D'artagnan wrote:What is PC about anyhow?
If it's just a big liberal joke, is it OK to burn a cross on campus outside a black student's dorm room?
If that was supposed to imply some relevance to this case, I must say that I wasnt aware that fat people have been victimized by centuries of oppression, slavery, institutionalised racism and cross-burning KKK-types dragging "offensive" fat people to death behind their cars ... a legacy still manifested in structural deprivation throughout society today - but perhaps I'm missing something here. Seems apples and oranges to me, though.
dlowan wrote:Oh - someone up there somewhere asked what would happen if he had said "people" not "women".
Same deal. He's still a rude li'l turd.
And being a rude li'l turd is a good enough reason to be put in a program for sexual harrassers and put on probation for 18 months?
I never liked heavy-handed school directors, I dont care whether they be the old-fashioned conservative pricks or some newfangled liberal ones.
Quote:I love those "No Fat Chicks" signs.
It is such a clear way of finding out - with no need to waste time investigating any further - that the male/s displaying them have no brains.
Sort of like real truth in advertising. Saves time and trouble.
Well, there you go. Let the stupid be stupid, and you'll know who you're dealing with.
The question here I thought was when one should move from expressing personal scorn about something to prosecuting official sanction of it. If we're talking of someone actually bullying some girl or guy, I think its pretty obvious. But the "No Fat Chicks" (or, say, "No Ugly Nerds") sign thing - really?