So hello annifa how are you?
oh great thank u, having a ball!
Are you? a ball? really? that is quite something miss 'fa! for tea are u having it?
Oh no, just in general.
I see.
So... hows tha weather?
Tis raining.
Are you hungry? I'm about to cook tea. want some?
How do u cook tea? I thought u just boil some water in a kettle, chuck a tea bag in a mug - that sorta thang. u sound as though u r going to try baking it an oven!
...Quite. I do worry, about you.. do u?
I did not mean to write "tha"
Just so you know.
why ...
salire = to go up
salir = to go out
prendere = to grab
prender = to light on
and there`s more!
Annifa, your profoundly provoking previous poetic post is proving positively perplexing.
Perfunctory, perhaps perquisite pulchritudinous phobia,
"I did not mean to write "tha" "
Probably prurient purple prose.
Ah, I am sorry, I see your predicament...
Too much pizza makes me a full girl.. grooo
***nk you, it's ***nkless ***t ***tch in a ***w is less ***n ideal.
"I do worry, about you.. do u?"
That is 2 kind, albeit unnecessary, as that's what I pay my shrink for. (apologies for end of sentence preposition) May I have a pineapple topping on my pizza?
I kinda like german kezboards... makes me look a little more ghetto.
Zou see what I mean?
So hello annifa how are you?
Why hello smog! Today I am rather well, thanking you kindly. Wasn't feeling too well yesterday, had a headache and it wasn't amusing. Wouldn't have minded so much if it was a hangover as that would have been my own fault but noooooo dammit god was punishing me. Then I ate too much lunch and couldn't move for a while. Today however much better I feeling am. How are you?
*cough, cough* The rain in Spain falls mainly on the *cough cough* It's the smog, the smog. *cough cough*
I'm busier than I want to be, annifa. Much busier. And constantly tired. But otherwise, I'm fine. My life never changes all that much.
"Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, it's at the end of your arm, as you get older, remember you have another hand: The first is to help yourself, the second is to help others."
Of course that is not a pearl of wisdom from my good self, oh no. Thought I'd cite a certain actress whose picture graces every post I make, tis only fair. After all, I get to witter profusely on and on.. and on.. and Audrey never gets a word in edgeways. I fear I have been quite rude, no?
Annifa's Nonsensical Rubbish and smog's thread of ongoingness sitting in a tree
first comes love
then comes marriage
then comes Annifa's Nonsensical Rubbish with a baby carriage
Not ugly, just misunderstood.
How rude, t'will be quite a charming baby am sure. Full of random facts and general spontaneousness. What more could you want?
"What more could you want?"
Well, the whole nine yards, actually. :wink:
My foot itches.
Aargh it's so aggravating. Tempted to saw foot off, or similar. But then again I've seen the movie 'Saw'.. and, well, ouch. Not that I needed that film to tell to tell me that sawing my foot off would be painful.
Aww, do you have a case of athletes food? Hmmm, how bout some gold bond.....that'd prolly help!