Pentagon Board Report: "US 'alienating' world's Muslims"

Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 07:07 am
gungasnake wrote:
There are two things W. could have done the day after 9-11, i.e. what he did, and what I would have done, which would have been to level both Mecca and Medina, and ban the practice of Islam not only in America but throughout the world.

You'd like to at least try W.'s soilution first and, when you do, you'll find that in any effort to introduce democratic and responsible governments to the middle east, there has to be a first one.

I think even OCCOM BILL will agree that you are a fascist nut.
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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 07:29 am
Duck says - "To be fair, it's not just muslims who have a negative impression of our government's actions. We see ourselves as generous. Less powerful countries see us as a country who gives with one hand and takes with the other. It's impossible to see that perspective from our comfy chairs."

I agree with your assessment yet I an continually amazed by "world opinion" based upon the "give with one and and take with the other" analogy.

Helping others is a 2 way street, charity is a 2 way street.

From my "comfy chair", I see our tax dollars being "given" to others as charitible donations (humanitarian aid). Do we do that so we can "feel good" like when you put a dollar in the Salvation Army bucket at holiday time? I HOPE NOT!

By helping other nations, the "payback" should be future interest between "allies". Do we send millions to Africa to "battle " Aids because we "feel bad about it"? In part but also to foster relations and keep the "lid" on the outbreak.

While the US has provided billions in aid to Isreal, Saudi Arabia, Eqypt et al.. it was basiclly extortion payments to keep the "riff raff" over there, not here in the US.

Well, that did not work out too well. So apparently GW thinks a better way may be to nation build a democracy in Iraq. I personally do not support that line but the prior effort did not and can not work to our advantage any longer.

So now the perception is the US is the "bad guy" because NOW we have "changed the rules" from tolerating Muslim "meyham" via extortion payments, to nation building in Iraq.
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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 07:52 am
I hear what you're saying, woiyo. I still think there must be a better way than what Bush is doing -- and if his goal is to nation build then it might be helpful if we actually did build something. So far it all looks like destruction to me.

To me it looked like Bush saw a building on fire and determined that the best course of action was to poor gasoline on it. I know there are many people that believe that destroying something and rebuilding it is better and easier than saving it and fixing it. I'm just not one of those people.

I'm sure that his approach seems like a needed change in direction -- maybe even a bright new idea -- to his supporters. My thinking is that there is nothing new about his approach and there is a reason why his predecessors didn't choose it.
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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 08:25 am
"I'm sure that his approach seems like a needed change in direction -- maybe even a bright new idea -- to his supporters. My thinking is that there is nothing new about his approach and there is a reason why his predecessors didn't choose it. "

Given that Muslim culture has a longer history than "American Culture", one can look back at over, what, 8 thousand years of history and see that AT NO TIME did Muslims adopt a truly democratic form of govt or any form similiar. Turkey to a degree has, but generally speaking I have yet to see the MASSES draw together and fight for personal and political freedom.

So when GW calls for my sons/daughters service to fight for SOMEONE ELSES FREEDOM, I will surely question those motives.
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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 08:33 am
The Beginning of Islam

The present form of Islam began in Arabia in 622 CE (the year zero of the Islamic calendar).

It is based on the ministry of a man named Muhammad (peace be upon him), and on the words that Allah gave to the world through Muhammad (pbuh).

(NB. Muhammad is so esteemed by Muslims that it is usual to utter the blessing "peace be upon him" after his name. This is often abbreviated to "pbuh" and should be inferred throughout this site.)

Muhammad did not found Islam. Islam was created by Allah at the beginning of time, and in fact Muslims regard Adam as the first Muslim.

Muhammad was the final messenger through whom Allah revealed the faith to the world. There had been earlier messengers, among them Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus.

Muhammad was not only a religious leader, but a political leader as well. This established a close relationship between religion and "politics" and helped to ensure the rapid spread of the faith, and its influence on the complete way of life in many countries.

In his final sermon Muhammad summarised the heart of Islam:
Belief in One God without images or symbols,
Equality of all the Believers without distinction of race or class, the superiority of individuals being based solely on piety;
Sanctity of life, property and honour;
Abolition of interest, and of vendettas and private justice;
Better treatment of women;
Obligatory inheritance and distribution of the property of deceased persons among near relatives of both sexes, and removal of the possibility of the accumulation of wealth in the hands of the few."

