woe is you, but i thought woe is me... Joe in which direction would you care to start walking in?
It's all blue potatoes to me.
Woe is my pet Aadvark actually. He told me that he's not amused at my using his name in vain - anymore of this philandering and ye shall be boiled in goats milk - sayeth he.
Potatoes are silly, they don't even have toes.
no toes, but they got eyes... so they can look at you mencingly but they cant walk over and back it up... interesting...
Seed wrote:woe is you, but i thought woe is me... Joe in which direction would you care to start walking in?
The first place I want to go is Dennis.
hmmm Denis isnt really all that great this time of shoe... how about we go somewhere more... leather... like say where you can smell the color 9
Now your just being silly. Everybody knows that Denis is far too busy being sung by Debbie Harry to entertain visits from fine folks such as yourself.
Hmmm... where can I find color 9 smell in winter?
And I was not being silly, I was being Sally.
if you travel in the direction green, you can find a small picture that holds the color nine... and if i am quite right, the smell is rather shirt this year... and i thought you were being sully not sally... as i knew you were not being silly.
a-ha! good job Seed.. the being Sally statement was only a test to see if anybody could see my true state of being. When we meet remember me to give you a conmemorative t-shirt.
I will travel green as soon as I come back from papaya as there are some mermaids there that are singing and I must go there first.
by all means... i hear the mermaids are quite forest this year... as for the conmemortative t-shirt... im a size lamp shade... do you have that?
Lamp shade sized t-shirts don't come until late in the year... but it's late in the year so yeah, we have them.
I want want a lamp shade t-shirt! And I want it to have a torch for effect.
I want a lamp shade t-shirt so much I have to say "want" twice!!
Send a postcard with your name and address to:
Calle Huihuilaka #3454
Secc. Tomás Villareal
Tijuana, B.C.
CP 23456
and you'll receive your lamp shade sized t-shirts in 6-8 weeks.
Annnnnnnnnn!! I want more nonsensical rubbish from you, and I expect that this post will prompt it!
hey smog, thanks for reviving my floundering topic! how did it get this way??
i am a terrible mother!!!
Don't worry, I left my own topic floundering for just as long as you did. And after having a month to think, you better have some really good rubbish to throw our way!
How's this for a complete pile of carp:
Over the christmas holidays i wrote a letter to Santa, asking him for a tree - so that I can say "oh look everybody - a tree!" with frightening regularity. I also requested a sheep, what with being in Wales and all I thought it highly fitting.
Santa wrote back - he told me that I couldn't have a sheep or a tree as the two don't go well together, the branches get stuck in their wooliness.. or something. He then said that the chances of his coming to my most gracious abode were in fact very slim, as there are murderous squirrels on the rampage.
I couldn't agree more.