Well I wouldn't say it was an athletes foot, I am relatively active but nowhere near athletic standards, you do flatter me so!
Ahem. Not athletes foot no... it was my heel. Strange, no?
Annifa wrote, "My foot itches."
I have been reliably informed there are 12 itches in a foot. Be brave, and keep the hell outta the computer forum. Your lost key reply had me in sitches.

Happy Kwanza.
I hope you are all preparing for my threads 1st Birthday party tomorrow
Holy shat time flys.........ohh and i've been preparing for months now....I was hoping to surprise you, but apparently you beat me to it!!!
I'm with InTraNsiTiOn (I typed that out... no copy/paste for me!), time sure does seem to fly.
I copied and pasted that. No typing that out for me!
Oi bitches! Pay attention to me, now dammit. I am joking thank you please I am sooo not that rude in real life.
Help! Am trying to write an essay that I have left to the last minute la ti daaar can anyone write it for me.. I mean, help me find stuff about DH Lawrence I've been googling for ages and quite frankly Im getting bored and lazy.
Found plenty of biographical info which (or is it 'that'?.. I'm not quite sure) may be useful but I'm looking for some critical analysis of The Prussian Officer to support/discredit my own most wondiferous opinion..
Anybody?.. no... dust?
Anger in the Work of D. H. Lawrence
D. H. Lawrence was probably a very angry man. His writings are full of extremely intense feelings of anger and hate which do not seem to belong. This anger is usually connected to love. The title character and the Orderly in "The Prussian Officer" have a love-hate relationship, except one hates, the other loves. The Orderly, as recipient of unwanted love, feels great resentment and anger towards the Officer, so much so that he kills him.
"The Prussian Officer" involves a gay officer. There is something dysfunctional about all of these relationships, however, and the anger exposes it. There is no reason for anger if there is not something wrong, so we know that there is underlying unrest in, Ted and Elsie's marriage, for example. The anger is supposed to hint at trouble, then it is up to the reader to discern from clues in the rest of the text the particular irregularity in the story.
The anger in "The Prussian Officer" is somewhat different because it is associated with love and resentment. Hilda and Laurie hate Emma because she has brought shame upon the family. As the father indicates, the family is dysfunctional in the first place, partially due to his failings and the lack of mother. This is the "problem" which is indicated by all of the anger and resentment. Hilda and Laurie are also jealous because they are probably virgins, but their sister is not.
In spite of plot differences, Lawrence is fond of using the anger motif to convey multi-leveled relationships. The relationship between Anne and the mole is not merely rodent-human. The Captain and Orderly do not only associate as ordinate/subordinate, much to the orderly's chagrin. The Rowbotham sisters resent Emma for what she has done, not for any immediately apparent reason. After the initial identification, the reader has to find the true meaning of the anger in order to fully understand
Nottingham University England hold most of his papers. Do post your finished work.
Tryagain, thank yee kindleee!
Are you actually really really sure you want to read my essay? People will mock me... Plus if I do get constructive criticism (.. if people who are not like me and actually post sensible replies read it) they will laugh at me and and and it's too late to change it now as I have to hand it in tomorrow morning and and and...
Ok I'll post it.. but only if you promise to skim read it, perhaps completely overlook it, then tell me it's great, just great - spiffy in fact, yes, that I can allow.
Brace yourself...:
Why thank you. How very kind. Adding extra words is unusual for me, I usually miss words out. It's like playing blankety blank.. Another trick of mine is missing off the last letter of a word if the following word begins with the same letter. Worra dodo.
"You cannot make another search so soon after your last"
Er.. what's that about???
How rude! Why the hell not eh? Is there a quota on these things? What a load of old tripe.
Craven will justify it saying it lowers the server workload but I think that... that's just what it does.
On behalf of the search team may I offer sincere apologies, the message you received should have read:
"You cannot make another POST so soon after your last"
Your avalanche of a post every six months places great strain on finite resources. It may surprise you to learn that your posts in Welsh have to be painstakingly translated into English by a team of Druids, which as you can well imagine, is a very time consuming. So, slow down.
BTW Sut mae?
I like that I have at least two threads to go to when I make triumphant returns (for 30 mintes) to A2K.
These speakers buzz a lot. It bothers me.
Yarr! Smog. It's because you always get a reaction
My computer makes buzz noises but with added 'about to take off' noises.
Oh my god??? What's happened here? What's with the layout? And where's my Audrey pic? Huh? Nooo!
Ahhhh waaahhh woo wah??? What's happened here? I haven't got to the bottom or the top or the middle or the inbetween parts of this new place... Where's Audrey gone? What's all this nonsense?
Man, you leave for 2 years, and look what happens.
But since you're here -- does this fat make me look pants?