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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 08:39 am
woiyo wrote:
"I'm sure that his approach seems like a needed change in direction -- maybe even a bright new idea -- to his supporters. My thinking is that there is nothing new about his approach and there is a reason why his predecessors didn't choose it. "

Given that Muslim culture has a longer history than "American Culture", one can look back at over, what, 8 thousand years of history and see that AT NO TIME did Muslims adopt a truly democratic form of govt or any form similiar. Turkey to a degree has, but generally speaking I have yet to see the MASSES draw together and fight for personal and political freedom.

So when GW calls for my sons/daughters service to fight for SOMEONE ELSES FREEDOM, I will surely question those motives.

I pretty much agree with this. I don't know if I believe that the muslim religion and democracy are completely incompatible -- there are very few cultures/nations as a percentage of the whole that have chosen democratic forms of government -- but I certainly think that our style of democracy isn't compatible and is likely to be rejected simply because it is ours.
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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 10:39 am
MerlinsGodson wrote:

Muhammad was the final messenger through whom Allah revealed the faith to the world. There had been earlier messengers, among them Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus.

All ancient religious practices amounted to attempts to establish direct contact with the spirit world, and this included oracles, prophets/prophecy, divination, idolatry and the rituals associated with idols etc.

For some reason which probably has a perfectly natural explanation, all such practices ceased to work or to work reliably in the centuries before Christ. At the time of Plato, all people trusted oracles and all political decisions in the Greek world were made by oracles. By the time of Christ, nobody had any faith in oracles anymore.

The book of Hebrews begins with a statement that prophets (Jewish oracles) were a thing of the past at that time, and that Christ was a totally different deal from prophets:


1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto he fathers by the prophets,
2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;
3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;
4 Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.
5 For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son?

Speaking of phony SOBs (like Mohammed) who might CLAIM to be prophets, Christ said:


15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them....

The "fruits" of Islam are pretty obvious to anybody who keeps up with the news.

Mohammedf was basically a bandid chieftain of some sort looking to start a religion ideally suited to ruling a horde of bandits. That's all Islam really is.
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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 10:41 am
MerlinsGodson wrote:

(Islam = )
Better treatment of women...

0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 10:45 am

Mohammedf was basically a bandid chieftain of some sort looking to start a religion ideally suited to ruling a horde of bandits. That's all Islam really is.

Can you end your incessant stream of retarded statements for just one post? Please?


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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 10:51 am
gungasnake wrote:

Mohammedf was basically a bandid chieftain of some sort looking to start a religion ideally suited to ruling a horde of bandits. That's all Islam really is.

I'm alway surprised about your theological knowledge and wisdom.
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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 10:54 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:

Mohammedf was basically a bandid chieftain of some sort looking to start a religion ideally suited to ruling a horde of bandits. That's all Islam really is.

Can you end your incessant stream of retarded statements for just one post? Please?



Try reading the life story of Mohammed. It's basically the life story of a bandid chieftain. That (rape, pillage, murder, taking wives at eight or nine years of age) is basically the way bandit chieftains live.
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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 10:58 am
You haven't displayed an Iota of understanding of what Islaam is, at all; only your own prejudices.

But, keep it up! It's fun to watch someone make an ass of themselves, yaknow? It's why reality TV does so well.

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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 11:01 am
gungasnake wrote:

Try reading the life story of Mohammed. It's basically the life story of a bandid chieftain. That (rape, pillage, murder, taking wives at eight or nine years of age) is basically the way bandit chieftains live.

Good idea.


The Life of Muhammad

(N.B. Muhammad is so esteemed by Muslims that it is usual to utter the blessing "peace be upon him" after his name. This is often abbreviated to "pbuh" and should be inferred throughout this site).

At the time of Muhammad's birth most people in Arabia believed in many different Gods and idolatry was common.

Early life
Muhammad was born 570 CE at Mecca in Arabia to a family of the Quraysh tribe.

Muhammad's father died before Muhammad's birth, and his mother died when the child was only 6, so Muhammad was raised first by his grandfather, and later by his uncle.

The family were not rich, so Muhammad spent much of his childhood tending animals for others in order to earn his livelihood.

Muhammad worked first as a trader, and gained a reputation for honesty. His nickname was "The Trustworthy".

