jan, 2005 08:48 am
spendius wrote:
Yep Frank,I know what a non-sequitur is.They are hard to avoid sometimes.
I am aware that you don't know what I'm talking about.When I started on algebra I didn't know what they were talking about,
The "it" is where we are now and the "they" are those who were somewhere else before Christendom took control.The dark ages if you like.
And boy were they dark. The "they" also included non-Christians.Perhaps something else would have done better but I rather doubt it.I fear that you think the task is a great deal simpler than it actually is.
One might see the virgin birth as metaphor.Isn't James Bond a metaphor?Shakespeare's tragedies are entire metaphor.
You're mystified are you.Right then.
You're sat in Rome as Pope in,say,1400.You have reports of hordes of armed horesmen laying waste your outlying lands by force of numbers.You look at your numbers.Your walls are tumbling down and your head is on a lance if you do nothing.The same position Augustus was in and Mr Bush now.But then numbers mattered most.The hordes reached Vienna.How do you get numbers up Frank?And then train and equip them.(This isn't mystifying I hope.I didn't ought to be.It is simple and it did happen and if it hadn't you wouldn't be living the luxurious life I presume you to be leading.)Now it's no good asking me exactly how it was made to happen.I do know roughly and I've met people who know a lot more than I do about the matter but it was made to happen and that's for sure.And the job isn't done with yet.The process is not one you need to know about.In fact I don't think you would wish to know.Suffice to say here that numbers may not be as important now as they used to be.Nukes and smart bombs being available now.One thing is obvious though.Since the advent of those technologies porn has been legalised and other sexual relief systems which don't cause babies have appeared.Fifty years ago such things were either crimes or subjected to social forces.One of those social forces is the influence on peasants of metaphor.I know you're not a peasant Frank and I'm happy for you in that regard but you seem to have difficulty seeing that that is what the Pope had to work with and the structures of cohesion worked out under his aegis have actually produced where we are now and any suggestions of a heretical nature are pure guesswork and with hindsight added.
Hang on Frank-Jesus overturned the money tables.Your bank is a money table.Jesus turned the other cheek.Your Gov't hasn't done that thank goodness.If Jesus had seen credit cards he'd have freaked out.
I never said anything about Jesus commenting on the church being rich.Jesus was no church.The editor of The Spectator,which is quite famous,once wrote in an editorial that he would have been shouting "crucify him" as loud as anybody else in that mob.(That's assuming it actually happened and it isn't just an extended metaphor.)Charles Moore is his name and he went on to edit The Telegraph under the ownership of Conrad Black.All I said was that THE CHURCH needs to be rich in order to have reach.Under certain circumstances which we don't have now it needs to be ruthless too.But I don't know what point I'm supposed to be having some difficulty in conceding.I don't really bother with points.I stick to facts if I can.The Church became an institution under Constantine in the fourth century AD.Before that it was persecuted.It was to do with the sociological facts that Constantine had on his hands not the dogma.
Peace and security were what mattered just like now.You must have failed to wrestle with Gibbon.It only takes a few months.
Can you not imagine saying to Jesus-"Look mate-they'll have you if you carry on like this and when this lot have you you're going to know about it goodstyle.Why don't you just go fishing like the rest of us."I can easy imagine saying that.I've said similar things to people.

Is that any clearer>


0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Jan, 2005 08:49 am
Why not take it all the way. If all humans killed themselves the world would be a much better for all the monkeys and elephants and so on... Smile

The debates that rage between humans on what is the right way is the very fuel of our continuance. The human conciousness is one of the finest products of evolution, and evolution is not absent within us. We have taken some of the reins of causality. When you think about it, every thought you think is a result of evolution, and the world tomorrow will be shaped on the basis of our thoughts today.
In one sense we can say that humans are natures instrument to improve itself with even higher efficiency than before.
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Reply Wed 5 Jan, 2005 09:29 am
Well sire:-

I wouldn't argue with much of that.

How does it play in behavioural terms tonight?There is tonight to get through.

Besides the humility of it there is a tinge of hubris as well.

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Reply Wed 5 Jan, 2005 09:48 am

I bent my finger to try to make it clear.I think it is pretty clear.Maybe you are remaining obtuse as a way of justifying not reading Gibbon and a whole range of other stuff such as the Malleus Malificarum.

The Pope was sat in Rome with that lot on his plate.That's a fact.OK What's the "that lot"?The mongol hordes.The anarchy.The bandits.The good timers.The food supply.Oh man-I could make a list as long as you want.Can't you put yourself in his position just as a thought experiment.?What would you have done?Let it all go to smash I suppose.It was an option.

