Annifa's Nonsensical Rubbish

Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 06:25 pm
Smog!!!! I have missed you. I am well, I hope you are too.
Hello Lordy wotsit, thankies for posting, and for answering my question about foo! Very grateful for ur twittering piffle also. Smile
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Reply Wed 27 Apr, 2005 06:34 pm
Still not pulsing... what's the dealio? Sort it out.
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Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 02:01 am
I'm aight. I'll try to find more direct means of communicating with you soon...
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Reply Thu 28 Apr, 2005 05:56 am
Annifa writes, "I'll tell you that for a game of soldiers."

Ok, I'll get my gun, now tell ALL - I'm listening. Smile

Really digging the llamas.

So a bored IT girl confesses to having harboured a secret llama fetish the whole time. Before the joke can get stale, she whips out a mike and starts crooning a sultry "I'm just mad about llamas/ and llamas are mad about me…" to the tune of "Mellow Yellow." And while we're still blinking at that one - just as she hits her chorus of "They call me Mama Llama" - two gigantic and ridiculously grinning llama puppets run out and start bopping around the room.

I hope this clears the air. Laughing
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Reply Sat 30 Apr, 2005 06:44 am
Try wrote:

"Really digging the llamas... I hope this clears the air."

Shocked If the air were any clearer...I'd need oxygen! Shocked

What a small world, there is a llama farm close to where I live. I have been visiting for a few years, the visitors can feed them if they wish. They seem like very gentle animals.

There is another farm near by that has an Emu, now they are fun! Very curious, they'll come right up to a person and stare. They make the strangest kewing (sp?) sound, it's a very deep pigeon-like rumbling (love to hear it).
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Reply Sun 1 May, 2005 06:00 am
Turtlette wrote, "What a small world, there is a llama farm close to where I live."

How do I go about setting up a cult with the sole purpose of
worshipping llamas with the inclusion of a bit-slap for those who don't?
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Reply Sun 1 May, 2005 06:20 am
Try wrote:

"How do I go about setting up a cult with the sole purpose of
worshipping llamas with the inclusion of a bit-slap for those who don't?"

Cult? Shocked That word scares me.

You can start with the purchase of the farm, I just happen to have a name for it- "Funny Farm".

I already have job's picked out for us, you bring home the bacon, and I'll feed it to the llamas. And as a side job, we'll till the land...till there's nothin' left. As for the nonconformists...hmm, there on their own, but we'll keep the gate open, just in case.

Are you in? Very Happy
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Odd Socks
Reply Sun 1 May, 2005 07:41 am
How does one join this cult?

I have a cult, but it doesn't involve llamas. YOurs sounds much cooler
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Reply Sun 1 May, 2005 07:53 am
Odd Socks wrote:
How does one join this cult?

It won't be a cult, it's a funny farm. To join, you must create something funny and then pass it by Mr. Try, if he laughs or snickers, you're in.
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Reply Sun 1 May, 2005 04:12 pm
Oh no! I have dipped below 6 posts per day for the first time ever! This post should put me back up above 6, but I don't know for how long I can maintain that rate. Maybe I'll have to start participating in the word games again. Or maybe I'll just have to learn to deal...
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Reply Sun 1 May, 2005 04:12 pm
It didn't do it! Sad

Maybe this one will. If not, I give up.
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Reply Sun 1 May, 2005 06:14 pm
Smog, seeing how you're right here, I have a question about this quote-

"I find the saddest thing is to lose one's dreams because of thinking about possibility." -dròm_et_rêve

When I dream I see/create an endless supply of possibilities, how is it that possibilities makes one lose or diminish a dream, or dreams? If a person is losing dreams because of possibilities, maybe they are dreaming about the wrong thing. Thinking about possibilities is dreaming, or at least it is in my book.

I don't understand her view.
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Reply Sun 1 May, 2005 06:34 pm
It was more in reference to impossibility, I believe. dròm was talking about how some people would say that she is quixotic, and I said that those people had grounds to make that claim, and she responded with that. She meant that, fitting the definition of quixotic, she had no problem dreaming about the seemingly impossible as if it were entirely possible. She basically meant that if you spend your time thinking about what might or might not be possible, you miss all of the fun of dreaming.

Did I explain that well enough?
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Reply Sun 1 May, 2005 06:51 pm
"Did I explain that well enough?"

Yes, thank you Smog.
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Reply Sun 1 May, 2005 08:04 pm
My pleasure. Smile
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Reply Sun 1 May, 2005 08:16 pm
my shame Embarrassed is just an idea Idea in the mind of a horned Evil or Very Mad frog Shocked .

(is that all right? can i play? wheres ann?)
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Reply Mon 2 May, 2005 05:06 am
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Reply Mon 2 May, 2005 06:11 am
Try wrote:

I'll compromise, how about a "Fun Animal Farm"

"snickers" Oh chocolate, yummee! Laughing

Shocked My pet guinea pig is named snickers... men sure do have big appetites! Laughing
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Reply Mon 2 May, 2005 07:12 am
Tryagain wrote:
Smog, (suffering a numerical crises) don’t play the numbers game, go for quality.

Looks like I'll never win. Sad
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 May, 2005 10:03 am
Smog wrote, "Looks like I'll never win." Shocked

The race is run, you are a winner and this is the lap of honour. Enjoy. Very Happy
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