When he was 25, Muhammad married Khadija, a wealthy widow aged 40. Muhammad soon showed an interest in spiritual matters and would spend time on retreat in the cave of Hira on "The Mountain of Light" (near Mecca).

The first revelation

In 610 Muhammad had his first revelation - a vision of the Archangel Gabriel, who told him that he was to be a prophet.

Khadija confirmed Muhammad's belief in his mission and declared herself to be his first disciple.

There was a gap of 3 years before the next revelation.

Muhammad was mocked at first by people who claimed that God had forsaken him, but the revelations resumed and over many years Muhammad received the text of the Quran in a series of revelations.

The Last Prophet

Muhammad proclaimed that the Quran was the last Book of God, and that he himself was the last Prophet.

With small group of people who believed what he said Muhammad began to spread the message.

Muhammad publicly condemned the existing idolatrous local beliefs, and religious customs, which did not make him universally popular.

In 613 Muhammad intensified his public preaching and won more converts. He and his followers were persecuted, and some of them went to Abyssinia to escape.

A long period of difficulty followed, but Muhammad and his followers remained true to the faith and he continued to preach and convert.

The Hijrah

In 622 Muhammad moved to Yathrib (later to be called Medina) with 70 colleagues; this is known as the "Hijrah" (which means 'emigration' or 'flight').

Muhammad formed a tribe of those who accepted him as the Prophet, and gradually Islam grew in strength and acceptance.

Death of Muhammad

In 632 CE Muhammad made a final pilgrimage to Mecca with over 100,000 of his followers, and gave his last sermon. He died a few months later at Medina.


This one is rather short so I will look for one that has all the details of his 'banditry'.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 11:05 am
gungasnake wrote:
... taking wives at eight or nine years of age) is basically the way bandit chieftains live.

Yeap, more than 90% of the than known world were bandits.
(Not for many years, I accept, since most died of couple years later.)
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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 12:24 pm
JustWonders wrote:
It would be good for all (not just America, but let's include Western Europe as well) to know that the value system/moral code of many Muslims is incompatible with the basic convictions of Western civilization, period.

Just ask Holland.

Considering the near-collective repudiation of Van Gogh's murder by Muslim Dutch community leaders, intellectuals as well as imams, and the participation of Muslims in demonstrations against the murder (including one demonstration of their own), it seems that the value system/moral code of many Muslims is incompatible with that of Van Gogh's murderer.

That puts them and us at the same side, way I see it, and the religious extremist who murdered Van Gogh on the other side. Dont know how you want to square that with the "incompatible civilisations" argument.
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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 12:28 pm
Where'd the maze go?
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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 12:32 pm
JustWonders wrote:
Remember, the man who murdered Van Gogh in Amsterdam was an immigrant. If he and those like him cannot tolerate freedom of speech, perhaps they should stay in those countries where blasphemy laws (say, Pakistan) are the norm.

Actually, he was born in Holland, lived all his life in Amsterdam.

Interestingly, the four members of his group who were arrested a week later for plotting the murder of four Dutch politicians included Jason and Jermaine W., two brothers of Dutch nationality, children of an American father and a Dutch mother. They converted to Islam some five years ago.
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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 12:34 pm
Heh - I dropped it in exchange for a Ukrainian avatar. (It's the button for PORA, the democratic students/youth movement thats one of the main pillars of the uprising going on there currently. See my thread about it.)
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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 01:05 pm
So, the man wasn't an immigrant and wasn't even raised Muslim, or even in a Muslim society.

JW's theory = toast....

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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 01:29 pm
The Islamists are pushing for hate speech laws and cry 'hate speech' and 'racism' to any criticism of Islam. They will murder to prove their point. That has become increasingly obvious.

Theo's film was about women being abused and oppressed. He was killed for exposing Islam's not so dirty secret about how they treat women.

So the United States is alienating the world's Muslims? Oh, that's right, that's just Islam's culture and we're not supposed to judge culture unless it is our culture that oppresses women.

Instead of reacting strongly to the obvious threat of Islamofascism there are those who have clung to the stupid thought that if we treat these thugs with respect they will change. Their lack of response only gives them the incentive to step up their murderous program of hate. Because they see that it works.

I'm not terribly interested in nuance, or root causes, or exquisite moral equivalencies right now. I'm interested in self defense, and I thank God that we have brave men and women fighting these bastards.
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