Try reading a bit more slowly.That whole post of mine was as easy to follow as abc.You just don't like what it says-that's all.It shrinks you down to what you actually are just like it does me.That bothers you and it doesn't bother me.That seems to be the difference.There's not an assertion in sight and no difficult logic.The tone is tolerant and easy going.It's as clear as clear gets.

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Reply Wed 5 Jan, 2005 10:57 am
spendius wrote:
live to be:-

You ain't free mate.You are having yourself on.

Well, as long as I am not hooked to any religious authority, I consider myself free. Anyway dude, keep on writing, perhaps you can "enlight" me. So far, I only read BS's from your writing. But it's fun anyway Very Happy
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Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 5 Jan, 2005 11:07 am
spendius wrote:

I bent my finger to try to make it clear.I think it is pretty clear.Maybe you are remaining obtuse as a way of justifying not reading Gibbon and a whole range of other stuff such as the Malleus Malificarum.

The Pope was sat in Rome with that lot on his plate.That's a fact.OK What's the "that lot"?The mongol hordes.The anarchy.The bandits.The good timers.The food supply.Oh man-I could make a list as long as you want.Can't you put yourself in his position just as a thought experiment.?What would you have done?Let it all go to smash I suppose.It was an option.

Try reading a bit more slowly.That whole post of mine was as easy to follow as abc.You just don't like what it says-that's all.It shrinks you down to what you actually are just like it does me.That bothers you and it doesn't bother me.That seems to be the difference.There's not an assertion in sight and no difficult logic.The tone is tolerant and easy going.It's as clear as clear gets.


I think you are using lots of words to say nothing, Spend.

I truly don't even know for sure what the issues separating us in this discussion are. I TRULY DO NOT. You are not...despite your protestations...a very clear person when you write.

I do appreciate the fact that you at least attempted to use paragraphs in this latest post...something you don't always do.

What do you see to be the single (stick to just one for a bit) issue most separating us...and I will state my position on it. The you can tell me what you disagree with...and we can proceed from there.

This way...we seem to be constantly talking past each other.
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Reply Wed 5 Jan, 2005 03:30 pm
It probably just seems that way to you because you're constantly trying to talk down to someone.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 5 Jan, 2005 03:38 pm
snood wrote:
It probably just seems that way to you because you're constantly trying to talk down to someone.

Jeez, Snood...you are such a grumpy, crabby, bitter guy.

Go out and get laid.

Maybe you'll feel better.
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Reply Wed 5 Jan, 2005 03:46 pm
Look who's talking - the guy who "doesn't do 'believing'", and goes out of his way to belittle anyone who does.
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Reply Wed 5 Jan, 2005 04:58 pm
snood wrote:
the guy who "doesn't do 'believing'"

Believing in who? spendius?
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Reply Wed 5 Jan, 2005 05:35 pm
Believing - period.
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Reply Thu 6 Jan, 2005 05:27 am
live to be:-

"If the will of every man were free,that is,if every man could act as he chose,the whole of history would be a tissue of disconnected accidents."
Tolstoi-War and Peace.Epilogue,Part 11,Chap.8"

Who's problem is it if you can't be bothered digging into the wisdoms of the world?I'll bet on Tolstoi before you.With a history of disconnected accidents there wouldn't even be a Paraguay never mind a dirt-bike and all the back-up a bit of which I mentioned.If we all put your ideas into practice you would be cowering in a cave.You're an elitist.

Your whimsicalities ain't wisdom.Dirt-bike all you want.We gave you permission,but don't go thinking you have created such things.You are living on the fat of the land.Self indulgence is OK for those who can afford it but it isn't a suitable topic for a philosophy debate.Save it for coffee mornings with the fair sex.It might impress there.

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Reply Thu 6 Jan, 2005 05:33 am

I can't PM.Not yet anyway.

I'm tolerant.I'm used to crap.There's nothing else in the pub I have to use.
Besides I'm practicing.Easing myself in so to speak.
What's the uniform?

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Reply Thu 6 Jan, 2005 05:52 am
"If the will of every man were free,that is,if every man could act as he chose,the whole of history would be a tissue of disconnected accidents."

It might be. An it might not be a bad thing either, come to think on it.

Spendius, when you state that you are used to crap, and the reference is what it is in this case, I get a little hesitant because of what that implies.

When I engage in a debate with you I do so with the realization that my views might change as a direct result of your influence. I am prepared to listen and talk in equal measure, and though it is sometimes hard to maintain the proper balance my intention is always to try.

The problem with your remark is that it implies that you have no intention of even considering the validity of my opinions. I do not think that is a respectful way of engaging in a debate.

And yet I do not think that this is what you mean by this remark. I think you are referring to the way some of the messages are being delivered.

The skill of formulationg opinions so that they carry relevance without any form of judgement is one few posess. Much because it is hard to reach a satisfactory level of involvement without heating up, so to speak.

But this skill is not the only defense against jugement a debater can have. For my part I make it a point to listen for the relevance, and not the jugement. If it is wrong to make disrespectful remarks it is equally wrong to react disrespectfully when such remarks are recieved. This is what Jesus meant by turning the other cheek. With this in mind our differences can be as great as the distance between stars, and we will always be able to discuss them.
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Reply Thu 6 Jan, 2005 06:46 am
No Sire:-

There is no problem.Don't worry about it.I get told a few times every week that I'm talking out of my arse.That's the upper limit of wit in my pub.We are a blue-collar bunch and no mistake.

I do think that disconnected accidents are not the way forward.I know there's a lot about but we are going to straighten it out one day.A far off day but still.

One example of serious crap is talking about being free when we are obviously not free.What we have are certain privileges and we have had to fight for them with blood and guts.And the people who did the fighting have my heartfelt gratitude.When people talk about being free they belittle all that as if the world just happened when they were born and will be over when they are dead.Its inhuman.
Monkeys are like that.

It wouldn't enter my head to think we were not talking in equal measure.

When a remark only implies something you can't then go getting a conclusion out of it.That is especially true when it is your own interpretation of what it implies.That's a non-sequitur.And good debates are not always respectful.Sometimes you have to shove it up 'em for efficiency's sake.Debates are not for sensitive souls.

I try not to have opinions.The Tolstoi quote isn't an opinion to me.It is a fact.A debate can take place about whether to accept or reject the fact.I look around me at all we have in this wonderful world of Christendom and I reject the fact.I think Tolstoi was inviting us to reject it too.

I can't go with your last para.It is okay so long as there is no further action.You could be light years from Hitler in a debate but when he gets power you can only respond with violent disrespect.Hitler didn't stop at discussion.

I don't know whether you are Norwegian but if you are you have made a good fist at our language.I think Knut Hamsun was Norwegian.
Henry Miller once began a book with something like "My parents were Norwegian which is to say complete idiots."He was only kidding of course.My No1 hero Thornstein Veblen was Norwegian and his command of English was astounding.Don't miss out on Veblen.That would constitute dereliction of duty.
Miller too.Especially Tropic of Cancer.

Keep the light burning.

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Reply Thu 6 Jan, 2005 06:51 am
spendius wrote:
live to be:-

Your whimsicalities ain't wisdom.Dirt-bike all you want.We gave you permission,but don't go thinking you have created such things.You are living on the fat of the land.

Dirt-bike is not all I want. It's only a tool(beside an amazonian boat trips) to explore other cultures/religions.

"Religions can be likened to Rat poison, 99% sweet cookie, 1% arsenic...and 1% arsenic kills...Most religions give you 99% truths and feel good messages....but the 1% lies can kill you"

You never know, I could step on a wrong snake while exploring, and that's the end of me. **** happens Very Happy

spendius wrote:
When people talk about being free they belittle all that as if the world just happened when they were born and will be over when they are dead.Its inhuman. Monkeys are like that.

I born, and then I die. But my soul live 4ever. Just like the rest of humanity. And don't ever underestimate monkeys.
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Reply Thu 6 Jan, 2005 07:12 am
Yes, I am Norwegian. And so was Knut Hamsun. Hamsun was also a nazi sympathizer by the way, but that does not diminish the genius of his writings.

One example of serious crap is talking about being free when we are obviously not free.What we have are certain privileges and we have had to fight for them with blood and guts.And the people who did the fighting have my heartfelt gratitude.When people talk about being free they belittle all that as if the world just happened when they were born and will be over when they are dead.Its inhuman.
Monkeys are like that.

I beg to differ. Serious crap is when I state that your ability to understand the world is seriously compromised by your religious mambojambo. A statement like this is totally void of any relevance, and I display my own ignorance when saying it. So I try not to.

To say that we are free is not crap. It is an opinion, and if you cannot respect that people have this opinion the problem is yours. To state that it is crap is in itself crap of the caliber i mentioned above.

And still, you might be right about it, and we may never realize it because your wording is so perfectly suited to put our backs up. It is your duty, to the people you debate, but more so to the opinion you wish to promote, to do it in such a way that people try to understand before they counter. True writers are not good because they think thoughts no one had before. They are good because they can put into words the thoughts everyone has in a way that we can all relate to them.

We stand on different grounds when it comes to this free bit. I am of the opinion that I am free to do whatever I want, but that in turn I will be enslaved by my actions. It's called karma. But I am free to break out anytime I want.
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